Graphical Timelines on Danish Wikipedia

So far 20 timelines have been created on this Wikipedia. Last timeline added on Saturday, May 6, 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006


Feel feel to ask Erik Zachte, the author of EasyTimeline, for help or advice at his Wikipedia user page

See also Introduction to EasyTimeline / Syntax

Timelines: Kongerækken / Sovjetunionen / 2. Slesvigske Krig / Tidslinje over vindere af Tour de France / Tidslinje over nogle europæiske regenter i det 17. århundrede / Folkevandringstiden / Tidslinje over nogle europæiske regenter i det 18. århundrede / Attila / Tidslinje for tidlig middelalder / Tidslinje over nogle europæiske regenter i det 19. århundrede / Krige i 1800-tallet / Krige i 1700-tallet / Edmund Burke / Banjul / Frankerriget / Grafisk tidslinje for Big Bang / Cgtidslinje / Gttidslinje / Gttidslinje / Gttidslinje
Kongerækken next

First version by Christian List on Monday, May 31, 2004, last update on Tuesday, May 31, 2005

# all measures are in pixels

ImageSize  = width:260 height:1200
PlotArea   = width:26 height:1180 left:50 bottom:10
AlignBars  = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:936 till:2005
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:950
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:940

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar

  bar:Leaders color:red  width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S

  from:start till:958  shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Gorm den Gamle]]
  from:944   till:984  shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Harald Blåtand]]
  from:980   till:1014 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Svend 1. Tveskæg]]
  from:1014  till:1018 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Harald 2.]]
  from:1018  till:1035 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Knud 2. den Store]]
  from:1035  till:1042 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Knud 3. Hardeknud]]
  from:1042  till:1047 shift:($dx,2)   text:[[Magnus den Gode]]
  from:1047  till:1074 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Svend 2. Estridsen]]
  from:1074  till:1080 shift:($dx,-3)  text:[[Harald 3. Hen]]
  from:1080  till:1086 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Knud 4. den Hellige]]
  from:1086  till:1095 shift:($dx,2)   text:[[Oluf 1. Hunger]]
  from:1095  till:1103 shift:($dx,3)   text:[[Erik 1. Ejegod]]
  from:1104  till:1134 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Niels]]
  from:1134  till:1137 shift:($dx,-2)  text:[[Erik 2. Emune]]
  from:1137  till:1146 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Erik 3. Lam]]
  from:1146  till:1157 shift:($dx,12)  text:[[Svend 3. Grathe]],~[[Knud 5.]]_og_[[Valdemar 1. den Store]]
  from:1157  till:1182 shift:($dx,4)   text:[[Valdemar 1. den Store]]
  from:1182  till:1202 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Knud 6.]]
  from:1202  till:1241 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Valdemar 2. Sejr]]
  from:1241  till:1250 shift:($dx,-6)  text:[[Erik 4. Plovpenning]]
  from:1250  till:1252 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Abel af Danmark|Abel]]
  from:1252  till:1259 shift:($dx,6)   text:[[Christoffer 1.]]
  from:1259  till:1286 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Erik 5. Glipping]]
  from:1286  till:1319 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Erik 6. Menved]]
  from:1320  till:1326 shift:($dx,-12) text:[[Christoffer 2.]]
  from:1326  till:1329 shift:($dx,-8)  text:[[Valdemar 3.]]
  from:1329  till:1332 shift:($dx,-4)  text:[[Christoffer 2.]]
  from:1332  till:1340 shift:($dx,2)   text:[[Den kongeløse tid]]
  from:1340  till:1375 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Valdemar 4. Atterdag]]
  from:1376  till:1387 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Oluf 3.]]
  from:1387  till:1412 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Margrete 1.]]
  from:1412  till:1439 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Erik 7. af Pommern]]
  from:1440  till:1448 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christoffer 3. af Bayern]]
  from:1448  till:1481 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 1.]]
  from:1481  till:1513 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Kong Hans|Hans]]
  from:1513  till:1523 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 2.]]
  from:1523  till:1533 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 1.]]
  from:1534  till:1559 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 3.]]
  from:1559  till:1588 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 2.]]
  from:1588  till:1648 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 4.]]
  from:1648  till:1670 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 3.]]
  from:1670  till:1699 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 5.]]
  from:1699  till:1730 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 4.]]
  from:1730  till:1746 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 6.]]
  from:1746  till:1766 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 5.]]
  from:1766  till:1808 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 7.]]
  from:1808  till:1839 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 6.]]
  from:1839  till:1848 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 8.]]
  from:1848  till:1863 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 7.]]
  from:1863  till:1906 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 9.]]
  from:1906  till:1912 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 8.]]
  from:1912  till:1947 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Christian 10.]]
  from:1947  till:1972 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Frederik 9.]]
  from:1972  till:end  shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Margrethe 2.]]

Sovjetunionen top  next

First version by Christian List on Monday, May 31, 2004, last update on Sunday, November 13, 2005

# All measures all in pixels
ImageSize  = width:225 height:550
PlotArea   = width: 26 height:530 left:50 bottom:10 # alignment is wrong when plotarea width (25) equals bar width (25)
                                                    # will be fixed in next EasyTimeline update  
AlignBars  = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1919 till:1991
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar

  bar:Leaders color:red width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S

  from:start till:1924 shift:($dx,15)   text:[[Vladimir Lenin|Vladimir Iljitj Lenin]]~1917-1924
  from:1922  till:1953 shift:($dx,5)    text:[[Josef Stalin]]~1924-1953
  from:1953  till:1964 shift:($dx,5)    text:[[Nikita Khrusjtjov]]~1953-64 
  from:1964  till:1982 shift:($dx,5)    text:[[Leonid Brezjnev]]~1964-1982
  from:1982  till:1984 shift:($dx,-10)    text:[[Jurij Andropov]]~1982-1984
  from:1984  till:1985 shift:($dx,4)    text:[[Konstantin Tjernenko]]~1984-1985 
  from:1985  till:end  shift:($dx,10)   text:[[Mikhail Gorbatjov]]~1985-1991

2. Slesvigske Krig top  next

Initial version by Poul G on Monday, December 5, 2005

DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy
ImageSize  = width:800 height:auto barincrement:40
PlotArea   = left:70 right:180 bottom:30 top:5
AlignBars  = justify

Colors     =
  id:fCanvas  value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)
  id:fGrid1   value:rgb(0.80,0.80,0.80)
  id:fGrid2   value:rgb(0.86,0.86,0.86)
  id:fBrun    value:rgb(0.5,0.3,0.0)
  id:fGrå     value:gray(0.7)
  id:fKrig    value:rgb(1,0.2,0.2)
  id:fVåbenhv value:rgb(0.7,0.5,0.5)

Period     = from:01/01/1864 till:01/08/1864
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:mm/yyyy
ScaleMajor = unit:month increment:3 start:1864 gridcolor:fGrid1
ScaleMinor = unit:month increment:1 start:1864 gridcolor:fGrid2

BackgroundColors = canvas:fCanvas bars:fCanvas

  bar:Overordnet  text:"Overordnet"
  barset:Landkrigen text:"Landkrigen"
  barset:Søkrigen text:"Søkrigen"

  width:30 fontsize:S 
  bar:Titel from:start till:end text:"2. Slesvigske Krig" fontsize:XL anchor:middle align:center shift:(0,-7) mark:(line,black) color:fGrid2


  bar:Overordnet align:center color:fKrig shift:(-4,-4)
  from:start      till:end color:fGrå # baggrund
  from:16/01/1864 till:31/01/1864 text: "Optakt" color:fVåbenhv
  from:01/02/1864 till:11/05/1864 text: "Hovedkampe" # fontsize:XS shift:(0,0)
  from:12/05/1864 till:25/06/1864 text:"Våbenhvile" color:fVåbenhv
  from:26/06/1864 till:20/07/1864 text: "Opfølgning"

  mark:(line,black) shift:(5,4) fontsize:S textcolor:black align:left

  at:04/01/1864 text:"4. jan.~[[Christian de Meza|de Meza]]~overgeneral"
  at:16/01/1864 text:"16. feb.~Krigs-~udbrud"
  at:01/02/1864 text:"1. feb.~Ejderen~krydses"
  at:02/02/1864 text:"2. feb.~Kampen om~[[Kampen om Mysunde|Mysunde]]"
  at:05/02/1864 text:"5. feb.~[[Dannevirke]]~rømmes"
  at:06/02/1864 text:"6. feb.~Slaget ved~[[Slaget ved Sankelmark|Sankelmark]]"
  at:28/02/1864 text:"29. feb.~[[George Daniel Gerlach|Gerlach]]~overgeneral"
  from:07/04/1864 till:17/04/1864 text:"7.-17. apr.-~Kampene ved~Dybbøl" color:fGrå shift:(20,5)
  at:18/04/1864 text:"18. apr.~Stormen på~[[Dybbøl]]"
  at:28/04/1864 text:"28. apr.~Fredericia~opgives"
  at:29/06/1864 text:"29. juni~Overgangen~til Als"
  at:03/07/1864 text:"3. juli~Kampen ved~[[Kampen ved Lundby|Lundby]]"
  at:05/07/1864 text:"7. juli~[[Peter Frederik Steinmann|Steinmann]]~overgeneral

  at:17/03/1864 text:"17. mar.~Slaget ved ~[[Slaget ved Rügen|Rügen]]
  at:09/05/1864 text:"9. maj~Slaget ved~[[Slaget ved Helgoland|Helgoland]]"

  bar:Måneder color:fGrå align:center mark:(none,fGrå)
  from:01/01/1864 till:01/02/1864 text:"Jan"
  from:01/02/1864 till:01/03/1864 text:"Feb" color:fCanvas
  from:01/03/1864 till:01/04/1864 text:"Mar"
  from:01/04/1864 till:01/05/1864 text:"Apr" color:fCanvas
  from:01/05/1864 till:01/06/1864 text:"Maj"
  from:01/06/1864 till:01/07/1864 text:"Jun" color:fCanvas
  from:01/07/1864 till:01/08/1864 text:"Jul"

Template:Tidslinje over vindere af Tour de France top  next

First version by Glenn on Saturday, July 17, 2004, last update on Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Preset     = TimeVertical_OneBar_UnitYear
ImageSize  = width:220 height:1380
PlotArea   = bottom:220 left:40
Period     = from:1903 till:2006
ScaleMajor = start:1905 increment:5
ScaleMinor = start:1903 increment:1

Colors =
  id:canvas      value:gray(0.9)
  id:France      value:rgb(0,0,1)       legend:Frankrig_(36)
  id:Belgium     value:rgb(1,0,1)       legend:Belgien_(18)
  id:Italy       value:rgb(0,0.9,0)     legend:Italien_(9)
  id:US          value:rgb(1,1,0)       legend:USA_(8)
  id:Spain       value:rgb(1,0,0)       legend:Spanien_(8)
  id:Luxembourg  value:rgb(0,0.8,0.8)   legend:Luxembourg_(4)
  id:Netherlands value:rgb(0.7,0.3,0)   legend:Holland_(2)
  id:Switzerland value:rgb(0,0,0.6)     legend:Svejts_(2)
  id:Denmark     value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0)   legend:Danmark_(1)
  id:Germany     value:rgb(0,0.6,0)     legend:Tyskland_(1)
  id:Ireland     value:rgb(0.6,0,0)     legend:Irland_(1)

  id:linemark    value:gray(0.8)
  id:linemark2   value:gray(0.9)

BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas

Legend = orientation:vertical columns:1 top:200 left: 45

PlotData =
  from:1903 till:1904 text:"1 [[Maurice Garin]]" color:France
  from:1904 till:1905 text:"2 [[Henri Cornet]]" color:France
  from:1905 till:1906 text:"3 [[Louis Trousselier]]" color:France
  from:1906 till:1907 text:"4 [[René Polthier]]" color:France
  from:1907 till:1908 text:"5 [[Lucien Petit-Breton]]" color:France
  from:1908 till:1909 text:"6 Lucien Petit-Breton 2" color:France
  from:1909 till:1910 text:"7 [[François Faber]]" color:Luxembourg
  from:1910 till:1911 text:"8 [[Octave Lapize]]" color:France
  from:1911 till:1912 text:"9 [[Gustave Garrigou]]" color:France
  from:1912 till:1913 text:"10 [[Odile Defraye]]" color:Belgium
  from:1913 till:1914 text:"11 [[Philippe Thys]]" color:Belgium
  from:1914 till:1915 text:"12 Philippe Thys 2" color:Belgium
  from:1919 till:1920 text:"13 [[Firmin Lambot]]" color:Belgium
  from:1920 till:1921 text:"14 Philippe Thys" color:Belgium
  from:1921 till:1922 text:"15 [[Léon Scieur]]" color:Belgium
  from:1922 till:1923 text:"16 Firmin Lambot 2" color:Belgium
  from:1923 till:1924 text:"17 [[Henri Pélissier]]" color:France
  from:1924 till:1925 text:"18 [[Ottavio Bottecchia]]" color:Italy
  from:1925 till:1926 text:"19 Ottavio Bottecchia 2" color:Italy mark:(line,linemark2)
  from:1926 till:1927 text:"20 [[Lucien Buysse]]" color:Belgium
  from:1927 till:1928 text:"21 [[Nicolas Frantz]]" color:Luxembourg
  from:1928 till:1929 text:"22 Nicolas Frantz 2" color:Luxembourg
  from:1929 till:1930 text:"23 [[Maurice de Waele]]" color:Belgium
  from:1930 till:1931 text:"24 [[André Leducq]]" color:France
  from:1931 till:1932 text:"25 [[Antonin Magne]]" color:France
  from:1932 till:1933 text:"26 André Leducq 2" color:France
  from:1933 till:1934 text:"27 [[Georges Speicher]]" color:France
  from:1934 till:1935 text:"28 Antonin Magne" color:France
  from:1935 till:1936 text:"29 [[Romain Maes]]" color:Belgium
  from:1936 till:1937 text:"30 [[Sylvère Maes]]" color:Belgium
  from:1937 till:1938 text:"31 [[Roger Lapébie]]" color:France
  from:1938 till:1939 text:"32 [[Gino Bartali]]" color:Italy
  from:1939 till:1940 text:"33 Sylvère Maes 2" color:Belgium
  from:1947 till:1948 text:"34 [[Jean Robic]]" color:France
  from:1948 till:1949 text:"35 Gino Bartali" color:Italy
  from:1949 till:1950 text:"36 [[Fausto Coppi]]" color:Italy mark:(line,linemark2)
  from:1950 till:1951 text:"37 [[Ferdinand Kubler]]" color:Switzerland
  from:1951 till:1952 text:"38 [[Hugo Koblet]]" color:Switzerland
  from:1952 till:1953 text:"39 Fausto Coppi" color:Italy
  from:1953 till:1954 text:"40 [[Louison Bobet]]" color:France
  from:1954 till:1955 text:"41 Louison Bobet 2" color:France
  from:1955 till:1956 text:"42 Louison Bobet 3" color:France
  from:1956 till:1957 text:"43 [[Roger Walkowiak]]" color:France
  from:1957 till:1958 text:"44 [[Jacques Anquetil]]" color:France
  from:1958 till:1959 text:"45 [[Charly Gaul]]" color:Luxembourg
  from:1959 till:1960 text:"46 [[Federico Bahamontes]]" color:Spain
  from:1960 till:1961 text:"47 [[Gastone Nencini]]" color:Italy
  from:1961 till:1962 text:"48 Jacques Anquetil 2" color:France
  from:1962 till:1963 text:"49 Jacques Anquetil 3" color:France
  from:1963 till:1964 text:"50 Jacques Anquetil 4" color:France
  from:1964 till:1965 text:"51 Jacques Anquetil 5" color:France
  from:1965 till:1966 text:"52 [[Felice Gimondi]]" color:Italy
  from:1966 till:1967 text:"53 [[Lucien Aimar]]" color:France
  from:1967 till:1968 text:"54 [[Roger Pingeon]]" color:France
  from:1968 till:1969 text:"55 [[Jan Janssen]]" color:Netherlands
  from:1969 till:1970 text:"56 [[Eddy Merckx]]" color:Belgium
  from:1970 till:1971 text:"57 Eddy Merckx 2" color:Belgium
  from:1971 till:1972 text:"58 Eddy Merckx 3" color:Belgium
  from:1972 till:1973 text:"59 Eddy Merckx 4" color:Belgium
  from:1973 till:1974 text:"60 [[Luis Ocaña]]" color:Spain
  from:1974 till:1975 text:"61 Eddy Merckx 5" color:Belgium
  from:1975 till:1976 text:"62 [[Bernard Thévenet]]" color:France
  from:1976 till:1977 text:"63 [[Lucien Van Impe]]" color:Belgium
  from:1977 till:1978 text:"64 Bernard Thévenet 2" color:France
  from:1978 till:1979 text:"65 [[Bernard Hinault]]" color:France
  from:1979 till:1980 text:"66 Bernard Hinault 2" color:France
  from:1980 till:1981 text:"67 [[Joop Zoetemelk]]" color:Netherlands
  from:1981 till:1982 text:"68 Bernard Hinault 3" color:France
  from:1982 till:1983 text:"69 Bernard Hinault 4" color:France
  from:1983 till:1984 text:"70 [[Laurent Fignon]]" color:France
  from:1984 till:1985 text:"71 Laurent Fignon 2" color:France
  from:1985 till:1986 text:"72 Bernard Hinault 5" color:France
  from:1986 till:1987 text:"73 [[Greg LeMond]]" color:US
  from:1987 till:1988 text:"74 [[Stephen Roche]]" color:Ireland
  from:1988 till:1989 text:"75 [[Pedro Delgado]]" color:Spain
  from:1989 till:1990 text:"76 Greg LeMond 2" color:US
  from:1990 till:1991 text:"77 Greg LeMond 3" color:US
  from:1991 till:1992 text:"78 [[Miguel Induráin]]" color:Spain
  from:1992 till:1993 text:"79 Miguel Induráin 2" color:Spain
  from:1993 till:1994 text:"80 Miguel Induráin 3" color:Spain
  from:1994 till:1995 text:"81 Miguel Induráin 4" color:Spain
  from:1995 till:1996 text:"82 Miguel Induráin 5" color:Spain
  from:1996 till:1997 text:"83 [[Bjarne Riis]]" color:Denmark
  from:1997 till:1998 text:"84 [[Jan Ullrich]]" color:Germany
  from:1998 till:1999 text:"85 [[Marco Pantani]]" color:Italy
  from:1999 till:2000 text:"86 [[Lance Armstrong]]" color:US
  from:2000 till:2001 text:"87 Lance Armstrong 2" color:US
  from:2001 till:2002 text:"88 Lance Armstrong 3" color:US
  from:2002 till:2003 text:"89 Lance Armstrong 4" color:US
  from:2003 till:2004 text:"90 Lance Armstrong 5" color:US
  from:2004 till:2005 text:"91 Lance Armstrong 6" color:US
  from:2005 till:2006 text:"92 Lance Armstrong 7" color:US

Tidslinje over nogle europæiske regenter i det 17. århundrede top  next

First version by Nico on Wednesday, August 25, 2004, last update on Sunday, July 24, 2005

ImageSize  = width:820 height:450
PlotArea   = width:725 height:400 left:95 bottom:30

Colors     =
  id:canvas value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)
  id:grid1  value:rgb(0.86,0.86,0.86)
  id:grid3  value:gray(0.9) # rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9)
  id:black  value:rgb(0,0,0)
  id:grey   value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9)
  id:ch1    value:rgb(0.6,0.6,1) # color undisputed champs alternate in two shades of blue
  id:ch2    value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.8)

BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:canvas

Period     = from:1600 till:1700
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1600 gridcolor:grid1
DateFormat = yyyy

AlignBars  = justify

# Drawlines uses black instead of specified color, bug?
# DrawLines =
# at:1650 color:grid3
# at:1700 color:grid1
# at:1750 color:grid3 

# set presentation order of bars
# text:_ means show no text on axis (I'll make this default behaviour in next version of EasyTimeline)
# bars e1,e2,e3 are only used to provide extra space

TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy

  bar:champions1 text:_   
  bar:Danmark    text:[[Danmark]]
  bar:Tyskland   text:[[Tyskland]]
  bar:Sverige    text:[[Sverige]]
  bar:Frankrig   text:[[Frankrig]]
  bar:England    text:[[England]]
  bar:Rusland    text:[[Rusland]]
  bar:Polen      text:[[Polen]]
  bar:Spanien    text:[[Spanien]]
  bar:Nederlandene   text:[[Nederlandene]]
  bar:Preussen   text:[[Brandenburg]]
Define $shift1 = shift:(0,-27) 
Define $shift2 = shift:(0,-37)
Define $shift3 = shift:(0,-47)
Define $shift4 = shift:(0,-57)
Define $shift5 = shift:(0,-67)


# set faults
  width:25 fontsize:XL textcolor:black align:left shift:(10,-5)

# draw the background bar and bar descriptions 
  bar:champions1 from:1610 till:1690 color:blue   
  bar:champions1 at:1612 text:"Nogle europaeiske regenter"
  bar:champions1 at:1645 text:" Fra omkring 1600 - 1700 "

# new defaults

# place champions below bar
  bar:champions1 from:1610 till:1690 color:ch1

# change defaults
 bar:champions1 at:1690 text:[[Tidslinje regenter i 1700-tallet|1700-1800]]

# events, placed on consecutive (invisible) bars 
  bar:Danmark  at:1600 text:" [[Christian 4.]] 1588-1648 "
  bar:Danmark  from:1600 till:1648 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  from:1670 till:1699 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  at:1648 text:" [[Frederik 3.]] 1650-1670 "
  bar:Danmark  at:1675 text:" [[Christian 5.]] 1670-1699"
  bar:Tyskland  at:1601 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Rudolf 2. Tysk-romerske rige 1576-1612|Rudolf 2.]]~1576-1612"
  bar:Tyskland  at:1665 text:"[[Leopold 1. Tysk-romerske rige]] 1658-1705"
  bar:Tyskland  at:1611 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Matthias (Tysk-romerske rige)|Matthias]]~1612-1619"
  bar:Tyskland  at:1620 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Ferdinand 2. (Tysk-romerske rige)|Ferdinand 2.]]~1619-1637"
  bar:Tyskland  at:1637 text:"[[Ferdinand 3. Tysk-romerske rige 1637-1658|Ferdinand 3.]]" 1637-1658
  bar:Tyskland  from:1600 till:1612 color:grey
  bar:Tyskland  from:1619 till:1637 color:grey
  bar:Tyskland  from:1658 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  at:1601 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Karl 9. af Sverige 1699-1611|Karl 9.]]~1699-1611"
  bar:Sverige  at:1610 text:"[[Gustav 2. Adolf af Sverige|Gustav 2. Adolf 1611-1632]]"
  bar:Sverige  at:1635 text:"[[Kristina af Sverige|Kristina 1632-1654]]"
  bar:Sverige  from:1611 till:1632 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  from:1654 till:1660 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  at:1654 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Karl 10. Gustav af Sverige 1654-1660|Karl 10. Gustav]]~1654-1660"
  bar:Sverige  at:1665 shift:(2,1)text:"~[[Karl 11. af Sverige]] 1660-1697"
  bar:Sverige  from:1697 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  at:1692 shift:(0,1) text:"[[Karl 12. af Sverige 1697-1718|Karl 12.]]~1697-1718"
  bar:Frankrig  from:1600 till:1610 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig  from:1643 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig  at:1601 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Henrik 4. af Frankrig 1589-1610|Henrik 4.]]~1589-1610"
  bar:Frankrig  at:1610 text:"[[Ludvig 13. af Frankrig]] 1610-1643"
  bar:Frankrig  at:1670 text:"[[Ludvig 14. af Frankrig]] 1643-1715" 
  bar:England  at:1601 text:"[[Jakob 1. af England]] 1603-1625
  bar:England  at:1627 shift:(2,1)text:" [[Karl 1. af England]] 1625-1649
  bar:England  at:1640 shift:(2,1)text:"~[[Oliver Cromwell 1653-1658]]"
  bar:England  at:1655 shift:(2,1)text:"[[Richard Cromwell 1658-1659]]"
  bar:England  from:1603 till:1625 color:grey
  bar:England  from:1653 till:1658 color:grey
  bar:England  from:1660 till:1685 color:grey
  bar:England  from:1689 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:England  at:1665 shift:(2,1)text:"~[[Karl 2. af England|Karl 2.]] 1660-1685
  bar:England  at:1682 shift:(2,1) text:" [[Jakob 2. af England 1685-1688|Jakob 2.]]~1685-1688
  bar:England  at:1691 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 3. af Oranien 1689-1702|Vilhelm 3.]]~1689-1702
  bar:Rusland  from:1600 till:1612 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1645 till:1676 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1682 till:1689 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  at:1600 text:"* 1."
  bar:Rusland  at:1613 text:"[[Michael Feodorovitsch af Rusland|Michael Feodorovitsch]] 1613-1645"
  bar:Rusland  at:1645 text:"[[Alexej Michailovitch af Rusland|Alexej Michailovitch]] 1645-1675"
  bar:Rusland  at:1675 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Feodor 3. af Rusland 1676-1682|Feodor 3.]]~1676-1682" 
  bar:Rusland  at:1682 text:"[[Ivan 5. og Peter den Store 1682-1689|*2]]"
  bar:Rusland  at:1688 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Peter den Store af Rusland]]~1689-1725" 
  bar:Polen  from:1632 till:1648 color:grey
  bar:Polen  from:1669 till:1673 color:grey
  bar:Polen  from:1697 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:Polen  at:1600 text:"[[Sigismund 3. Vasa af Polen|Sigismund 3. Vasa]]  1587-1632"
  bar:Polen  at:1632 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vladislav 4. Vasa af Polen 1632-1648|Vladislav 4. Vasa]]~1632-1648"
  bar:Polen  at:1648 shift:(1,1) text:"[[Johan 2. Kasimir Vasa af Polen 1648-1669|Johan 2. Kasimir]]~1648-1669 "
  bar:Polen  at:1667 shift:(0,2) text:"[[Michael Wisniowiecki af Polen 1669-1673|Michael]]
  bar:Polen  at:1667 shift:(0,2) text:"~[[Michael Wisniowiecki af Polen 1669-1673|Wisniowiecki]]~1669-1673"
  bar:Polen  at:1677  text:"[[Johan 3. Sobieski af Polen 1674-1696|Johan 3. Sobieski]]~1674-1696"
  bar:Polen  at:1694 shift:(2,1)text:"[[August 2. af Sachsen 1696-1704|August 2.]]~1696-1704"
  bar:Spanien  from:1621 till:1665 color:grey
  bar:Spanien  at:1600 text:"[[Filip 3. af Spanien|Filip 3.]] 1598-1621"
  bar:Spanien  at:1621 text:"[[Filip 4. af Spanien]] 1621-1665"
  bar:Spanien  at:1665 text:"[[Karl 2. af Spanien]] 1665-1700"
  bar:Nederlandene  from:1600 till:1625 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene  from:1647 till:1650 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene  from:1672 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1600 text:"[[Morits af Nederlandene|Morits]] 1585-1625"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1624 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Frederik Hendrik af Nederlandene|Frederik Hendrik]] 1625-1647"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1646 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 2. af Nederlandene 1647-1650|Vilhelm 2. 1647-1650]]"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1649 shift:(2,1) text:"~Ingen statholder 1650-1672"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1672 text:"[[Vilhelm 3. af Nederlandene|Vilhelm 3.]] 1672-1702"
  bar:Preussen  from:1600 till:1608 color:grey
  bar:Preussen  from:1619 till:1640 color:grey
  bar:Preussen  from:1688 till:1700 color:grey
  bar:Preussen  at:1600 shift:(2,1)text:"[[Joachim Frederik af Brandenburg 1598-1608|Joachim Frederik]] 1598-1608"
  bar:Preussen  at:1608 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Johan Sigismund af Brandenburg 1608-1619|Johan Sigismund]] 1608-1619"
  bar:Preussen  at:1625  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Georg Vilhelm af Brandenburg-Preussen|Georg Vilhelm]] 1619-1640"
  bar:Preussen  at:1650 text:"[[Frederik Vilhelm den store af Brandenburg-Preussen|Frederik Vilhelm]] 1640-1688"
  bar:Preussen  at:1680 text:"[[Frederik 1. af Preussen 1688-1713]]"

Folkevandringstiden top  next

Initial version by Sten on Sunday, March 5, 2006

DateFormat = yyyy
ImageSize  = width:750 height:auto barincrement:18
PlotArea   = left:20 right:40 bottom:30 top:15

Colors     =
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  id:Byzantinere value:rgb(0.80,0.80,0.99)
  id:Gotere value:rgb(0.80,0.99,0.80)
  id:Langobardere value:rgb(0.80,0.99,0.80)
  id:Germanere1 value:rgb(0.80,0.99,0.80)
  id:Germanere2 value:rgb(0.90,0.99,0.80)
  id:Germanere3 value:rgb(0.80,0.99,0.80)
  id:Vandaler value:rgb(0.80,0.99,0.80)
  id:Islam value:rgb(0.70,0.99,0.70)
  id:Hunner value:rgb(0.80,0.60,0.40)
  id:Avarer value:rgb(0.80,0.80,0.60)
  id:Slaver value:rgb(0.99,0.80,0.60)
  id:Magyarer  value:rgb(0.90,0.30,0.60)
  id:Levetid  value:rgb(0.99,0.80,0.80)
  id:Regeringstid value:rgb(0.99,0.60,0.60)
  id:Kejser value:rgb(0.99,0.30,0.50)
  id:gray        value:gray(0.7)
  id:lightblue   value:rgb(0.60,0.99,0.99)

Period     = from:267 till:1000
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy
ScaleMinor = unit:year  increment:25  start:325 gridcolor:grid2
ScaleMajor = unit:year  increment:100 start:300 gridcolor:grid1
AlignBars  = justify

BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:canvas


  width:18 fontsize:S textcolor:black align:center
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  from:424 till:455 text:[[Valentinian 3.]]
  from:747 till:771 text:"[[Karl den Store]]"
  from:771 till:800
  from:800 till:814
  from:271 till:306 text:[[Konstantin den Store]]
  from:306 till:337
  from:406 till:434 text:[[Attila]]
  from:434 till:453
  from:540 till:590 text:[[Gregor 1.]]
  from:590 till:604 
  from:632 till:735 text:[[Beda]]
  from:454 till:488 text:[[Theodorik den Store]]
  from:488 till:526
  from:570 till:632 text:"[[Muhammed]]
  from:457 till:751 text:"[[Merovinger]]"
  from:751 till:end text:"[[Karolinger]]"
  from:539 till:751 text:"[[Eksarkatet i Ravenna]]"
  from:568 till:774 text:"[[Langobarder]]"
  from:267 till:271 text:"[[Goter|Gotiske]] vandringer"
  from:400 till:534 text:"[[Vandaler]]"
  from:429 till:711 text:"[[Vestgoter|Vestgotisk]] Iberien"
  from:711 till:end text:[[Al-Andalus]]
  from:410 till:590 text:"[[Angelsakser]]nes invasion i [[Britannien]]"
  from:793 till:end text:"[[Viking]]etogter"
  from:370 till:454 text:[[Hunner]]
  from:500 till:805 text:[[Avarer]]
  from:635 till:685 text:[[Onogur]]
  from:681 till:end text:[[Bulgarien]]
  from:623 till:658 text:[[Samo]]s rige
  from:770 till:907 text:[[Stormähren]]
  from:626 till:end text:[[Kroatien (middelalder)|Kroatien]]
  from:896 till:end text:[[Magyarer]]
  at:410 text:410 Vestgoterne plyndrer Rom
  at:410 text:410 De romerske tropper forlader Britannien
  at:439 text:439 Vandalerne i Carthago
  at:451 text:451 Slaget på de Katalauniske Marker
  at:455 text:455 Vandalerne plyndrer Rom
  at:476 text:476 Den sidste, vestromerske kejser afsat
  at:486 text:486 Den sidste, romerske statholder i Gallien
  at:626 text:626 Avarerne ved Konstantinopel
  at:805 text:805 Frankerne udsletter avarerne

Tidslinje over nogle europæiske regenter i det 18. århundrede top  next

First version by Nico on Thursday, October 14, 2004, last update on Tuesday, August 30, 2005

ImageSize  = width:820 height:450
PlotArea   = width:725 height:400 left:95 bottom:30

Colors     =
  id:canvas value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)
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  id:ch2    value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.8)

BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:canvas

Period     = from:1700 till:1800
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1700 gridcolor:grid1
DateFormat = yyyy

AlignBars  = justify

# Drawlines uses black instead of specified color, bug?
# DrawLines =
# at:1650 color:grid3
# at:1700 color:grid1
# at:1750 color:grid3 

# set presentation order of bars
# text:_ means show no text on axis (I'll make this default behaviour in next version of EasyTimeline)
# bars e1,e2,e3 are only used to provide extra space

TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy

  bar:champions1 text:_   
  bar:Danmark    text:[[Danmark]]
  bar:Tyskland   text:[[Tyskland]]
  bar:Sverige    text:[[Sverige]]
  bar:Frankrig   text:[[Frankrig]]
  bar:England    text:[[England]]
  bar:Rusland    text:[[Rusland]]
  bar:Polen      text:[[Polen]]
  bar:Spanien    text:[[Spanien]]
  bar:Nederlandene   text:[[Nederlandene]]
  bar:Preussen   text:[[Preussen]]

Define $shift1 = shift:(0,-27) 
Define $shift2 = shift:(0,-37)
Define $shift3 = shift:(0,-47)
Define $shift4 = shift:(0,-57)
Define $shift5 = shift:(0,-67)
Define $shift6 = shift:(0,-5)


# set faults
  width:25 fontsize:XL  textcolor:black align:left shift:(10,-5)

# draw the background bar and bar descriptions 
  bar:champions1 from:start till:end color:grey   
  bar:champions1 at:1710 text:"Nogle europaeiske regenter"
  bar:champions1 at:1745 text:" fra 1700 - 1800 "

# new defaults

# place champions below bar
  bar:champions1 from:1710 till:1790 color:ch1

# change defaults
  bar:champions1 at:1700 text:[[Tidslinje regenter i 1600-tallet|1600-1700]] 
  bar:champions1 at:1790 text:[[Tidslinje regenter i 1800-tallet|1800-1900]] 
# events, placed on consecutive (invisible) bars 
  bar:Danmark  from:1700 till:1730 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  from:1746 till:1766 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  at:1700 text:"[[Frederik 4.]] 1700-1730"
  bar:Danmark  at:1726 text:"[[Christian 6.]] 1730-1746
  bar:Danmark  at:1746 text:"[[Frederik 5.]] 1746-1766
  bar:Danmark  at:1766 text:"[[Christian 7.]] 1766-1808"  
  bar:Tyskland  at:1700 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Leopold 1. Tysk-romerske rige|Leopold 1.]] 1658-1705 "
  bar:Tyskland  from:1700 till:1705 color:grey
  bar:Tyskland  from:1765 till:1790 color:grey
  bar:Tyskland  at:1705 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Josef 1. Tysk-romerske rige 1705-1711|Josef 1.]] 1705-1711"
  bar:Tyskland  from:1711 till:1740 color:grey
  bar:Tyskland  at:1720 text:"[[Karl 6. Tysk-romerske rige|Karl 6.]] 1711-1740" 
  bar:Tyskland  at:1741 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Karl 7. af Bayern 1742-1745|Karl 7.]] 1742-1745"
  bar:Tyskland  from:1742 till:1745 color:grey
  bar:Tyskland  at:1745 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Frans 1. Stefan Tysk-romerske rige|Frans 1. Stefan]]1745-1765"
  bar:Tyskland  at:1767 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Josef 2. Tysk-romerske rige|Josef 2.]] 1765-1790" 
  bar:Tyskland  at:1784  shift:(2,1) text:"        |~[[Leopold 2. Tysk-romerske rige 1790-1792|Leopold 2.]~1790-1792" 
  bar:Tyskland  at:1792  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frans 2. Tysk-romerske rige 1792-1806|Frans 2.]]~1792-1806" 
  bar:Tyskland  from:1792 till:1800 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  from:1700 till:1718 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  at:1700 shift:(2,1)text:"[[Karl XII af Sverige|Karl 12.]] 1697-1718"
  bar:Sverige  at:1717 shift:(2,1)text:"  |~[[Ulrika Eleonora 1719-1720]]"
  bar:Sverige  from:1720 till:1751 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  from:1771 till:1792 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  at:1720 shift:(2,1)text:" [[Frederik 1. af Sverige]] 1720-1751"
  bar:Sverige  at:1749 text:" [[Adolf Frederik af Sverige|Adolf Frederik]] 1751-1771"
  bar:Sverige  at:1771 text:" [[Gustav 3. af Sverige|Gustav 3.]] 1771-1792"
  bar:Sverige  at:1790 text:" [[Gustav 4. Adolf af Sverige|Gustav 4.]] 1792-1809"
  bar:Frankrig  from:1715 till:1774 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig  at:1700 text:"[[Ludvig 14. af Frankrig|Ludvig 14.]] 1643-1715" 
  bar:Frankrig  at:1725 text:"1715 [[Ludvig 15. af Frankrig|Ludvig 15.]] - 1774"
  bar:Frankrig  from:1792 till:1800 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig  at:1774 text:"[[Ludvig 16. af Frankrig|Ludvig 16.]] 1774-1792" 
  bar:England  from:1714 till:1727 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig  at:1792 text:"Republik" 
  bar:England  from:1700 till:1702 color:grey
  bar:England  at:1700 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 3. af Oranien 1689-1702|Vilhelm 3.]] 1689-1702
  bar:England  at:1702 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Anne Stuart 1702-1714]]
  bar:England  at:1719 shift:(2,1) text:"[[George 1. af Storbritannien 1714-1727|George 1.]] 1714-1727
  bar:England  at:1727 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[George 2. af Storbritannien]] 1727-1760"
  bar:England  at:1760 text:"[[George 3. af Storbritannien]] 1760-1820"
  bar:England  from:1760 till:1800 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1725 till:1727 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1730 till:1740 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1741 till:1762 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1763 till:1796 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  at:1700 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Peter den Store]] 1689-1725" 
  bar:Rusland  at:1723 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Katharina 1. af Rusland 1725-1727|Katharina 1.]]~1725-1727"
  bar:Rusland  at:1726 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Peter 2. af Rusland 1727-1730|Peter 2.]] 1727-1730"
  bar:Rusland  at:1735 shift:(2,1) text:"~|~[[Anna Ivanovna af Rusland]] 1730-1740"
  bar:Rusland  at:1740 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Ivan 6. af Rusland 1740-1741|Ivan 6.]] 1740-1741"
  bar:Rusland  at:1743 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Elisabeth af Rusland  1741-1762|Elisabeth]] 1741-1762"
  bar:Rusland  at:1762 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Peter 3. af Rusland|Peter 3.]] 1762"
  bar:Rusland  at:1766  shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Katharina 2. af Rusland|Katharina 2.]]  1762-1796"
  bar:Rusland  at:1791 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Paul af Rusland 1796-1801|Paul]]~1796-1801 "
  bar:Polen  from:1700 till:1704 color:grey
  bar:Polen  from:1709 till:1733 color:grey
  bar:Polen  from:1764 till:1795 color:grey
  bar:Polen  at:1700 shift:(2,1) text:"[[August 2. af Sachsen 1696-1704|August 2.]] 1696-1704 og 1709-1733"
  bar:Polen  at:1704 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Stanislav Leszczinski 1. af Polen 1705-1709|Stanislav Leszczinski 1.]] 1705-1709"
  bar:Polen  at:1733 shift:(2,1) text:"[[August 3. af Polen|August 3.]] 1733-1763" 
  bar:Polen  at:1764 text:"[[Stanislav Poniatovski]] 1764-1795" 
  bar:Polen  at:1795 text:"[[Polen deles mellem Rusland, Preussen og Østrig|*]]" 
  bar:Spanien  from:1700 till:1746 color:grey
  bar:Spanien  from:1759 till:1788 color:grey
  bar:Spanien  at:1700 text:"[[Filip 5. af Spanien|Filip 5.]] 1700-1746"
  bar:Spanien  at:1746 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Ferdinand 6. af Spanien 1746-1759|Ferdinand 6.]]~1746-1759"
  bar:Spanien  at:1759 text:"[[Karl 3. af Spanien|Karl 3.]] 1759-1788"
  bar:Spanien  at:1788 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Karl 4. af Spanien 1788-1808|Karl 4.]]~1788-1808" 
  bar:Nederlandene  from:1700 till:1702 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene  from:1747 till:1751 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene  from:1795 till:1800 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1700 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 3. af Oranien]] 1672-1702"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1720 shift:(2,1) text:"~1702-1747 Ingen statholder"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1746 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 4. af Nederlandene|Vilhelm 4.]]~1747-1751
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1760 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Vilhelm 5. af Nederlandene]] 1751-1795"
  bar:Nederlandene  at:1792 text:"[[Bataviske Republik 1795-1806|Republik]] "
  bar:Preussen  from:1700 till:1713 color:grey
  bar:Preussen  from:1740 till:1786 color:grey
  bar:Preussen  from:1797 till:1800 color:grey
  bar:Preussen  at:1700 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frederik 1. af Preussen 1688-1713|Frederik 1.]] 1688-1713"
  bar:Preussen  at:1713 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Frederik Vilhelm 1. af Preussen|Frederik Vilhelm 1.]] 1713-1740"
  bar:Preussen  at:1740 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frederik den Store af Preussen]] 1740-1786"
  bar:Preussen  at:1776 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frederik Vilhelm 2. af Preussen|Frederik Vilhelm 2.]] 1786-1797"
  bar:Preussen  at:1778 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Frederik Vilhelm 3. af Preussen|Frederik Vilhelm 3.]] 1797-1840"

Attila top  next

Initial version by Sten on Wednesday, January 4, 2006

ImageSize  = width:450 height:450
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:400 till:460
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical 
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:400
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:5 start:400

  color:red mark:(line,black) align:left fontsize:S 
  shift:(25,0) # shift text to right side of bar

  # there is no automatic collision detection, fontsize:XS 
  # so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap shift:(25,-10) 

  at:406             text:Attila født ca. 406
  at:418             text:Gidsel i Rom 418
  at:434             text:Attila og Bleda deler magten 434
  at:440 shift:(25,-5)             text:Angreb ind i Møsien 440
  at:441             text:Invasion på Balkan 441
  at:443             text:Attila når frem til Konstantinopel 443
  at:445             text:Attila enehersker efter Bledas død 445
  at:447             text:Attila igen foran Konstantinopel 447
  at:450 shift:(25,-5)            text:Kejser Marcian afbryder tributbetalingerne 450
  at:451             text:Slaget ved de Katalauniske Marker 451
  at:453             text:Attila død 453

Tidslinje for tidlig middelalder top  next

First version by Sten on Tuesday, April 5, 2005, last update on Wednesday, July 27, 2005

ImageSize  = width:800 height:2000
PlotArea   = width:99% height:99% left:1% bottom:1%
Legend    = columns:1 left:40 top:125 columnwidth:150
AlignBars = justify

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:297 till:800
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical format:yyyy

  id:green value:green          legend:Romerriget
  id:purple value:purple          legend:Vestromerske_rige
  id:lavender value:lavender          legend:Oplösningstid
  id:gray value:rgb(0.8,0.8,0.8)          legend:Germanske_kongeriger
  id:blue value:blue          legend:Islamisk_ekspansion
  id:powderblue value:powderblue            legend:Karolingerne

Define $left  = align:right shift:(-25,-4)
Define $right = align:left  shift:(25,-4)

  bar:Leaders width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S anchor:middle

#Historiske perioder
 from:start till:395: color:green $left text:" [[Romerriget]]  (297-395)" fontsize:M
 from:395 till:476 color:purple $left text:" [[Vestromerske rige]] (395-476)" fontsize:M
 from:476 till:533 color:lavender $left text:" [[Oplösningstid]] (476-533)" fontsize:M
 from:533 till:622 color:gray $left text:" [[Germanske kongeriger]] (533-622)" fontsize:M
 from:622 till:746 color:blue $left text:" [[Islamisk ekspansion]] (622-746)" fontsize:M
 from:746 till:800 color:powderblue $left text:" [[Karolinger]]ne (747-)" fontsize:M

 at:297 shift:(25,0) text:"Diocletian forfölger kristne"
 at:301 shift:(25,-4) text:"301: Faste priser og möntreform"
 at:305 shift:(25,-4) text:"305: Diocletian abdicerer"
 from:305 till:312 color:pink shift:(25,-10) $right text:"305-312 Tronstrid i Romerriget"
 at:313 shift:(25,-4) text:"313: Constantin kejser i vest"
 at:321 shift:(25,-4) text:"321: Arius kätterdömt"
 at:324 shift:(25,-4) text:"324: Konstantin enekejser"
 at:330 shift:(25,-4) text:"330: Byzans bliver til Konstantinopel"
 from:337 till:382 color:pink shift:(25,-10) $right text:"337-382 Kirkestrid"
 at:372 shift:(25,-4) text:"372: Hunnerne passerer Volga"
 at:382 shift:(25,-4) text:"382: Arianismen fordömt"
 at:392 shift:(25,-4) text:"392: Frankerne erobrer Gallien"
 at:395 shift:(25,-4) text:"395: Theodosius dör"
 at:415 shift:(25,-4) text:"415: Vestgoter i Spanien"
 at:429 shift:(25,-4) text:"429: Vandaler i Afrika"
 at:434 shift:(25,-4) text:"434: Hunner i Central- og Östeuropa (Attila konge)"
 at:436 shift:(25,-4) text:"436: General Aëtius og hunnerne besejrer burgunderne"
 at:440 shift:(25,-4) text:"440: Sidste romerske legion ud af England"
 at:442 shift:(25,-4) text:"442: Vandalerriget under Geiserik"
 at:449 shift:(25,-4) text:"i slaget på de Katalauniske Marker"
 at:451 shift:(25,-4) text:"451: Attila lider nederlag"
 at:455 shift:(25,-4) text:"455: Vandaler hærger Rom"
 at:476 shift:(25,-4) text:"476: Sidste kejser, Romulus, afsat"
 at:482 shift:(25,-4) text:"482: Chlodovech frankisk konge"
 at:493 shift:(25,-4) text:"493: Ostrogoterne herrer i Italien"
 at:501 shift:(25,-4) text:"501: Kong Arthur nævnes förste gang"
 at:534 shift:(25,-4) text:"534: Vandalerriget bryder sammen"
 at:542 shift:(25,-4) text:"542: Kong Arthur dör ved Camlann ("Camelot")"
 at:553 shift:(25,-4) text:"553: Ostrogoterne fjernet, men Italien er ödelagt"
 at:570 shift:(25,-4) text:"570: Muhammed födt i Mekka"
 at:577 shift:(25,-4) text:"577: Sakserne besejrer waliserne afgörende"
 at:584 shift:(25,-4) text:"584: Langobarderriget i Italien"
 at:586 shift:(25,-4) text:"586: Vestgoterne katolske"
 at:590 shift:(25,-4) text:"590: Gregor den Store pave i Rom"
 at:612 shift:(25,-4) text:"612: Muhammed modtager aabenbaringer"
 at:622 shift:(25,-4) text:"622: Muhammed fordrives fra Mekka til Medina"
 at:629 shift:(25,-4) text:"629: Pipin den Äldre major domus i Frankerriget"
 at:640 shift:(25,-4) text:"640: Serber og kroater i Pannonien og Illyrien"
 at:654 shift:(25,-4) text:"654: Araberne har Rhodos, Cypern og Kos
 at:661 shift:(25,-4) text:"661: Kaliffen Ali myrdet. Sunni- og shi'a-muslimer"
 at:691 shift:(25,-4) text:"691: Klippemoskeen opført i Jerusalem"
 at:694 shift:(25,-4) text:"694: Jöderne gør oprör i Spanien"
 at:711 shift:(25,-4) text:"711: Araberne knuser goterriget i Spanien"
 at:714 shift:(25,-4) text:"714: Karl Martel major domus"
 at:730 shift:(25,-4) text:"i slaget ved Poitiers"
 at:732 shift:(25,-4) text:"732: Karl Martel og hertug Eudo standser araberne"
 at:747 shift:(25,-4) text:"747: Pipin den Lille major domus"
 at:751 shift:(25,-4) text:"751: Pipin konge, legitimeret af paven"
 at:756 shift:(25,-4) text:"756: Pipin giver paven Mellemitalien (Pavestaten)"
 at:771 shift:(25,-4) text:"771: Karl den Store frankisk konge"
 at:793 shift:(25,-4) text:"793: Vikinger plyndrer klostret på Lindisfarne"
 at:800 shift:(25,-8) text:"800: Karl den Store kronet som kejser i Rom"

Tidslinje over nogle europæiske regenter i det 19. århundrede top  next

First version by Nico on Sunday, July 24, 2005, last update on Tuesday, August 2, 2005

ImageSize  = width:820 height:450
PlotArea   = width:725 height:400 left:95 bottom:30

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BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:canvas

Period     = from:1800 till:1900
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1800 gridcolor:grid1
DateFormat = yyyy

AlignBars  = justify

# Drawlines uses black instead of specified color, bug?
# DrawLines =
# at:1750 color:grid3
# at:1800 color:grid1
# at:1850 color:grid3 

# set presentation order of bars
# text:_ means show no text on axis 
# bars e1,e2,e3 are only used to provide extra space

TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy

  bar:champions1 text:_   
  bar:Danmark    text:[[Danmark]]
  bar:Tyskland   text:[[Tyskland]]
  bar:Sverige    text:[[Sverige]]
  bar:Frankrig   text:[[Frankrig]]
  bar:England    text:[[England]]
  bar:Rusland    text:[[Rusland]]
  bar:Oestrig      text:[[Østrig]]
  bar:Spanien    text:[[Spanien]]
  bar:Nederlandene   text:[[Nederlandene]]
  bar:Preussen   text:[[Preussen]]

Define $shift1 = shift:(0,-27) 
Define $shift2 = shift:(0,-37)
Define $shift3 = shift:(0,-47)
Define $shift4 = shift:(0,-57)
Define $shift5 = shift:(0,-67)
Define $shift6 = shift:(0,-5)


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# draw the background bar and bar descriptions 
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  bar:champions1 at:1800  
  bar:champions1 at:1815 text:"Nogle europaeiske regenter"
  bar:champions1 at:1850 text:" fra 1800 - 1900 "
# new defaults

# place champions below bar
  bar:champions1 from:1810 till:1890 color:ch1

# change defaults
   bar:champions1 at:1800 text:[[Tidslinje regenter i 1700-tallet|1700-1800]] 
# events, placed on consecutive (invisible) bars 
  bar:Danmark  from:1800 till:1808 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  from:1839 till:1848 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  from:1863 till:1900 color:grey
  bar:Danmark  at:1800  shift:(2,1) text:[[Christian 7.]]~1766-1808   
  bar:Danmark  at:1812  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frederik 6.]] 1808-1839    
  bar:Danmark  at:1839  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Christian 8.]]~ 1839-1848  
  bar:Danmark  at:1850  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frederik 7.]]~1848-1863     
  bar:Danmark  at:1863  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Christian 9.]] 1863-1906    
  bar:Tyskland from:1815 till:1866 color:grey  
  bar:Tyskland from:1871 till:1888 color:grey  
   bar:Tyskland  at:1820 text:"[[Tyske forbund]]  1815-1866" 
  bar:Tyskland  at:1800  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frans 2. Tysk-romerske rige 1792-1806|Frans 2.]]~1792-1806" 
  bar:Tyskland  at:1873  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Wilhelm 1.]]~1871-1888" 
  bar:Tyskland  at:1890  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Wilhelm 2.]]~1888-1918" 
    bar:Sverige  from:1809 till:1818 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  from:1844 till:1859 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  from:1872 till:1900 color:grey
  bar:Sverige  at:1800 shift:(2,1) text:" [[Gustav 4. Adolf af Sverige|Gustav 4.]]~1792-1809"  
  bar:Sverige  at:1818 text:" [[Karl 14. Johan]] 1818-1844" 
  bar:Sverige  at:1844 shift:(2,1) text:" [[Oscar 1. af Sverige|Oscar 1.]]~1844-1859"  
  bar:Sverige  at:1860 shift:(2,1) text:" [[Karl 15. af Sverige|Karl 15.]]~1859-1872" 
  bar:Sverige  at:1874 shift:(2,1) text:" [[Oscar 2. af Sverige|Oscar 2.]]~1872-1907" 
  bar:Sverige  at:1810  shift:(2,1) text:" [[Karl 13. af Sverige|Karl 13.]]~1809-1818"  
  bar:Frankrig from:1804 till:1814 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig from:1824 till:1830 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig from:1848 till:1852 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig from:1870 till:1900 color:grey
  bar:Frankrig at:1803 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Napoleon 1. af Frankrig|Napoleon 1.]]~1804-1814"
  bar:Frankrig at:1815 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Ludvig 18. af Frankrig|Ludvig 18.]]~1815-1824"
  bar:Frankrig at:1824 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Karl 10. af Frankrig|Karl 10.]]~1824-1830"
  bar:Frankrig at:1834 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Ludvig Filip af Frankrig|Ludvig Filip]]~1830-1848"
  bar:Frankrig at:1848 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Napoleon 3. af Frankrig|Ludvig Napoleon]] 1848-1852"
  bar:Frankrig at:1852 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Napoleon 3. af Frankrig|Napoleon 3. (Ludvig Napoleon)]] var kejser  1852-1870"
  bar:Frankrig at:1874 shift:(2,1) text:"~ Herefter [[Franske præsidenter]]"
   bar:England from:1820 till:1830 color:grey
   bar:England from:1837 till:1900 color:grey
  bar:England  at:1800 text:"[[George 3. af Det Forenede Kongerige|George 3.]] 1760-1820"
  bar:England  at:1820 shift:(2,1)  text:"[[George 4. af Det Forenede Kongerige|George 4.]~1820-1830"
  bar:England  at:1830 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 4. af Det Forenede Kongerige|Vilhelm 4.]]~1830-1837"
  bar:England  at:1840 text:"[[Victoria af Det Forenede Kongerige|Victoria]] 1837-1901"
  bar:Rusland  from:1801 till:1825 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1855 till:1881 color:grey
  bar:Rusland  from:1894 till:1900 color:grey
    bar:Rusland  at:1801 text:"[[Alexander 1. af Rusland|Alexander 1.]] 1801-1825"
    bar:Rusland  at:1825 text:"[[Nikolaj 1. af Rusland|Nikolaj 1.]]1825-1855"
    bar:Rusland  at:1855 text:"[[Alexander 2. af Rusland|Alexander 2.]] 1855-1881"
    bar:Rusland  at:1881 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Alexander 3. af Rusland|Alexander 3.]]~1881-1894"
    bar:Rusland  at:1892 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Nikolaj 2 af Rusland|Nikolaj 2.]]~1894-1917"

 bar:Spanien from:1800 till:1808 color:grey
 bar:Spanien from:1814 till:1833 color:grey
 bar:Spanien from:1868 till:1870 color:grey
 bar:Spanien from:1874 till:1885 color:grey
  bar:Spanien  at:1800 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Karl 4. af Spanien|Karl 4.]]~1788-1808" 
  bar:Spanien  at:1809 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Josef Bonaparte af Spanien|Josef Bonaparte]]~1808-1813" 
  bar:Spanien  at:1818 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Ferdinand 7. af Spanien|Ferdinand 7.]]1814-1833" 
  bar:Spanien  at:1839 text:"[[Isabella 2. af Spanien|Isabella 2.]] 1833-1868" 
  bar:Spanien  at:1864 shift:(2,1) text:"Interegnum~1868-1870" 
 bar:Spanien  at:1868 shift:(2,1) text:"~~     |~[[Amadeo af Italien]] 1870-1873" 
  bar:Spanien  at:1875 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Alfonso 12. af Spanien|Alfonso 12.]]~1874-1885" 
  bar:Spanien  at:1889 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Alfonso 13. af Spanien|Alfonso 13.]]~1886-1931" 

  bar:Nederlandene from:1806 till:1810 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene from:1813 till:1840 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene from:1849 till:1890 color:grey
  bar:Nederlandene at:1803 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Ludvig Bonaparte]]~1806-1810"
  bar:Nederlandene at:1813 shift:(2,1) text:"~[[Vilhelm 1. af Nederlandene|Vilhelm 1.]]1886-1931"
  bar:Nederlandene at:1840 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelm 2. af Nederlandene|Vilhelm 2.]]~1840-1849"
  bar:Nederlandene at:1855 text:"[[Vilhelm 3. af Nederlandene|Vilhelm 3.]] 1849-1890"
  bar:Nederlandene at:1890 shift:(2,1) text:"[[Vilhelmina af Nederlandene|Vilhelmina]]~1890-1948" 
 bar:Oestrig from:1804 till:1835 color:grey
 bar:Oestrig from:1848 till:1900 color:grey
  bar:Oestrig  at:1806  text:"[[Franz 1. af Østrig|Franz 1.]]1804-1835" 
  bar:Oestrig  at:1836  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Ferdinand 1. af Østrig|Ferdinand 1.]] ~1835-1848" 
  bar:Oestrig  at:1850  text:"[[Frans Josef af Østrig|Frans Josef]] 1804-1835" 

 bar:Preussen  from:1840 till:1861 color:grey
 bar:Preussen  from:1888 till:1900 color:grey

  bar:Preussen  at:1800  text:"[[Frederik Vilhelm 3. af Preussen|Frederik Vilhelm 3.]] 1797-1840"
  bar:Preussen  at:1840  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Frederik Vilhelm 4. af Preussen|Frederik Vilhelm 4.]]~1840-1861"
  bar:Preussen  at:1863  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Wilhelm 1.]] 1861-1888 ~Tysk kejser fra 1871"
  bar:Preussen  at:1888  shift:(2,1) text:"[[Wilhelm 2.]]~1888-1918"

Krige i 1800-tallet top  next

First version by Nico on Wednesday, August 3, 2005, last update on Monday, January 16, 2006

Preset    = TimeHorizontal_AutoPlaceBars_UnitYear
ImageSize = width:750 barincrement:16
PlotArea  = left:30 right:50 bottom:40

Colors     =
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BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas

Period     = from:1800 till:1900
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1800 gridcolor:grid1
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:5 start:1800 gridcolor:grid2
AlignBars  = justify


#  bar:section6
#  barset:applications
#  bar:dummy6

# explanation: attribute 'barset' instead of 'bar' means consecutive data lines are automatically placed on new bar
#              data lines are lines containing at: or from: & till: attributes
#              'barset:break' means 'reset barcounter' = next line will be placed at first bar in barset
#              'barset:skip'  means 'increment barcounter' = skip one bar for next data line (to allow extra space
#                                                                              for text containing line break = ~)
PlotData =

# at:1983 text"[[Borland]] founded"


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  bar:section4 from:start till:end text:"Asien"
  bar:section5 from:start till:end text:"Afrika"
#  bar:section6 from:start till:end text:"Bemærkninger"


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    from:1808 till:1809 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:"~1808-1809 Finlandskrigen
  from:1803 till:1815 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1803-1815 [[Napoleonskrigene]]" 
  from:1821 till:1829 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1821-1829 [[Græske uafhængighedskrig]]
  from:1848 till:1870 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1848-1870  [[Italienske samlingskrige]]
  from:1853 till:1856 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1853-1856 [[Krim-krigen]] 
  from:1870 till:1871 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1870-1871 [[Den fransk-tyske krig]] 

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  from:1864 till:1865 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1864 [[2. Slesvigske Krig]]" 

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  from:1846 till:1848 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1846-1848 [[Mexicansk-amerikanske krig]] 
  from:1861 till:1865 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1861-1865 [[Den amerikanske borgerkrig]] 
  from:1864 till:1878 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"Indianerkrige i USA og~Cananda i det meste af~perioden, især fra 1864-1878
  from:1898 till:1899 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1898 Den ~spansk-~amerikanske ~krig  
  from:1804 till:1813 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"Russisk-Persisk krig 1804-1813
  from:1814 till:1816 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1814-1816  Gurkhakrigen
  from:1821 till:1823 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1821-1823 Tyrkisk-Persiske krig 
  from:1839 till:1842 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1839-1842 1. opiumskrig  
  from:1856 till:1860 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1856-1860  2. opiumskrig  

  from:1804 till:1810 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1804-1810 Fulanikrigen  i Nigeria 
  from:1811 till:1819 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1811-1819 [[Xhosa-krig 4]]
  from:1899 till:1900 color:grey shift:(1,2) text:~"1899-1902~Boerkrigen 

# extra years

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  pos:(420,2) text:"reference [[Krige]]"

Krige i 1700-tallet top  next

First version by Nico on Sunday, August 7, 2005, last update on Saturday, October 1, 2005

Preset    = TimeHorizontal_AutoPlaceBars_UnitYear
ImageSize = width:750 barincrement:16
PlotArea  = left:30 right:45 bottom:40

Colors     =
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BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas

Period     = from:1700 till:1800
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1700 gridcolor:grid1
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:5 start:1700 gridcolor:grid2
AlignBars  = justify



# explanation: attribute 'barset' instead of 'bar' means consecutive data lines are automatically placed on new bar
#              data lines are lines containing at: or from: & till: attributes
#              'barset:break' means 'reset barcounter' = next line will be placed at first bar in barset
#              'barset:skip'  means 'increment barcounter' = skip one bar for next data line (to allow extra space
#                                                                              for text containing line break = ~)
PlotData =



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  bar:section3 from:start till:end text:"Amerika"
  bar:section4 from:start till:end text:"Asien"
  bar:section5 from:start till:end text:"Afrika"
#  bar:section6 from:start till:end text:"Bemærkninger"


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  at:1790 text:90
  at:1700 text:1700
  at:1800 text:1800

    at:1710 text:10
  at:1720 text:20
  at:1730 text:30
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  at:1750 text:50
  at:1760 text:60
  at:1770 text:70
  at:1780 text:80
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  at:1700 text:1700
  at:1800 text:1800
    at:1710 text:10
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  at:1740 text:40  
  at:1750 text:50
  at:1760 text:60
  at:1770 text:70
  at:1780 text:80
  at:1790 text:90
  at:1700 text:1700
  at:1800 text:1800

    at:1710 text:10
  at:1720 text:20
  at:1730 text:30
  at:1740 text:40  
  at:1750 text:50
  at:1760 text:60
  at:1770 text:70
  at:1780 text:80
  at:1790 text:90
  at:1700 text:1700
  at:1800 text:1800
 # bar:dummy5
    at:1710 text:10
  at:1720 text:20
  at:1730 text:30
  at:1740 text:40  
  at:1750 text:50
  at:1760 text:60
  at:1770 text:70
  at:1780 text:80
  at:1790 text:90
  at:1700 text:1700
  at:1800 text:1800

TextData =
  textcolor:black fontsize:XS
  pos:(30,2)  text:"produced with [[meta:EasyTimeline|EasyTimeline]]"
  pos:(420,2) text:"reference [[Krige]]"

Edmund Burke top  next

Initial version by Sten on Thursday, December 29, 2005

ImageSize  = width:450 height:450
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1725 till:1800
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical 
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1725
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:1725

  color:red mark:(line,black) align:left fontsize:S 
  shift:(25,0) # shift text to right side of bar

  # there is no automatic collision detection, fontsize:XS 
  # so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap shift:(25,-10) 

  at:1729             text:Født i Dublin
  at:1743             text:Læser på Trinity College
  at:1750             text:Medlem af Middle Temple
  at:1756             text:Offentliggør ''Treatise On the Sublime and Beautiful''
  at:1765             text:Ven med Rockingham
  at:1775             text:Medlem af Parlamententet og deltager i diskussionen om Amerika
  at:1782             text:Chef for hærens finanser; deltager i koalitionen med Fox og North 
  from:1787 till:1794 shift:(25,-20) text:Ledende i anklagerne mod W. Hastings
  at:1790             text:Offentliggør ''Reflections on French Revolution''; brud med Fox' parti
  at:1796             text:Offentliggør ''Letter on a Regicide Peace''
  at:1797 shift:(25,5) text:Død

Banjul top  next

Initial version by So9q on Thursday, March 23, 2006

ImageSize  = width:350 height:120
PlotArea   = width:250 height:80 left:50 bottom:20
AlignBars  = late

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:0 till:50000
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10000 start:0

  color:blue width:30
  bar:1963 from:start till:27809
  bar:1973 from:start till:39476
  bar:1983 from:start till:44188
  bar:1993 from:start till:42326
  bar:2003 from:start till:34828
  bar:2005 from:start till:34589

  pos:(20,110) fontsize:M text:

Frankerriget top  next

Initial version by Sten on Thursday, March 2, 2006

ImageSize  = width:450 height:450
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:400 till:950
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical 
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:400
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:25 start:400

  color:red mark:(line,black) align:left fontsize:S 
  shift:(25,0) # shift text to right side of bar

  # there is no automatic collision detection, fontsize:XS 
  # so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap shift:(25,-10) 

  at:406 text:406 - Frankerne afviser germansk invasion i Gallien
  at:431 text:431 - Frankerne bor omkring Cambrai
  at:451 text:451 - Frankerne deltager i slaget ved de Catalauniske marker
  at:486 text:486 - Frankerne besejrer Syagrius
  at:496 text:496 - Chlodowech 1. (Klodevig 1.) katolsk døbt
  at:507 text:507 - Frankerne og burgunderne besejrer vestgoterne
  from:511 till:719 shift:(25,6) text: Gentagene delinger og samlinger af riget 511-719
  at:719 text:719 - Karl Martell major domus
  at:732 text:732 - Karl Martell besejrer araberne ved Poitiers
  at:751 text:751 - Karl Martells søn, Pippin den Lille bliver konge
  at:771 text:771 - Karl den Store enehersker
  at:800 text:800 - Karl kronet til kejser i Rom
  at:814 text:814 - Ludvig den Fromme arver riget
  from:829 till:840 shift:(25,-6) text:Kampe mellem Ludvig og hans sønner indtil Ludvigs død i 840
  from:843 till:880 shift:(25,6) text:Delinger i 843, 855, 870 og 880  
  at:888 text:888 - Odo af Paris bliver vestfrankisk konge, mens Arnulf er østfrankisk
  at:900 shift:(25,6) text:900 Karl 3. den Enfoldige er vestfrankisk konge, mens Ludwig 4. Barn bliver den sidste, østfrankiske konge af karolingernes æt

Grafisk tidslinje for Big Bang top  next

Initial version by Sir48 on Saturday, April 8, 2006

ImageSize  = width:600 height:2000
PlotArea   = left:200 right:350 bottom:45 top:45
AlignBars = early

Colors =
  id:period1  value:rgb(1,1,0.7) # light yellow
  id:period2  value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light blue
  id:events  value:rgb(1,0.7,1) # light purple

Period      = from:-43 till:13
TimeAxis    = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:1 start:-43

BarData =

  width:20  mark:(line,red)  textcolor:black

  bar:Events  color:events  align:left  shift:(15,0)
  at:-43  text:"[[Planck tid]], den mindste observerbare tidsenhed og tiden før hvilken~videnskaben er ude af stand til at beskrive universet.~[[Tyngdekraften]] adskilles på dette tidspunkt fra den~[[elektroatomare kraft]]."
  at:-36  text:"Adskillelse af den~[[stærke kraft]] fra den elektroatomare kraft."
  from:-35  till:-33  text:"[[Kosmisk inflation]]-æra - universet udvides eksponentielt."
  at:-33  text:"Quarker og anti-quarker begynder at dannes."
  at:-12  text:"Den svage kraft adskilles fra den elektromagnetiske kraft.~De fire adskilte kræfter, som kendes i dag er hermed dannet."
  at:-6  text:"Elektroner og positroner begynder at tilintetgøre hinanden."
  at:-5  text:"Quarker samles og danner protoner og neutroner.~Quark/anti-quark par samles til mesoner."
  at:-4  text:"Lepton/anti-lepton par tilintetgøres af eksisterende ~fotoner. Neutrinoer frigøres fra interaktion med den øvrige stråling."
  at:0  text:"Dannelse af atomkerner (hydrogen).~[[Kernefusion]] begynder, når de støder sammen og danner tungere partikler."
  at:2  text:"Kernefusion ophører efter ca. 3 minutter."
  at:13  text:"372.000 til 387.000 år - Hydrogenkerner fanger~elektroner og danner stabile atomer. Fotoner adskilles fra materien og~kan ikke længere vekselvirke med atomer. Kosmisk~[[baggrundsstråling]] dannes."

  bar:Periods  align:left  shift:(15,0)
  from:2  till:13  color:period1  text:[[Big Bang nukleosyntese]]
  from:0  till:2  color:period2  text:Lepton æra
  from:-6  till:0  color:period1  text:Hadron æra
  from:-12  till:-6  color:period2  text:Elektrosvag æra
  from:-35  till:-12  color:period1  text:Forenede kræfters æra
  from:-43  till:-35  color:period2  text:Planck æra

  bar:Timelines  align:right  shift:(-75,0)

TextData =


Template:Cgtidslinje top  next

Initial version by So9q on Sunday, April 23, 2006

ImageSize  = width:650 height:700
PlotArea   = left:40 right:10 top:10 bottom:10 
DateFormat = yyyy
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse format:yyyy
Period     = from:1925 till:1970
AlignBars  = early
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1930
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:5 start:1925

Colors =
  id:gray value:gray(0.7)

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 20 # shift text to right side of bar

PlotData =
  bar:event width:20 color:blue shift:($dx,-4) 
  from:start till:end color:blue
  at:1928 text:"1928 Ernesto Guevara de la Serna født i Rosario, Argentina"
  at:1930 text:"1930 Har første astmaanfald"
  at:1933 text:"1933 Guevara-familien flytter til Alta Gracia"
  at:1934 text:"1934 Hjemmeundervisning begynder"
  at:1937 text:"1937 Starter i skolen"
  at:1942 text:"1942 Starter i gymnasiet (en: high school) på Colegio Nacional Dean Funes" 
  at:1943 text:"1943 Guevara family flytter til Córdoba"
  at:1946 text:"1946 Afslutter eksamen på Colegio Nacional Dean Funes"
  at:1947 text:"1947 Guevara-familien flytter til Buenos Aires; Ernesto begynder på medicinstudiet."
  at:1950 text:"1950 Rejser på motorcykel gennem det nordlige Argentina"
  at:1951 text:"1951 Arbejder i seks måneder som mandlig sygeplejerske ombord på tankskibe."
  at:1952 text:"1952 Rejser gennem Latinamerika med Alberto Granado; hjælper spedalske i Peru" 
  at:1953 text:"1953 Afslutter eksamen på medicinstudiet; besøger Bolivia og andre lande; ankommer til Guatemala"
  at:1954 text:"1954 Árbenz-regeringen bliver væltet; Ernesto ankommer til Mexico"

  at:1955 text:"1955 Møder Fidel Castro, tilslutter sig Revolutionsbevægelsen af 26. juli (en: 26th of July Revolutionary Movement)"

  at:1956 text:"1956 Ankommer til Cuba ombord på ''Granma''"
  at:1957 text:"1957 Guerilla i Sierra Maestra; forfremmet til kaptajn (Comandante)"

  at:1958 text:"1958 Indtager byen Santa Clara; Batista flygter fra Cuba"
  at:1959 text:"1959 Udpeget til kommandør af La Cabaña-fortet; udpeget som præsident for Cubas nationalbank."

  at:1961 text:"1961 Udpeget til industriminister (en: Minister of Industries)"
  at:1964 text:"1964 Beslutter sig for at forlade Cuba; taler ved FN; rejser til Afrika."
  at:1965 text:"1965 Giver sit afskedsbrev til Fidel Castro; rejser til Congo for at begynde guerilla-operationer."

  at:1966 text:"1966 Lever under jorden i Dar-Es Salaam, herefter i Prag; vender i en kort periode tilbage til Cuba; ankommer til Bolivia."

  at:1967 text:"1967 Leder guerilla-operationer; fanget på Quebrada del Yuro og kort efter henrettet i La Higuera."

TextData =

Template:Gttidslinje top  next

Initial version by So9q ? on Saturday, May 6, 2006

ImageSize  = width:800 height:100
PlotArea   = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
AlignBars  = justify

Colors =
  id:neogene   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
  id:paleogene value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
  id:cretaceous   value:rgb(0.5,0.764,0.1098)
  id:jurassic      value:rgb(0.302,0.706,0.5) 
  id:triassic    value:rgb(0.403,0.765,0.716) 
  id:permian   value:rgb(0.404,0.776,0.867) 
  id:carboniferous     value:rgb(0.6,0.741,0.855)
  id:devonian  value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.788)
  id:silurian  value:rgb(0.694,0.447,0.714)
  id:ordovician      value:rgb(0.976,0.506,0.651)
  id:cambrian  value:rgb(0.984,0.5,0.373)
  id:neoproterozoic    value:rgb(0.792,0.647,0.583)
  id:mesoproterozoic    value:rgb(0.867,0.761,0.533)
  id:paleoproterozoic    value:rgb(0.702,0.698,0.369)
  id:eoarchean    value:rgb(0.5,0.565,0.565)   
  id:paleoarchean    value:rgb(0.6,0.592,0.569)   
  id:mesoarchean    value:rgb(0.698,0.65,0.6)   
  id:neoarchean    value:rgb(0.796,0.804,0.784)   
  id:ediacaran     value:rgb(0.918,0.847,0.737)   
  id:cryogenian    value:rgb(0.863,0.671,0.667)
  id:tonian        value:rgb(0.796,0.643,0.424)  
  id:stratherian   value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:calymmian     value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:orosirian     value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:rhyacian      value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:siderian     value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:ectasian      value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:stenian      value:rgb(1,1,0.8)   # light yellow
  id:cenozoic   value:rgb(1,1,0)
  id:mesozoic   value:rgb(0.5,0.6784,0.3176)
  id:paleozoic  value:rgb(0.5,0.7098,0.835)
  id:phanerozoic value:rgb(0.7019,0.886,0.819)
  id:proterozoic value:rgb(0.8,0.85,0.568)
  id:archean   value:rgb(0.6,0.6784,0.6745)
  id:hadean value:rgb(0.4,0.4,0.4)
  id:black  value:black
  id:white  value:white

Period      = from:-4567.17 till:0
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:500 start:-4500
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:100 start:-4500

Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:red shift:(0,3) fontsize:10

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)


  at:      0   align:right  $markred
  at:   -542   align:left   $markred shift:(2,3)
  from: -542   till:    0   text:[[Fanærozoikum]]  color:phanerozoic   
  from:-2500   till: -542   text:[[Urtiden]]  color:proterozoic   
  from:-3800   till: -2500  text:[[Arkæikum]]      color:archean   
  from: start  till: -3800  text:[[Hadaikum]]       color:hadean


  from:  -65.5 till:    0   text:[[Nyere_tid|N~t]] shift:(0,1.5)        color:cenozoic        
  from: -251   till:  -65.5 text:[[Middelalderen|Mid~ald]] shift:(0,1.5)  color:mesozoic        
  from: -542   till: -251 text:[[Oldtiden|Old~tiden]] shift:(0,1.5)  color:paleozoic 
  from: -1000  till:  -542  text:[[Neoproterozoikum|Neoprote-~rozoikum]] shift:(0,1.8) color:neoproterozoic   
  from:-1600   till:  -1000  text:[[Mesoproterozoikum]] color:mesoproterozoic  
  from:-2500   till: -1600  text:[[Palæoproterozoikum]] color:paleoproterozoic 
  from:-2800   till: -2500  text:[[Neoarchaikum|Neoar-~chaikum]] shift:(0,1.5)     color:neoarchean       
  from:-3200   till: -2800  text:[[Mesoarchaikum|Meso-~archaikum]] shift:(0,1.5)   color:mesoarchean      
  from:-3600   till: -3200  text:[[Palæoarchaikum|Palæo-~archaikum]] shift:(0,1.5) color:paleoarchean     
  from:-3800   till: -3600  text:[[Eoarchaikum|Eoar-~chaikum]] shift:(0,0.5) color:eoarchean fontsize:6       
  from:start   till: -3800  color:white


  from:   -23.03 till:    0    color:neogene
  from:  -65.5 till:   -23.03  color:paleogene
  from: -145.5   till:  -65.5  color:cretaceous
  from: -199.6   till: -145.5  color:jurassic
  from: -251   till: -199.6    color:triassic
  from: -299   till: -251      color:permian
  from: -359.2   till: -299    color:carboniferous
  from: -416 till: -359.2      color:devonian
  from: -443.7 till: -416      color:silurian
  from: -488.3   till: -443.7  color:ordovician
  from: -542   till: -488.3    color:cambrian

  from: -630   till:  -542  text:[[Ediacaran|Ed.]] color:ediacaran
  from: -850   till:  -630  text:[[Cryogenian|Cryo-~genian]] color:cryogenian shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -1000  till:  -850  text:[[Tonian|Ton-~ian]] color:tonian shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -1200  till:  -1000 text:[[Stenian|Ste-~nian]] color:mesoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -1400  till:  -1200 text:[[Ectasian|Ect-~asian]] color:mesoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -1600  till:  -1400 text:[[Calymmian|Calym-~mian]] color:mesoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -1800  till:  -1600 text:[[Statherian|Stath-~erian]] color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -2050  till:  -1800 text:[[Orosirian|Oro-~sirian]] color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -2300  till:  -2050 text:[[Rhyacian|Rhy-~acian]] color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: -2500  till:  -2300 text:[[Siderian|Sid-~erian]] color:paleoproterozoic shift:(0,0.5)
  from: start  till:  -2500 color:white

Template:Gttidslinje top  next

Initial version by So9q ? on Saturday, May 6, 2006

ImageSize  = width:800 height:100
PlotArea   = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
AlignBars  = justify

Colors =
  id:neogene   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
  id:paleogene value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
  id:cretaceous   value:rgb(0.5,0.764,0.1098)
  id:jurassic      value:rgb(0.302,0.706,0.5) 
  id:triassic    value:rgb(0.403,0.765,0.716) 
  id:permian   value:rgb(0.404,0.776,0.867) 
  id:carboniferous     value:rgb(0.6,0.741,0.855)
  id:devonian  value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.788)
  id:silurian  value:rgb(0.694,0.447,0.714)
  id:ordovician      value:rgb(0.976,0.506,0.651)
  id:cambrian  value:rgb(0.984,0.5,0.373)
  id:cenozoic   value:rgb(1,1,0)
  id:mesozoic   value:rgb(0.5,0.6784,0.3176)
  id:paleozoic  value:rgb(0.5,0.7098,0.835)
  id:phanerozoic value:rgb(0.7019,0.886,0.819)
  id:black  value:black
  id:white  value:white
  id:darkgreen value:rgb(0,0.35,0)

Period      = from:-542 till:0
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:100 start:-500
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:10  start:-540

Define $markred   = text:"*" textcolor:red   shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
Define $markgreen = text:"*" textcolor:darkgreen shift:(0,3) fontsize:10

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  at:      0   align:right  $markred 
  at:   -542   align:left   $markred shift:(2,3)
  from: -542   till:    0   text:[[Fanærozoikum]] color:phanerozoic

  at:      0   align:right  $markgreen
  at:    -65.5 align:left   $markgreen shift:(2,3)
  from:  -65.5 till:    0   text:[[Nyere_tid]] color:cenozoic
  from: -251   till:  -65.5 text:[[Middelalderen]] color:mesozoic
  from: -542   till: -251   text:[[Oldtiden]] color:paleozoic

  bar:periode fontsize:8
  from: -23.03    till:  0     text:[[Neogen|Neo-~gen]] shift:(0,0.5) color:neogene
  from: -65.5  till:  -23.03   text:[[Palæogen|Palæo-~gen]] shift:(0,0.5) color:paleogene
  from: -145.5   till:  -65.5 text:[[Kridt]] color:cretaceous
  from: -199.6   till: -145.5   text:[[Jura]] color:jurassic
  from: -251   till: -199.6   text:[[Tria]]   color:triassic
  from: -299   till: -251   text:[[Perm]]      color:permian
  from: -359.2   till: -299   text:[[Kul]] color:carboniferous
  from: -416 till: -359.2   text:[[Devon]]        color:devonian
  from: -443.7 till: -416 text:[[Silur]]  color:silurian
  from: -488.3   till: -443.7 text:[[Ordovicium]] color:ordovician
  from: -542   till: -488.3   text:[[Kambrium]]   color:cambrian

Template:Gttidslinje top  next

Initial version by So9q ? on Saturday, May 6, 2006

ImageSize = width:800 height:100
PlotArea  = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
AlignBars = justify

Colors =
  id:neogene   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
  id:paleogene value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
  id:cenozoic   value:rgb(1,1,0)
  id:holocene   value:rgb(1,1,0.702)
  id:pleistocene  value:rgb(1,0.922,0.384)
  id:pliocene     value:rgb(1,0.922,0.675)
  id:miocene      value:rgb(1,0.871,0)
  id:oligocene    value:rgb(0.918,0.776,0.447)
  id:eocene       value:rgb(0.918,0.678,0.263)
  id:paleocene    value:rgb(0.92,0.576,0.005)
  id:black  value:black
  id:white  value:white
  id:darkgreen value:rgb(0,0.35,0)

Period     = from:-65.5 till:0
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:-60
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1  start:-65

Define $markgreen = text:"*" textcolor:darkgreen  shift:(0,3) fontsize:10

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  at:     0  align:right $markgreen 
  at: start  align:left  $markgreen shift:(2,3)
  from:start  till:  0    text:[[Nyere_tid]] color:cenozoic

  from: -23.03   till:  0   text:[[Neogen]] color:neogene
  from:start  till: -23.03   text:[[Palæogen]] color:paleogene

  from: -0.1  till:  0  color:holocene
  from: -1.806  till: -0.1  text:[[Pleistocæn|P]] color:pleistocene
  from: -5.332    till: -1.806  text:[[Pliocæn|Plio-~cæn]] shift:(0,1) color:pliocene fontsize:7
  from:-23.03    till: -5.332    text:[[Miocæn]] color:miocene
  from:-33.9    till:-23.03    text:[[Oligocæn]] color:oligocene
  from:-55.8    till:-33.9    text:[[Eocæn]]     color:eocene
  from:start  till:-55.8    text:[[Paleocæn]]    color:paleocene

Generated on Wednesday, August 9, 2006 from SQL dump files of Monday, July 31, 2006
Note: only timelines on article and template pages are shown. Timelines on discussion pages, user pages, etc are ignored. Top