Graphical Timelines on Polish Wikipedia

So far 39 timelines have been created on this Wikipedia. Last timeline added on Friday, July 21, 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006


Feel feel to ask Erik Zachte, the author of EasyTimeline, for help or advice at his Wikipedia user page

See also Introduction to EasyTimeline / Syntax

Timelines: Układ Słoneczny / Układ Słoneczny / Rzeki Niemiec / Patrystyka / Przywódcy ZSRR / Skale instrumentów muzycznych / Antoni Kucharczyk / Calais / Tour de France 2005 / Auxerre / Ojcowie Apostolscy / Skala czasu geologicznego / Skala czasu geologicznego / Skala czasu geologicznego / Namiestnicy Gondoru / Władcy Polski timeline / Królowie Polski timeline / Królowie Polski timeline / Królowie Polski timeline / Rozbicie dzielnicowe / Królowie Númenoru / Królowie Arnoru / Królowie Arthedainu / Wodzowie Dúnedainów / Królowie Gondoru / Królowie Rohanu / Prezydenci USA timeline / Ziemia-Śnieżka / Chrześcijaństwo po 1400 / Wielkie Jeziora / Tolkien / Oś Zwycięzcy Tour de France / Okresy rozwoju patrystyki / Wybory parlamentarne w Czechach, 2006 / Trzeci Okres Przejściowy - linie czasu / Tour de France 2006 / Tour de France 2004 / Tour de Pologne 2006 / Superligaen
Układ Słoneczny next

Initial version by Superborsuk ? on Friday, February 11, 2005

ImageSize  = width:200 height:275
PlotArea   = width:140 height:250 left:50 bottom:20
AlignBars = justify

Period    = from:0 till:4
TimeAxis  = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1 start:0
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:0

  at:start color:yelloworange

  width:15 color:blue align:left shift:(15,-5)
  from:0.31 till:0.47 text:"Merkury"				
  from:0.72 till:0.73 text:"Wenus"
  from:0.98 till:1.02 text:"Ziemia"
  from:1.38 till:1.67 text:"Mars"
  from:2.1 till:3.3  text:"Pas~asteroid"

Układ Słoneczny top  next

Initial version by Superborsuk ? on Friday, February 11, 2005

ImageSize  = width:200 height:640
PlotArea   = width:140 height:600 left:45 bottom:20
AlignBars = justify

Period    = from:0 till:50
TimeAxis  = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:0
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:5 start:0

  at:start color:yelloworange

  width:15 color:blue align:left shift:(15,-5)
  from:0.31 till:1.67 shift:(10,5) text:"Planety~skaliste"				
  from:2.1 till:3.3 color:yellow shift:(-60,3) text:"Pas~asteroid"
  from:4.96 till:5.46 text:"Jowisz"
  from:9.01 till:10.08 text:"Saturn"
  from:18.29 till:20.09 text:"Uran"
  from:29.6 till:49.33 color:brightgreen	text:"Pluton"
  from:29.81 till:30.35 text:"Neptun"	

Rzeki Niemiec top  next

First version by New European on Wednesday, March 22, 2006, last update on Friday, June 16, 2006

TimeAxis	= orientation:horizontal format:yyyy
ImageSize	= width:800 height:auto barincrement:25
PlotArea 	= left:10 right:10 top:10 bottom:40
AlignBars  	= justify

Colors =
  id:canvas        	value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)

BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas

Period     = from:0 till:2500
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:100 start:0 gridcolor:drabgreen


  width:20 fontsize:L textcolor:black align:left color:skyblue shift:(0,-6)


  from:start till:end width:20 color:drabgreen Text:14_najbardziej_obfitych_w_wodę_niemieckich_rzek_(pomiar_w) fontsize:15  align:center

  from:start till:2300 text:[[Ren]]_2300_m³/s_(Emmerich)
  from:start till:1470 text:[[Dunaj]]_1490 m³/s_(Passau)
  from:start till:740  text:[[Inn]]_740_m³/s_(Passau)
  from:start till:700  text:[[Łaba]]_700_m³/s_(Hamburg)
  from:start till:450  text:[[Odra]]_450_m³/s_(Schwedt)
  from:start till:300  text:[[Wezera]]_300_m³/s_(Bremerhaven)
  from:start till:290  text:[[Mozela]]_290_m³/s_(Koblenz)
  from:start till:251  text:[[Salzach]]_251_m³/s_(Burghausen)
  from:start till:225  text:[[Men]]_225_m³/s_(Raunheim)
  from:start till:191  text:[[Lech (rzeka)|Lech]]_191_m³/s_(Augsburg)
  from:start till:175  text:[[Izara]]_175_m³/s_(Plattling)
  from:start till:145  text:[[Neckar]]_145_m³/s_(Mannheim)
  from:start till:115  text:[[Soława]]_115_m³/s_(Calbe)
  from:start till:108  text:[[Hawela]]_108_m³/s_(Havelburg)

Patrystyka top  next

Initial version by Stanp on Monday, March 6, 2006

ImageSize = width:590 height:auto barincrement:12
PlotArea  = top:10 bottom:30 right:130 left:20
AlignBars = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:325 till:451
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:25 start:325

Colors     =
  id:canvas      value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)
  id:PA   value:green
  id:GP   value:red

Backgroundcolors = canvas:canvas

BarData =

  width:5 align:left fontsize:S shift:(5,-4) anchor:till

  from: 325 till: 373 color:PA text:"[[Atanazy Wielki]]  ([[295]] - [[373]])"
  from: 329 till: 379 color:PA text:"[[Bazyli Wielki]]  ([[329]] - [[379]])"
  from: 330 till: 390 color:PA text:"[[Grzegorz z Nazjanzu]]  ([[330]] - [[390]])"
  from: 335 till: 394 color:PA text:"[[Grzegorz z Nyssy]]  ([[335]] - [[394]])"
  from: 339 till:397 color:PA text:"[[św. Ambroży]]  ([[339]] - [[397]])"
  from:347 till:419 color:PA text:"[[św. Hieronim]]  ([[347]] - [[419]])"
  from:350 till:407 color:PA text:"[[św. Jan Chryzostom]]  ([[350]] - [[407]])"
  from:353 till:430 color:PA text:"[[św. Augustyn]]  ([[353]] - [[430]])"
  from:360 till:435 color:PA text:"[[Jan Kasjan]]  ([[360]] - [[435]])"
  from:375 till:444 color:PA text:"[[Cyryl Aleksandryjski|Cyryl Aleks.]]  ([[375]] - [[444]])"

Przywódcy ZSRR top  next

Initial version by Kpjas on Sunday, October 3, 2004

ImageSize  = width:150 height:550
PlotArea   = width:50 height:530 left:50 bottom:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1919 till:1991
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar

  bar:Leaders color:red width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S

  from:start till:1922 shift:($dx,0)   text:[[W%C5%82odzimierz Lenin|Lenin]]
  from:1922  till:1953 shift:($dx,0)    text:[[J%C3%B3zef Stalin|Stalin]]
  from:1953  till:1964 shift:($dx,0)    text:[[Nikita Chruszczow|Chruszczow]]
  from:1964  till:1982 shift:($dx,0)    text:[[Leonid Bre%C5%BCniew|Brezniew]]
  from:1982  till:1984 shift:($dx,-6)  text:[[Jurij Andropow|Andropow]]
  from:1984  till:1985 shift:($dx,-2)    text:[[Konstantin Czernienko|Czernienko]]
  from:1985  till:end  shift:($dx,0)   text:[[Michai%C5%82 Gorbaczow|Gorbaczow]]

Skale instrumentów muzycznych top  next

First version by Lzur on Friday, September 3, 2004, last update on Monday, December 27, 2004

ImageSize  = width:800 height:auto barincrement:15 
PlotArea   = left:0 right:0 top:0 bottom:0
AlignBars  = justify
Colors =
  id:a value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1) # light yellow
  id:b value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7) # light red
  id:c value:rgb(0.7,1,0.7) # light green
  id:f value:gray(0.8)      # background bar
BarData =

Period      = from:0 till:720
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal

Define $cc2  = 2
Define $cc1  = 74
Define $cc   = 146
Define $c    = 218
Define $c1   = 290
Define $c2   = 362
Define $c3   = 434
Define $c4   = 506
Define $c5   = 578
Define $dd2  = 14
Define $dd1  = 86
Define $dd   = 158
Define $d    = 230
Define $d1   = 302
Define $d2   = 374
Define $d3   = 446
Define $d4   = 518
Define $d5   = 590
Define $ee2  = 26
Define $ee1  = 98
Define $ee   = 170
Define $e    = 242
Define $e1   = 314
Define $e2   = 386
Define $e3   = 458
Define $e4   = 530
Define $e5   = 602
Define $ff2  = 32
Define $ff1  = 104
Define $ff   = 176
Define $f    = 248
Define $f1   = 320
Define $f2   = 392
Define $f3   = 464
Define $f4   = 536
Define $f5   = 608
Define $gg2  = 44
Define $gg1  = 116
Define $gg   = 188
Define $g    = 260
Define $g1   = 332
Define $g2   = 404
Define $g3   = 476
Define $g4   = 548
Define $g5   = 620
Define $aa2  = 56
Define $aa1  = 128
Define $aa   = 200
Define $a    = 272
Define $a1   = 344
Define $a2   = 416
Define $a3   = 488
Define $a4   = 560
Define $a5   = 632
Define $hh2  = 68
Define $hh1  = 140
Define $hh   = 212
Define $h    = 284
Define $h1   = 356
Define $h2   = 428
Define $h3   = 500
Define $h4   = 572
Define $h5   = 644

Define $max  = 600
  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:12 shift:(0,-4)

  color:a from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument d%C4%99ty|dete]]
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument d%C4%99ty drewniany|dete drewniane]]
  color:b from:$c2  till:$c5  text:[[Flet piccolo]] (c2-c5)
  color:b from:$c1  till:$c4  text:[[flet]] (c1-c4)
  color:b from:$a   till:$f3  text:[[ob%C3%B3j|oboj]] (a-f3)
  color:b from:$g   till:$d3  text:[[saksofon|saksofon sopranowy]] (g-d3)
  color:b from:$e   till:$h2  text:[[ro%C5%BCek angielski|rozek angielski]] (e-h2)
  color:b from:$d   till:$g3  text:[[klarnet]] (d-g3)
  color:b from:$c   till:$a2  text:[[saksofon|saksofon altowy]] (c-a2)
  color:b from:$gg  till:$e2  text:[[saksofon|saksofon tenorowy]] (G-e2)
  color:b from:$dd  till:$f1  text:[[klarnet|klarnet basowy]] (D-f1)
  color:b from:$cc  till:$g1  text:[[saksofon|saksofon barytonowy]] (C-g1)
  color:b from:$aa1 till:$d2  text:[[fagot]] (A1-d2)
  color:b from:$gg1 till:$d1  text:[[saksofon|saksofon basowy]] (G2-f)
  color:b from:$aa2 till:$f   text:[[kontrafagot]] (A2-f)

  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument d%C4%99ty blaszany|dete blaszane]]
  color:b from:$e   till:$c3  text:[[kornet]] (e-c3)
  color:b from:$e   till:$c3  text:[[tr%C4%85bka|trabka]] (e-c3)
  color:b from:$aa1 till:$e2  text:[[R%C3%B3g%20%28instrument muzyczny)|waltornia]] (A1-e2)
  color:b from:$aa1 till:$d2  text:[[puzon]] (A1-d2)
  color:b from:$ff1 till:$c1  text:[[helikon]] (F1-c1)
  color:b from:$ee1 till:$d1  text:[[tuba]] (E2-d1)
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument d%C4%99ty klawiszowy|dete klawiszowe]]
  color:b from:$gg  till:$a3  text:[[akordeon]] (G-a3)
  color:b from:$cc  till:$c4  text:[[fisharmonia]] (C-c4)
  color:b from:$cc2 till:$c5  text:[[Organy%20%28muzyka)|organy]] (C2-c5)
  color:a from:0    till:$max text:[[g%C5%82os ludzki|glos ludzki]]
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:glosy solowe
  color:b from:$c1  till:$e3  text:[[sopran]] (c1-e3)
  color:b from:$a   till:$c3  text:[[mezzosopran]] (a-c3)
  color:b from:$f   till:$g2  text:[[alt]] (f-g2)
  color:b from:$c   till:$d2  text:[[tenor]] (c-d2)
  color:b from:$aa  till:$a1  text:[[baryton]] (A-a1)
  color:b from:$cc  till:$f1  text:[[bas]] (C-f1)
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Ch%C3%B3r%20%28muzyka%29|glosy chóralne]]
  color:b from:$c1  till:$a2  text:[[sopran]] (c1-a2)
  color:b from:$f   till:$d2  text:[[alt]] (f-d2)
  color:b from:$c   till:$a1  text:[[tenor]] (c-a1)
  color:b from:$ee  till:$d1  text:[[bas]] (E-d1)

  color:a from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument perkusyjny|perkusyjne]]
  color:c from:0   till:$max text:[[Instrument perkusyjny samobrzmi%C4%85cy|perkusyjne samobrzmiace]]
  color:b from:$g2  till:$c5  text:[[dzwonki]] (g2-c5)
  color:b from:$g2  till:$c5  text:[[ksylofon]] (g2-c5)
  color:b from:$c1  till:$f3  text:[[wibrafon]] (c1-f3)
  color:b from:$c1  till:$c5  text:[[celesta]] (c1-c5)
  color:b from:$c   till:$f1  text:[[dzwony rurowe|dzwony rurowe]] (c-f1)
  color:b from:$aa  till:$c3  text:[[marimba]] (A-c3)
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument perkusyjny membranowy|perkusyjne membranowe]]
  color:b from:$ff  till:$a   text:[[Kocio%C5%82%20%28instrument muzyczny)|kotly]] (F-a)
  color:a from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument strunowy|strunowe]]
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument m%C5%82oteczkowy|strunowe mloteczkowe]]
  color:b from:$aa2 till:$a4  text:[[Cymba%C5%82y w%C4%99gierskie|Cymbaly wegierskie]] (A2-a4)
  color:b from:$aa2 till:$c5  text:[[pianino]] (A2-c5) 
  color:b from:$aa2 till:$c5  text:[[fortepian]] (A2-c5)
  color:b from:$ff2 till:$c5  text:[[fortepian|fortepian koncertowy]] (F2-c5) 
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument szarpany|strunowe szarpane]]
  color:b from:$g   till:$d4  text:[[mandolina]] (g-d4)
  color:b from:$ee  till:$a2  text:[[gitara]] (E-a2)
  color:b from:$ff1 till:$f3  text:[[klawesyn]] (F1-f3)
  color:b from:$hh2 till:$f4  text:[[harfa]] (Ces2-eis4)
  color:c from:0    till:$max text:[[Instrument smyczkowy|strunowe smyczkowe]]
  color:b from:$g   till:$c5  text:[[skrzypce]] (g-c5)
  color:b from:$c   till:$e3  text:[[alt%C3%B3wka|altówka]] (c-e3)
  color:b from:$cc  till:$g2  text:[[wiolonczela]] (C-g2)
  color:b from:$ee1 till:$a   text:[[kontrabas]] (E1-a)

  color:f textcolor:blue align:left fontsize:S mark:(line,white) shift:(3,-4)
  from:0 till:$max
  at:$cc2  text:C2
  at:$cc1  text:C1
  at:$cc   text:C
  at:$c    text:c
  at:$c1   text:c1
  at:$c2   text:c2
  at:$c3   text:c3
  at:$c4   text:c4
  at:$c5   text:c5___dzwiek

  from:0 till:$max
  at:23    text:20
  at:65    text:30
  at:105   text:44
  at:153   text:70
  at:190   text:100
  at:232   text:150
  at:262   text:200
  at:304   text:300
  at:344   text:440
  at:392   text:700
  at:430   text:1000
  at:472   text:1500
  at:502   text:2000
  at:544   text:3000
  at:583   text:4400__Hz

  from:0 till:$max
  at:$cc2  text:C2
  at:$cc1  text:C1
  at:$cc   text:C
  at:$c    text:c
  at:$c1   text:c1
  at:$c2   text:c2
  at:$c3   text:c3
  at:$c4   text:c4
  at:$c5   text:c5___dzwiek

  from:0 till:$max
  at:23    text:20
  at:65    text:30
  at:105   text:44
  at:153   text:70
  at:190   text:100
  at:232   text:150
  at:262   text:200
  at:304   text:300
  at:344   text:440
  at:392   text:700
  at:430   text:1000
  at:472   text:1500
  at:502   text:2000
  at:544   text:3000
  at:583   text:4400__Hz

Antoni Kucharczyk top  next

First version by Stanp on Thursday, March 23, 2006, last update on Saturday, April 1, 2006

ImageSize = width:280 height:450
PlotArea  = width:35  height:400 left:50 bottom:40
Legend    = columns:2 left:15 top:25 columnwidth:100
AlignBars = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1870 till:1945
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1870

  id:Basis  value:green legend:Życie_i_twórczość_A._Kucharczyka

  bar:Leaders width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S shift:(22,-4)
  from:1874 till:1944 color:Basis
  at:1874               text:Narodziny_w_Bęczynie
  at:1900               text:Debiut_poetycki
  at:1905               text:[[s:Blade kwiaty z wiejskiej chaty|Blade_kwiaty]]
  at:1908               text:[[s:Wiersze, piosnki z naszej wioski|Wiersze,_piosnki]]
  at:1910               text:[[s:Wiejskich piosnek czar na grunwaldzki dar|Wiejskich_piosnek_czar]]
  at:1914              text:[[s:Z łąk i pól|Z_łąk_i_pól]]
  at:1916               text:Spiewniczek_żołnierza_polskiego
  at:1923 shift:(22,-8) text:Bomba_śmiechu
  at:1934 shift:(22,-8) text:Prezes_Zwiazku_Literatów_Ludowych
  at:1944 shift:(22,-8) text:Śmierć_w_Paszkówce

Calais top  next

First version by Janusz J. on Tuesday, May 30, 2006, last update on Saturday, July 8, 2006

ImageSize  = width:250 height:200                          
PlotArea   = left:40 right:10 top:10 bottom:20            
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal                       
AlignBars  = justify                                       
Colors =                                                
  id:gray1 value:gray(0.9)                           
DateFormat = yyyy                                 
Period     = from:1960 till:2010                 
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1960
PlotData =                          
  bar:111000 color:gray1 width:1       
  from:start till:end             
  bar:74000 color:gray1              
  from:start till:end            
  bar:37000 color:gray1           
  from:start till:end         
  bar:0 color:gray1       
LineData =       
  points:(48,128)(84,134)       color:blue    width:2 #1962 tot 1968  
  points:(84,134)(100,141)      color:blue    width:2 #1975  
  points:(100,141)(128,137)     color:blue    width:2 #1982  
  points:(128,137)(160,135)     color:blue    width:2 #1990  
  points:(160,135)(196,138)  color:blue    width:2 #1999     

Tour de France 2005 top  next

First version by Arewicz on Sunday, July 24, 2005, last update on Wednesday, June 28, 2006

ImageSize  = width:480 height:600
PlotArea   = left:25 right:0 bottom:20 top:10
DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:0 till:21
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:white unit:year increment:1 start:0

Colors =
  id:alggeel    value:rgb(1,1,0.4) 
  id:bergrood   value:rgb(1,0.5,0.5) 
  id:puntgroen  value:rgb(0.7,1,0.5)
  id:lichtgrijs value:rgb(0.95,0.95,0.95)


  bar:Lidera color:alggeel width:110 mark:(line,black) align:center fontsize:S shift:(0,2)
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:3  text:[[David Zabriskie]]
  from:3  till:8  text:[[Lance Armstrong]]
  from:8  till:9  text:[[Jens Voigt]]
  from:9  till:21 text:[[Lance Armstrong]]

  bar:Punktowa color:puntgroen 
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:1  text:[[David Zabriskie]]
  from:1  till:11  text:[[Tom Boonen]]
  from:11 till:21  text:[[Thor Hushovd]]

  bar:Górska color:bergrood 
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:1  text:-
  from:1  till:2  text:[[Thomas Voeckler]]
  from:2  till:5  text:[[Erik Dekker]]
  from:5  till:6  text:[[Karsten Kroon]]
  from:6  till:7  text:[[Fabian Wegmann]]
  from:7  till:21  text:[[Michael Rasmussen]]

  bar:Mlodziezowa color:lichtgrijs
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:3  text:[[Fabian Cancellara]]
  from:3  till:7  text:[[Jarosław Popowicz]]
  from:7  till:9  text:[[Wladimir Karpiec]]
  from:9  till:12 text:[[Alejandro Valverde]]
  from:12  till:21 text:[[Jarosław Popowicz]]

Auxerre top  next

Initial version by Illmarinen on Thursday, June 29, 2006

ImageSize  = width:250 height:200                          
PlotArea   = left:40 right:10 top:10 bottom:20            
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal                       
AlignBars  = justify                                       
Colors =                                                
  id:gray1 value:gray(0.9)                           
DateFormat = yyyy                                 
Period     = from:1960 till:2010                 
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:1960
PlotData =                          
  bar:54000 color:gray1 width:1       
  from:start till:end             
  bar:36000 color:gray1              
  from:start till:end            
  bar:18000 color:gray1           
  from:start till:end         
  bar:0 color:gray1       
LineData =       
  points:(48,119)(84,134)       color:blue    width:2 #1962 tot 1968  
  points:(84,134)(100,141)      color:blue    width:2 #1975  
  points:(100,141)(128,142)     color:blue    width:2 #1982  
  points:(128,142)(160,142)     color:blue    width:2 #1990  
  points:(160,142)(196,139)  color:blue    width:2 #1999     

Ojcowie Apostolscy top  next

First version by Stanp on Monday, March 6, 2006, last update on Tuesday, March 7, 2006

ImageSize = width:590 height:auto barincrement:12
PlotArea  = top:10 bottom:30 right:130 left:20
AlignBars = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:50 till:150
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:25 start:150

Colors     =
  id:canvas      value:rgb(0.97,0.97,0.97)
  id:PA   value:green
  id:GP   value:red

Backgroundcolors = canvas:canvas

BarData =

  width:5 align:left fontsize:S shift:(5,-4) anchor:till

  from: 50 till: 107 color:PA text:"[[Ignacy Antiocheński]] ([[45]] (?) - [[107]](?)"
  from: 52 till: 100 color:PA text:"[[Klemens Rzymski]]  ([[52]] (?) - [[101]](?)"
  from: 65 till: 100 color:PA text:"[[Didache]]  ([[65]] (?) - [[100]](?))"
  from: 69 till: 150 color:PA text:"[[Polikarp]]  ([[69]] (?) - [[156]] (?)"
  from: 90 till: 150 color:PA text:"[[Hermas]]  ([[90]] (?) - [[150]] (?)"
  from: 90 till:150 color:PA text:"[[Papiasz]]  ([[90]] (?) - [[150]](?)"
  from: 90 till:150 color:PA text:"[[List Barnaby|Barnaba]]  ([[90]] (?) - [[150]](?)"

Template:Skala czasu geologicznego top  next

First version by Nameless ? on Sunday, November 6, 2005, last update on Sunday, May 14, 2006

ImageSize  = width:800 height:100
PlotArea   = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
AlignBars  = justify

Colors =
  id:neogen   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
  id:paleogen value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
  id:kreda   value:rgb(0.5,0.764,0.1098)
  id:jura      value:rgb(0.302,0.706,0.5) 
  id:trias    value:rgb(0.403,0.765,0.716) 
  id:perm   value:rgb(0.404,0.776,0.867) 
  id:karbon     value:rgb(0.6,0.741,0.855)
  id:dewon  value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.788)
  id:sylur  value:rgb(0.694,0.447,0.714)
  id:ordowik      value:rgb(0.976,0.506,0.651)
  id:kambr  value:rgb(0.984,0.5,0.373)
  id:neoproterozoik    value:rgb(0.792,0.647,0.583)
  id:mezoproterozoik    value:rgb(0.867,0.761,0.533)
  id:paleoproterozoik    value:rgb(0.702,0.698,0.369)
  id:eoarchaik    value:rgb(0.5,0.565,0.565)   
  id:paleoarchaik    value:rgb(0.6,0.592,0.569)   
  id:mesoarchaik    value:rgb(0.698,0.65,0.6)   
  id:neoarchaik    value:rgb(0.796,0.804,0.784)   
  id:kenozoik   value:rgb(1,1,0)
  id:mezozoik   value:rgb(0.5,0.6784,0.3176)
  id:paleozoik  value:rgb(0.5,0.7098,0.835)
  id:fanerozoik value:rgb(0.7019,0.886,0.819)
  id:proterozoik value:rgb(0.8,0.85,0.568)
  id:archaik   value:rgb(0.6,0.6784,0.6745)
  id:hadeik value:rgb(0.4,0.4,0.4)
  id:prekambr  value:rgb(0.67,0.5,0.31)
  id:black  value:black
  id:white  value:white

Period      = from:-4567.17 till:0
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:500 start:-4500
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:100 start:-4500

Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:red shift:(0,3) fontsize:10

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)


  at:      0   align:right  $markred
  at:   -542   align:left   $markred shift:(2,3)
  from: -542   till:    0   text:[[Fanerozoik]]  color:fanerozoik 
  from: start  till: -542  text:[[Prekambr]]       color:prekambr


  from:  -65.5 till:    0   text:[[Kenozoik|C~z]] shift:(0,1.5)        color:kenozoik        
  from: -251   till:  -65.5 text:[[Mezozoik|Mezo~zoik]] shift:(0,1.5)  color:mezozoik        
  from: -542   till: -251 text:[[Paleozoik|Paleo~zoik]] shift:(0,1.5)  color:paleozoik 
  from:-2500   till: -542   text:[[Proterozoik]]  color:proterozoik   
  from:-3800   till: -2500  text:[[Archaik]]      color:archaik   
  from: start  till: -3800  text:[[Hadeik]]       color:hadeik     


  from:   -23.03 till:    0    color:neogen
  from:  -65.5 till:   -23.03  color:paleogen
  from: -145.5   till:  -65.5  color:kreda
  from: -199.6   till: -145.5  color:jura
  from: -251   till: -199.6    color:trias
  from: -299   till: -251      color:perm
  from: -359.2   till: -299    color:karbon
  from: -416 till: -359.2      color:dewon
  from: -443.7 till: -416      color:sylur
  from: -488.3   till: -443.7  color:ordowik
  from: -542   till: -488.3    color:kambr
  from: -1000  till:  -542  text:[[Neoproterozoik|Neoprote-~rozoik]] shift:(0,1.8) color:neoproterozoik
  from:-1600   till:  -1000  text:[[Mezoproterozoik]] color:mezoproterozoik  
  from:-2500   till: -1600  text:[[Paleoproterozoik]] color:paleoproterozoik 
  from:-2800   till: -2500  text:[[Neoarchaik|Neo-~archaik]] shift:(0,1.5)     color:neoarchaik       
  from:-3200   till: -2800  text:[[Mezoarchaik|Mezo-~archaik]] shift:(0,1.5)   color:mesoarchaik      
  from:-3600   till: -3200  text:[[Paleoarchaik|Paleo-~archaik]] shift:(0,1.5) color:paleoarchaik     
  from:-3800   till: -3600  text:[[Eoarchaik|Eoar-~chaik]] shift:(0,0.5) color:eoarchaik fontsize:6        
  from:start   till: -3800  color:hadeik

Template:Skala czasu geologicznego top  next

First version by Nameless ? on Sunday, November 6, 2005, last update on Sunday, May 14, 2006

ImageSize  = width:800 height:100
PlotArea   = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
AlignBars  = justify

Colors =
  id:neogen   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
  id:paleogen value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
  id:kreda   value:rgb(0.5,0.764,0.1098)
  id:jura      value:rgb(0.302,0.706,0.5) 
  id:trias    value:rgb(0.403,0.765,0.716) 
  id:perm   value:rgb(0.404,0.776,0.867) 
  id:karbon    value:rgb(0.6,0.741,0.855)
  id:dewon  value:rgb(0.6,0.6,0.788)
  id:sylur  value:rgb(0.694,0.447,0.714)
  id:ordowik      value:rgb(0.976,0.506,0.651)
  id:kambr  value:rgb(0.984,0.5,0.373)
  id:kenozoik   value:rgb(1,1,0)
  id:mezozoik   value:rgb(0.5,0.6784,0.3176)
  id:paleozoik  value:rgb(0.5,0.7098,0.835)
  id:fanerozoik value:rgb(0.7019,0.886,0.819)
  id:black  value:black
  id:white  value:white
  id:darkgreen value:rgb(0,0.35,0)

Period      = from:-542 till:0
TimeAxis    = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:100 start:-500
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:10  start:-540

Define $markred   = text:"*" textcolor:red   shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
Define $markgreen = text:"*" textcolor:darkgreen shift:(0,3) fontsize:10

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  at:      0   align:right  $markred 
  at:   -542   align:left   $markred shift:(2,3)
  from: -542   till:    0   text:[[Fanerozoik]] color:fanerozoik

  at:      0   align:right  $markgreen
  at:    -65.5 align:left   $markgreen shift:(2,3)
  from:  -65.5 till:    0   text:[[Kenozoik]] color:kenozoik
  from: -251   till:  -65.5 text:[[Mezozoik]] color:mezozoik
  from: -542   till: -251   text:[[Paleozoik]] color:paleozoik

  bar:okres fontsize:8
  from: -23.03    till:  0     text:[[Neogen|Neo-~gen]] shift:(0,0.5) color:neogen
  from: -65.5  till:  -23.03   text:[[Paleogen|Paleo-~gen]] shift:(0,0.5) color:paleogen
  from: -145.5   till:  -65.5 text:[[Kreda]] color:kreda
  from: -199.6   till: -145.5   text:[[Jura]] color:jura
  from: -251   till: -199.6   text:[[Trias]]   color:trias
  from: -299   till: -251   text:[[Perm]]      color:perm
  from: -359.2   till: -299   text:[[Karbon]] color:karbon
  from: -416 till: -359.2   text:[[Dewon]]        color:dewon
  from: -443.7 till: -416 text:[[Sylur|Sy-~lur]] shift:(0,0.5) color:sylur
  from: -488.3   till: -443.7 text:[[Ordowik]] color:ordowik
  from: -542   till: -488.3   text:[[Kambr]]   color:kambr

Template:Skala czasu geologicznego top  next

First version by Nameless ? on Sunday, November 6, 2005, last update on Sunday, May 14, 2006

ImageSize = width:800 height:100
PlotArea  = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
AlignBars = justify

Colors =
  id:neogen   value:rgb(0.99215,0.8,0.54)
  id:paleogen value:rgb(1,0.7019,0)
  id:kenozoik   value:rgb(1,1,0)
  id:holocen   value:rgb(1,1,0.702)
  id:pleistocen  value:rgb(1,0.922,0.384)
  id:pliocen     value:rgb(1,0.922,0.675)
  id:miocen      value:rgb(1,0.871,0)
  id:oligocen    value:rgb(0.918,0.776,0.447)
  id:eocen       value:rgb(0.918,0.678,0.263)
  id:paleocen    value:rgb(0.92,0.576,0.005)
  id:black  value:black
  id:white  value:white
  id:darkgreen value:rgb(0,0.35,0)

Period     = from:-65.5 till:0
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:10 start:-60
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1  start:-65

Define $markgreen = text:"*" textcolor:darkgreen  shift:(0,3) fontsize:10

  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)

  at:     0  align:right $markgreen 
  at: start  align:left  $markgreen shift:(2,3)
  from:start  till:  0    text:[[Kenozoik]] color:kenozoik

  from: -23.03   till:  0   text:[[Neogen]] color:neogen
  from:start  till: -23.03   text:[[Paleogen]] color:paleogen

  from: -0.1  till:  0  color:holocen
  from: -1.806  till: -0.1  text:[[Pleistocen|P]] color:pleistocen
  from: -5.332    till: -1.806  text:[[Pliocen|Plio-~cen]] shift:(0,1) color:pliocen fontsize:7
  from:-23.03    till: -5.332    text:[[Miocen]] color:miocen
  from:-33.9    till:-23.03    text:[[Oligocen]] color:oligocen
  from:-55.8    till:-33.9    text:[[Eocen]]     color:eocen
  from:start  till:-55.8    text:[[Paleocen]]    color:paleocen

Template:Namiestnicy Gondoru top  next

First version by Nameless on Monday, November 21, 2005, last update on Thursday, July 20, 2006

ImageSize  = width:175 height:800
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1600 till:3020
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:1650
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:25 start:1625
  id:nk  value:green 
  id:nr  value:red
  id:rh  value:rgb(0.7,0.9,0.1)

PlotData =
# set defaults
  mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S width:15 textcolor:black 
  shift:(25,-4) # shift text to right side of bar
  bar:Namiestnicy_rządzący_Gondorem width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S

  from:1621   till:1634 color:nk   text:[[Húrin z Emyn Arnen|Húrin]] ~ [[Húrin z Emyn Arnen|z Emyn Arnen]]
  from:1634   till:1936 color:rh   text:Namiestnicy ~ z rodu Hurina
  from:1936   till:2050 color:nk   text:[[Pelendur]]
  at:1944 mark:(line, red) color:nr   
  from:1998   till:2029 color:nk   text:[[Vorondil Łowca]]
  from:2029   till:2050 color:nk   text:[[Mardil_Voronwë]]
  from:2050   till:2080 color:nr   text:Mardil_Voronwë
  from:2080   till:2116 color:nr   text:[[Eradan]]
  from:2116   till:2148 color:nr   text:[[Herion]]
  from:2148   till:2204 color:nr   text:[[Belegorn]]
  from:2204   till:2244 color:nr   text:[[Húrin I]]
  from:2244   till:2278 color:nr   text:[[Túrin I]]
  from:2278   till:2395 color:nr   text:[[Hador]]
  from:2395   till:2412 color:nr   text:[[Barahir]]
  from:2412   till:2435 color:nr   text:[[Dior]]
  from:2435   till:2477 color:nr   text:[[Denethor I]]
  from:2477   till:2489 color:nr   text:[[Boromir]]
  from:2489   till:2567 color:nr   text:[[Cirion]]
  from:2567   till:2605 color:nr   text:[[Hallas]]
  from:2605   till:2628 color:nr   text:[[Húrin II]]
  from:2628   till:2655 color:nr   text:[[Belecthor I]]
  from:2655   till:2685 color:nr   text:[[Orodreth (namiestnik Gondoru)|Orodreth]]
  from:2685   till:2698 color:nr   text:[[Ecthelion I]]
  from:2698   till:2743 color:nr   text:[[Egalmoth]]
  from:2743   till:2763 color:nr   text:[[Beren]]
  from:2763   till:2811 color:nr   text:[[Beregond]]
  from:2811   till:2872 color:nr   text:[[Belecthor II]]
  from:2872   till:2882 color:nr   text:[[Thorondir]]
  from:2882   till:2914 color:nr   text:[[Túrin II]]
  from:2914   till:2953 color:nr   text:[[Turgon]]
  from:2953   till:2984 color:nr   text:[[Ecthelion II]]
  from:2984   till:3019 color:nr   text:[[Denethor II]]

Template:Władcy Polski timeline top  next

First version by Nameless on Friday, November 25, 2005, last update on Sunday, June 18, 2006

ImageSize  = width:200 height:2000
PlotArea   = left:45 right:5 bottom:140 top:0
AlignBars  = justify

Legend     = columns:1 left:20 top:140 orientation:vertical columnwidth:100

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:950 till:1795
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:1000
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:960
Colors =

 id:Kr  value:red             legend:Królowie_z_dynastii_Piastów
 id:Ks  value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)           legend:Książęta
 id:Rd  value:orange          legend:Rozbicie_Dzielnicowe
 id:Pr  value:blue            legend:Przemyślidzi
 id:ja  value:rgb(0.6,0,0)    legend:Jagiellonowie
 id:an  value:rgb(0,0.8,0.8)  legend:Andegawenowie
 id:el  value:rgb(0.6,1,0.6)  legend:Królowie_elekcyjni
 id:le  value:rgb(0.6,1,0.6)  legend:Stanisław_Leszczyński
 id:linia value:rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

BarData =

PlotData =
  mark:(line,white) fontsize:S shift:(25,-4) width:30 
  from:960 till:992 color:Ks text:[[Mieszko I]] 
  from:992 till:1025 color:Kr text:[[Bolesław I Chrobry]]
  from:1025 till:1031 color:Kr shift:(25,0) text:[[Mieszko II]]
  from:1031 till:1032 color:Ks text:[[Bezprym]]
  from:1032 till:1034 color:Ks shift:(25,-9)  text:Mieszko II
  from:1039 till:1058 color:Ks shift:(25,-5)  text:[[Kazimierz Odnowiciel]]
  from:1058 till:1079 color:Kr text:[[Bolesław_II_Śmiały]]
  from:1079 till:1102 color:Ks text:[[Władyslaw Herman]]
  from:1102 till:1107 color:Ks text:[[Zbigniew (książę Polski)|Zbigniew]]
  from:1102 till:1138 color:Ks text:[[Bolesław Krzywousty]]
  from:1138 till:1290 color:Rd text:[[Rozbicie dzielnicowe]]
  from:1290 till:1296 color:Kr shift:(25,6)  text:[[Przemysł II]]
  from:1306 till:1333 color:Kr text:[[Władysław Łokietek]]
  from:1333 till:1370 color:Kr text:[[Kazimierz Wielki]]
  from:1386 till:1434 color:ja text:[[Władysław Jagiełło]] 
  from:1434 till:1444 color:ja text:[[Władysław Warneńczyk|Władysław]] ~ [[Władysław Warneńczyk|Warneńczyk]]
  from:1444 till:1492 color:ja text:[[Kazimierz Jagiellończyk|Kazminierz]] ~ [[Kazimierz Jagiellończyk|Jagiellończyk]]
  from:1492 till:1501 color:ja text:[[Jan Olbracht]]
  from:1501 till:1506 color:ja text:[[Aleksander Jagiellończyk|Aleksander]] ~ [[Aleksander Jagiellończyk|Jagiellończyk]]
  from:1506 till:1548 color:ja text:[[Zygmunt Stary]]
  from:1548 till:1572 color:ja text:[[Zygmunt August]]
  from:1573 till:1575 color:el text:[[Henryk Walezy]] 
  from:1576 till:1586 color:el text:[[Stefan Batory]]
  from:1587 till:1632 color:el text:[[Zygmunt III Waza]]
  from:1632 till:1648 color:el text:[[Władysław IV Waza]]
  from:1648 till:1668 color:el text:[[Jan Kazimierz]]
  from:1669 till:1673 color:el text:[[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki|Michał Korybut]] ~ [[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki|WIśniowiecki]]
  from:1674 till:1696 color:el text:[[Jan III Sobieski]]
  from:1697 till:1706 color:el shift:(25,-5) text:[[August II Mocny]]
  from:1709 till:1733 color:el text:August II Mocny
  from:1733 till:1763 color:el text:[[August III Sas]]
  from:1763 till:1795 color:el text:[[Stanisław August Poniatowski|Stanisław August]] ~ [[Stanisław August Poniatowski|Poniatowski]]
  bar:pob align:left
  from:1291 till:1305 color:Pr shift:(-70,5) text:[[Wacław II]]
  from:1305 till:1306 color:Pr shift:(-70,5) text:[[Wacław III]]
  from:1370 till:1382 color:an shift:(-102,-10) text:[[Ludwik Węgierski]]
  from:1382 till:1399 color:an shift:(-80,-9) text:[[Jadwiga Andegaweńska|Jadwiga]]
  from:1704 till:1709 color:le shift:(-80,-3) text:[[Stanisław Leszczyński|Stanisław]] ~ [[Stanisław Leszczyński|Leszczyński]]
  from:1733 till:1736 color:le shift:(-85,-15) text:Stanisław Leszczyński
LineData =
  layer:front width:0.1  
  at:1291  color:linia layer:back              
  at:1305  color:linia layer:back 
  at:1306  color:linia   
  at:1399  color:linia   
  at:1386  color:linia  
  at:1704  color:linia   
  at:1709  color:linia    
  at:1733  color:linia   
  at:1736  color:linia               

Template:Królowie Polski timeline top  next

First version by Nameless ? on Friday, November 25, 2005, last update on Sunday, February 26, 2006

ImageSize  = width:200 height:1000
PlotArea   = left:45 right:5 bottom:80 top:10
AlignBars  = justify

Legend     = columns:1 left:20 top:40 orientation:vertical columnwidth:100

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:990 till:1370
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:1000
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:990
Colors =

 id:Kr  value:red             legend:Piastowie
 id:Pr  value:blue            legend:Przemyślidzi
 id:linia value:rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

BarData =

PlotData =
  mark:(line,white) fontsize:S shift:(25,-4) width:30 
  from:992 till:1025 color:Kr text:[[Bolesław I Chrobry]]
  from:1025 till:1031 color:Kr shift:(25,-10) text:[[Mieszko II]]
  from:1058 till:1079 color:Kr text:[[Bolesław II Śmiały]]
  from:1290 till:1296 color:Kr shift:(25,-14)  text:[[Przemysł II]]
  from:1306 till:1333 color:Kr text:[[Władysław I Łokietek]]
  from:1333 till:1370 color:Kr text:[[Kazimierz III Wielki]]
  bar:przemyslidzi align:left
  from:1291 till:1305 color:Pr shift:(-70,-10) text:[[Wacław II Czeski|Wacław II]]
  from:1305 till:1306 color:Pr shift:(-70,-10) text:[[Wacław III Czeski|Wacław III]]

LineData =
  layer:front width:0.1  
  at:1291  color:linia layer:back              
  at:1305  color:linia layer:back 
  at:1306  color:linia          

Template:Królowie Polski timeline top  next

First version by Nameless ? on Friday, November 25, 2005, last update on Sunday, February 26, 2006

ImageSize  = width:200 height:1000
PlotArea   = left:45 right:5 bottom:80 top:10
AlignBars  = justify

Legend     = columns:1 left:20 top:40 orientation:vertical columnwidth:100

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1370 till:1572
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:1400
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:1370
Colors =

 id:ja  value:red             legend:Jagiellonowie
 id:an  value:blue            legend:Andegawenowie
 id:linia value:rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)

BarData =

PlotData =
  mark:(line,white) fontsize:S shift:(25,-4) width:30 
  from:1386 till:1434 color:ja text:[[Władysław II Jagiełło]] 
  from:1434 till:1444 color:ja text:[[Władysław III Warneńczyk|Władysław III]] ~ [[Władysław III Warneńczyk|Warneńczyk]]
  from:1444 till:1492 color:ja text:[[Kazimierz IV Jagiellończyk|Kazminierz IV]] ~ [[Kazimierz IVJagiellończyk|Jagiellończyk]]
  from:1492 till:1501 color:ja text:[[Jan I Olbracht]]
  from:1501 till:1506 color:ja text:[[Aleksander Jagiellończyk|Aleksander]] ~ [[Aleksander Jagiellończyk|Jagiellończyk]]
  from:1506 till:1548 color:ja text:[[Zygmunt I Stary]]
  from:1548 till:1572 color:ja text:[[Zygmunt II August]]
  bar:Andegawenowie align:left
  from:1370 till:1382 color:an shift:(-105,-10) text:[[Ludwik Węgierski]]
  from:1382 till:1399 color:an shift:(-100,4) text:[[Jadwiga Andegaweńska|Jadwiga]] ~ [[Jadwiga Andegaweńska|Andegaweńska]]

LineData =
  layer:front width:0.1  
  at:1399  color:linia   
  at:1386  color:linia                  

Template:Królowie Polski timeline top  next

First version by Nameless ? on Friday, November 25, 2005, last update on Sunday, February 26, 2006

ImageSize  = width:200 height:1000
PlotArea   = left:45 right:5 bottom:80 top:10
AlignBars  = justify

Legend     = columns:1 left:20 top:40 orientation:vertical columnwidth:100

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1570 till:1795
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:1600
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:1570
Colors =

 id:ja  value:red            
 id:an  value:blue            legend:Stanisław_Leszczyński
 id:linia value:rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)

BarData =

PlotData =
  mark:(line,white) fontsize:S shift:(25,-4) width:30 
  from:1573 till:1575 color:ja text:[[Henryk Walezy]] 
  from:1576 till:1586 color:ja text:[[Stefan Batory]]
  from:1587 till:1632 color:ja text:[[Zygmunt III Waza]]
  from:1632 till:1648 color:ja text:[[Władysław IV Waza]]
  from:1648 till:1668 color:ja text:[[Jan II Kazimierz Waza]]
  from:1669 till:1673 color:ja text:[[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki|Michał Korybut]] ~ [[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki|WIśniowiecki]]
  from:1674 till:1696 color:ja text:[[Jan III Sobieski]]
  from:1697 till:1706 color:ja text:[[August II Mocny]]
  from:1709 till:1733 color:ja text:August II Mocny
  from:1733 till:1763 color:ja text:[[August III Sas]]
  from:1763 till:1795 color:ja text:[[Stanisław August Poniatowski|Stanisław August]] ~ [[Stanisław August Poniatowski|Poniatowski]]
  bar:Stanisław_Leszczyński align:left
  from:1704 till:1709 color:an shift:(-80,0) text:[[Stanisław Leszczyński|Stanisław]] ~ [[Stanisław Leszczyński|Leszczyński]]
  from:1733 till:1736 color:an shift:(-85,-15) text:Stanisław Leszczyński
LineData =
  layer:front width:0.1  
  at:1704  color:linia   
  at:1709  color:linia    
  at:1733  color:linia   
  at:1736  color:linia               

Template:Rozbicie dzielnicowe top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:200 height:800
PlotArea   = left:40 right:0 bottom:20 top:0
AlignBars  = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1135 till:1290
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:25 start:1150
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:5 start:1135
Colors =
 id:Rd  value:orange         

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

BarData =

PlotData =
  mark:(line,white) fontsize:S shift:(25,-4) width:30 
  from:1138 till:1146 color:Rd text:[[Władysław II Wygnaniec]]
  from:1146 till:1173 color:Rd text:[[Bolesław IV Kędzierzawy]]
  from:1173 till:1177 color:Rd text:[[Mieszko III Stary]]
  from:1177 till:1191 color:Rd text:[[Kaziemierz II Sprawiedliwy]]
  from:1191 till:1191 color:Rd text:Mieszko III Stary
  from:1191 till:1194 color:Rd text:Kaziemierz II Sprawiedliwy
  from:1194 till:1198 color:Rd text:[[Leszek Biały]]
  from:1198 till:1202 color:Rd text:Mieszko III Stary
  from:1202 till:1202 color:Rd text:[[Władysław III Laskonogi]]
  from:1202 till:1210 color:Rd text:Leszek Biały
  from:1210 till:1211 color:Rd text:[[Mieszko IV Plątonogi]]
  from:1211 till:1227 color:Rd text:Leszek Biały
  from:1228 till:1231 color:Rd text:Władysław III Laskonogi
  from:1231 till:1238 color:Rd text:[[Henryk I Brodaty]]
  from:1238 till:1241 color:Rd text:[[Henryk II Pobożny]]
  from:1241 till:1243 color:Rd text:[[Konrad I Mazowiecki]]
  from:1243 till:1279 color:Rd text:[[Bolesław V Wstydliwy]]
  from:1279 till:1288 color:Rd text:[[Leszek Czarny]]
  from:1288 till:1290 color:Rd text:[[Henryk IV Probus]]         

Template:Królowie Númenoru top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:200 height:1000
PlotArea   = right:30 top:25 left:50 bottom:25
DateFormat = yyyy
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
Period     = from:0 till:3441
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:100 start:0
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:50 start:0
Colors     = 
  id:canvas value:white 
BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas

  bar:Leaders color:green width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S

  from:0     till:32        
  from:32    till:442 
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  from:442   till:590   
  from:590   till:740       
  from:740   till:883     
  from:883   till:1075    
  from:1075  till:1280    
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  from:1394  till:1556  
  from:1556  till:1731  
  from:1731  till:1869   
  from:1869  till:2029   
  from:2029  till:2221    
  from:2221  till:2386   
  from:2386  till:2526  
  from:2526  till:2637  
  from:2637  till:2657 
  from:2657  till:2737     
  from:2737  till:2825   
  from:2825  till:2899     
  from:2899  till:2962  
  from:2962  till:3033   
  from:3033  till:3102   
  from:3102  till:3177    
  from:3177  till:3255     
  from:3255  till:3319
  from:3319  till:end
# Pozicija besedila

  bar:Leaders color:yellow width:25 mark:(line,green) align:left shift:(20,0) fontsize:S

 at:start text:   koniec ~ [[Pierwsza Era|Pierwszej Ery]]
 at:250  text:   [[Elros]]
 at:450  mark:(line,white) text:[[Vardamir Nólimon]]
 at:550  text:   [[Tar-Amandil]]
 at:690  text:   [[Tar-Elendil]]
 at:825  text:   [[Tar-Meneldur]]
 at:990  text:   [[Tar-Aldarion]]
 at:1200 text:   [[Tar-Ancalimë]]
 at:1350 text:   [[Tar-Anárion]]
 at:1500 text:   [[Tar-Súrion]]
 at:1675 text:   [[Tar-Telperiën]]
 at:1825 text:   [[Tar-Minastir]]
 at:1975 text:   [[Tar-Ciryatan]]
 at:2150 text:   [[Tar-Atanamir]]
 at:2325 text:   [[Tar-Ancalimon]]
 at:2475 text:   [[Tar-Telemmaitë]]
 at:2600 text:   [[Tar-Vanimeldë]]
 at:2660 text:   [[Tar-Anducal]]
 at:2710 text:   [[Tar-Alcarin]]
 at:2800 text:   [[Tar-Calmacil]]
 at:2870 text:   [[Tar-Ardamin]]
 at:2945 text:   [[Ar-Adunakhor|Ar-Adunakhôr]]
 at:3015 text:   [[Ar-Zimrathôn]]
 at:3080 text:   [[Ar-Sakalthôr]]
 at:3160 text:   [[Ar-Gimilzôr]]
 at:3230 text:   [[Tar-Palantir]]
 at:3300 text:   [[Ar-Pharazôn]]
 at:end  text:   koniec ~ [[Druga Era|Drugiej Ery]]

Template:Królowie Arnoru top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:175 height:800
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:0 till:900
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:0
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:0

PlotData =
# set defaults
  mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S width:15 textcolor:black 
  shift:(25,-4) # shift text to right side of bar
  bar:Królowie_Arnoru width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S color:green

  at:2 mark:(line,red) text:Śmierć_Isildura
  from:10   till:249 text:[[Valandil]]
  from:249   till:339 text:[[Eldacar]]
  from:339   till:435 text:[[Arantar]]
  from:435   till:515 text:[[Tarcil]]
  from:515   till:602 text:[[Tarondor]]
  from:602   till:652 text:[[Valandur]]
  from:652   till:777 text:[[Elendur]]
  from:777   till:861 text:[[Eärendur]]
  at:861 mark:(line,red) text:Rozpad Arnoru

Template:Królowie Arthedainu top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:175 height:800
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:860 till:1980
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:900
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:860

PlotData =
# set defaults
  mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S width:15 textcolor:black 
  shift:(25,-4) # shift text to right side of bar
  bar:Królowie_Arthedainu width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S color:green

  from:861   till:946 text:[[Amlaith]]
  from:946   till:1029 text:[[Beleg]]
  from:1029   till:1100 text:[[Mallor]]
  from:1100   till:1191 text:[[Celepharn]]
  from:1191   till:1272 text:[[Celebrindor]]
  from:1272   till:1349 text:[[Malvegil]]
  from:1349   till:1356 text:[[Argeleb I]]
  from:1356   till:1409 text:[[Arveleg I]]
  from:1409   till:1589 text:[[Araphor]]
  from:1589   till:1670 text:[[Argeleb II]]
  from:1670   till:1743 text:[[Arvegil]]
  from:1743   till:1813 text:[[Arveleg II]]
  from:1813   till:1891 text:[[Araval]]
  from:1891   till:1964 text:[[Araphant]]
  from:1964   till:1975 text:[[Arvedui]]

Template:Wodzowie Dúnedainów top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:175 height:800
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1970 till:3019
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:2000
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:1970

PlotData =
# set defaults
  mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S width:15 textcolor:black 
  shift:(25,-4) # shift text to right side of bar
  bar:Wodzowie_Dúnedainów width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S color:green

  from:1970   till:2106 text:[[Aranarth]]
  from:2106   till:2177 text:[[Arahael]]
  from:2177   till:2247 text:[[Aranuir]]
  from:2247   till:2319 text:[[Aravir]]
  from:2319   till:2327 text:[[Aragorn I]]
  from:2327   till:2455 text:[[Araglas]]
  from:2455   till:2523 text:[[Arahad I]]
  from:2523   till:2588 text:[[Aragost]]
  from:2588   till:2654 text:[[Aravorn]]
  from:2654   till:2719 text:[[Arahad II]]
  from:2719   till:2784 text:[[Arassuil]]
  from:2784   till:2848 text:[[Arathorn I]]
  from:2848   till:2912 text:[[Argonui]]
  from:2912   till:2930 text:[[Arador]]
  from:2930   till:2933 text:[[Arathorn II]]
  from:2951   till:3019 text:[[Aragorn II]]

Template:Królowie Gondoru top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:175 height:1300
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:0 till:2050
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:0
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:0

PlotData =
# set defaults
  mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S width:15 textcolor:black 
  shift:(25,-4) # shift text to right side of bar
  bar:Królowie_Arthedainu width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S color:green

  from:2   till:158 text:[[Meneldil]]
  from:158   till:238 text:[[Cemendur]]
  from:238   till:324 text:[[Eärendil]]
  from:324   till:411 text:[[Anardil]]
  from:411   till:492 text:[[Ostoher]]
  from:492   till:541 text:[[Rómendacil I]]
  from:541   till:667 text:[[Turambar]]
  from:667   till:748 text:[[Atanatar I]]
  from:748   till:830 text:[[Siriondil]]
  from:830   till:913 text:[[Falastur]]
  from:913   till:933 text:[[Eärnil I]]
  from:933   till:1015 text:[[Ciryandil]]
  from:1015   till:1149 text:[[Hyarmendacil I]]
  from:1149   till:1226 text:[[Atanatar II]]
  from:1226   till:1294 text:[[Narmacil I]]
  from:1294   till:1304 text:[[Calmacil]]
  from:1304   till:1366 text:[[Rómendacil II]]
  from:1366   till:1432 text:[[Valacar]]
  from:1432   till:1437 text:[[Eldacar]]
  from:1437   till:1447 shift:(25,-8) text:[[Castamir]]
  from:1447   till:1490 text:Eldacar
  from:1490   till:1540 text:[[Aldamir]]
  from:1540   till:1621 text:[[Hyarmendacil II]]
  from:1621   till:1634 shift:(25,0) text:[[Minardil]]
  from:1634   till:1636 shift:(25,-6) text:[[Telemnar]]
  from:1636   till:1798 text:[[Tarondor]]
  from:1798   till:1850 text:[[Telumehtar]]
  from:1850   till:1856 text:[[Narmacil II]]
  from:1856   till:1936 text:[[Calimehtar]]
  from:1936   till:1944 text:[[Onodher]]
  from:1945   till:2043 text:[[Eärnil II]]
  from:2043   till:2050 text:[[Eärnur]]

Template:Królowie Rohanu top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:200 height:800
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:2500 till:3019
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:50 start:2500
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:10 start:2500

PlotData =
# set defaults
  mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S width:15 textcolor:black 
  shift:(25,-4) # shift text to right side of bar
  bar:Królowie_Rohanu width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S color:green

  from:2510   till:2545 text:[[Eorl]]
  from:2545   till:2570 text:[[Brego]]
  from:2570   till:2645 text:[[Aldor]]
  from:2645   till:2659 text:[[Fréa]]
  from:2659   till:2680 text:[[Fréawine]]
  from:2680   till:2699 text:[[Golwine]]
  from:2699   till:2718 text:[[Déor]]
  from:2718   till:2741 text:[[Gram]]
  from:2741   till:2759 text:[[Helm Żelaznoręki]]
  from:2759   till:2798 text:[[Fréaláf]]
  from:2798   till:2842 text:[[Brytta]]
  from:2842   till:2851 text:[[Walda]]
  from:2851   till:2864 text:[[Folca]]
  from:2864   till:2903 text:[[Folcawine]]
  from:2903   till:2953 text:[[Fengel]]
  from:2953   till:2980 text:[[Thengel]]
  from:2980   till:3019 text:[[Théoden]]

Template:Prezydenci USA timeline top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:720 height:720
PlotArea   = left:0 right:0 bottom:60 top:10
Legend     = columns:3 left:205 top:40 columnwidth:170
AlignBars  = justify

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1789 till:2009
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical

  id:canvas value:gray(0.5)
  id:Dem  value:blue             legend:Demokrata
  id:Rep  value:red              legend:Republikanin
  id:Fed  value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.6) legend:Federalista
  id:dr   value:green            legend:Demokratyczny_Republikanin
  id:Wh   value:yellow           legend:Whig
  id:np   value:gray(0.8)        legend:Bezpartyjny
  id:War     value:gray(0.6)

Define $left  = align:right shift:(-25,-5)
Define $right = align:left  shift:(25,-5)

  mark:(line,white) fontsize:S shift:(25,-5)

  width:33  shift:(-25,-5) align:right color:War fontsize:S textcolor:war

  from:1861  till:1865 text:"Wojna Secesyjna"
  from:1914  till:1918 text:"I Wojna Światowa"
  from:1939  till:1945 text:"II Wojna Światowa"

  width:29 color:black textcolor:black

  from:1799  till:1801 text:"1800"
  from:1899  till:1901 text:"1900" $right
  from:1999  till:2001 text:"2000"

  width:25 fontsize:S textcolor:black
  from:start till:1797 color:np   $left  text:"George Washington_1789-1797"
  from:1797  till:1801 color:Fed  $right text:"1797-1801_John Adams"
  from:1801  till:1809 color:DR   $left  text:"Thomas Jefferson_1801-1809"
  from:1809  till:1817 color:DR   $right text:"1809-1817_James Madison"
  from:1817  till:1825 color:DR   $left  text:"James Monroe_1817-1825"
  from:1825  till:1829 color:DR   $right text:"1825-1829_John Quincy Adams"
  from:1829  till:1837 color:Dem  $left  text:"Andrew Jackson_1829-1837"
  from:1837  till:1841 color:Dem  $right text:"1837-1841_Martin Van Buren"
  from:1841  till:1841 color:Wh   $left  text:"William Henry Harrison_1841"
  from:1841  till:1845 color:Wh   $right text:"1841-1845_John Tyler"
  from:1845  till:1849 color:Dem  $left  text:"James Knox Polk_1845-1849"
  from:1849  till:1850 color:Wh   $right text:"1849-1850_Zachary Taylor"
  from:1850  till:1853 color:Wh   $left  text:"Millard Fillmore_1850-1853"
  from:1853  till:1857 color:Dem  $right text:"1853-1857_Franklin Pierce"
  from:1857  till:1861 color:Dem  $left  text:"James Buchanan_1857-1861"
  from:1861  till:1865 color:Rep  $right text:"1861-1865_Abraham Lincoln"
  from:1865  till:1869 color:Dem  $left  text:"Andrew Johnson_1865-1869"
  from:1869  till:1877 color:Rep  $right text:"1869-1877_Ulysses Simpson Grant"
  from:1877  till:1881 color:Rep  $left  text:"Rutherford Birchard Hayes_1877-1881"
  from:1881  till:1881 color:Rep  $right text:"1881_James Abram Garfield"
  from:1881  till:1885 color:Rep  $left  text:"Chester Alan Arthur_1881-1885"
  from:1885  till:1889 color:Dem  $right text:"1885-1889_Stephen Grover Cleveland"
  from:1889  till:1893 color:Rep  $left  text:"Benjamin Harrison_1889-1893"
  from:1893  till:1897 color:Dem  $right text:"1893-1897_Stephen Grover Cleveland"
  from:1897  till:1901 color:Rep  $left  text:"William McKinley_1897-1901"
  from:1901  till:1909 color:Rep  $right text:"1901-1909_Theodore Roosevelt"
  from:1909  till:1913 color:Rep  $left  text:"William Howard Taft_1909-1913"
  from:1913  till:1921 color:Dem  $right text:"1913-1921_Thomas Woodrow Wilson"
  from:1921  till:1923 color:Rep  $left  text:"Warren Gamaliel Harding_1921-1923"
  from:1923  till:1929 color:Rep  $right text:"1923-1929_John Calvin Coolidge, Jr."
  from:1929  till:1933 color:Rep  $left  text:"Herbert Clark Hoover_1929-1933"
  from:1933  till:1945 color:Dem  $right text:"1933-1945_Franklin Delano Roosevelt"
  from:1945  till:1953 color:Dem  $left  text:"Harry S. Truman_1945-1953"
  from:1953  till:1961 color:Rep  $right text:"1953-1961_Dwight David Eisenhower"
  from:1961  till:1963 color:Dem  $left  text:"John Fitzgerald Kennedy_1961-1963"
  from:1963  till:1969 color:Dem  $right text:"1963-1969_Lyndon Baines Johnson"
  from:1969  till:1974 color:Rep  $left  text:"Richard Milhous Nixon_1969-1974"
  from:1974  till:1977 color:Rep  $right text:"1974-1977_Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr."
  from:1977  till:1981 color:Dem  $left  text:"James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, Jr._1977-1981"
  from:1981  till:1989 color:Rep  $right text:"1981-1989_Ronald Wilson Reagan"
  from:1989  till:1993 color:Rep  $left  text:"George Herbert Walker Bush_1989-1993"
  from:1993  till:2001 color:Dem  $right text:"1993-2001_William Jefferson Clinton"
  from:2001  till:end  color:Rep  $left  text:"George Walker Bush_2001- "

Template:Ziemia-Śnieżka top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Saturday, November 26, 2005

ImageSize  = width:150 height:355
PlotArea   = left:40 right:5 bottom:65 top:5
AlignBars  = justify

Period      = from:542 till:1000
TimeAxis    = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor  = unit:year increment:100 start:600
ScaleMinor  = unit:year increment:25 start:550

Colors =
  id:era  value:rgb(1,1,0.7)  legend:Neoproterozoik   # light yellow
  id:period  value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:Epoka  # light red
  id:ball  value:rgb(0.4,0.7,0.4)  legend:Ziemia-Śnieżka  # light green
  id:black  value:black

Legend = left:15 top:60

BarData =

  width:80 align:center textcolor:black mark:(line,black)

  bar:era color:era
  from:542  till:1000 
  at:900 mark:none # text:[[Neoproterozoik]]~(542-1000)

  bar:period color:period

  from:542  till:630  text:[[Ediakaran]]~(542-630)
  #at:565  mark:none  text:[[Ediakaran]]~(542-630)

  from:630  till:850
  at:790  mark:none  text:[[Kriogen]]~(630-850)

  from:850  till:1000  text:[[Ton]]~(850-1000)

  bar:ball color:ball

  from:580  till:750 mark:none #text:Ziemia-Śnieżka~(580-750)

Template:Chrześcijaństwo po 1400 top  next

First version by Nameless on Sunday, December 4, 2005, last update on Saturday, April 22, 2006

Preset    = TimeHorizontal_AutoPlaceBars_UnitYear
ImageSize = width:760

Colors =
  id:gray          value:gray(0.8)
  id:darkGray      value:gray(0.2)
  id:rel      value:rgb(0.6,1,0.6)   

BackgroundColors = canvas:white

Period     = from:1400 till:2000
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:25 start:1425 gridcolor:gray


Define $broad  = width:0.8
Define $narrow = width:0.2

LineData =
  at:1405 frompos:35 tillpos:540  $broad   #podzial
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# set defaults
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  from:1863 till:end  text:"[[Kościół Adwentystów Dnia Siódmego|Adwentyści Dnia Siódmego]]"
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  from:1562 till:1658 text:"[[Bracia Polscy]]"
  from:1889 till:end  text:"[[Starokatolicyzm]]"

Template:Wielkie Jeziora top  next

Initial version by Nameless on Sunday, December 4, 2005

ImageSize  = width:595 height:250
PlotArea   = width:525 height:200 left:50 bottom:15
AlignBars = justify

Period    = from:-1000 till:600
TimeAxis  = orientation:vertical
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ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-1000

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Define $elevation = shift:(0,15) mark:(line,textoutsidebar) textcolor:textoutsidebar
Define $avgdepth = mark:(line,textinbar) textcolor:textinbar
Define $maxdepth = shift:(0,-11) mark:(line,textoutsidebar) textcolor:textoutsidebar


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    at:243 text:"rzędna~powierzchni"
    at:-40 text:"średnia~głębokość"
    at:-559 text:"maksymalna~głębokość"

Template:Tolkien top  next

First version by Nameless on Sunday, December 4, 2005, last update on Tuesday, December 13, 2005

ImageSize  = width:275 height:450
PlotArea   = left:45 right:0 bottom:10 top:10

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1890 till:1980
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical 
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1890
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:1 start:1890

  color:red mark:(line,black) align:left fontsize:S 
  shift:(25,0) # shift text to right side of bar

  # there is no automatic collision detection,
  # so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap shift:(25,-10) 

  at:1892             text:"Narodziny"
  at:1895             text:"Śmierć_ojca,_przeprowadzka_do_Anglii"
  at:1904             text:"Umiera_matka_J.R.R._Tolkiena"
  at:1916             shift:(25,-13)text:"Bierze_udział_w_bitwie_pod_Sommą;~ślub_z_Edith_Mary_Bratt"
  at:1917             text:"Początek_prac_nad_mitologią_Śródziemia"
  from:1920 till:1925 color:green text:"Praca_na_uniwersytecie_w_Leeds"
  from:1925 till:1945 shift:(25,-20) text:"Profesor języka anglosaskiego~na uniwersytecie w Oksfordzie"
  at:1937             shift:(25,-5) text:"Pierwsze wydanie ''Hobbita''"
  from:1945 till:1959 color:yellow shift:(25,-15) text:"Profesor języka i literatury angielskiej~w Oksfordzie"
  from:1954 till:1955 color:blue text:"Publikacja ''Władcy Pierścieni''"
  at:1964             shift:(25,-15) text:""Drzewo i Liść""
  at:1967             text:""Kowal z Podlesia Większego"~"The Road Goes Ever On""
  at:1973             text:"Śmierć"
  at:1977             text:"Pośmiertna publikacja ''Silmarillionu''"

Template:Oś Zwycięzcy Tour de France top  next

First version by 1michał on Sunday, December 11, 2005, last update on Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Preset     = TimeVertical_OneBar_UnitYear
ImageSize  = width:220 height:1380
PlotArea   = bottom:220 left:40
Period     = from:1903 till:2006
ScaleMajor = start:1905 increment:5
ScaleMinor = start:1903 increment:1

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  id:ITA       value:rgb(0,0.9,0)     legend:Włochy_(9)
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BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas

Legend = orientation:vertical columns:1 top:200 left: 45

PlotData =
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  from:1906 till:1907 text:"[[René Polthier]]" color:FRA
  from:1907 till:1908 text:"[[Lucien Petit-Breton]]" color:FRA
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  from:1922 till:1923 text:"Firmin Lambot 2" color:BEL
  from:1923 till:1924 text:"[[Henri Pélissier]]" color:FRA
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  from:1925 till:1926 text:"Ottavio Bottecchia 2" color:ITA mark:(line,linemark2)
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  from:1932 till:1933 text:"André Leducq 2" color:FRA
  from:1933 till:1934 text:"[[Georges Speicher]]" color:FRA
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  from:1936 till:1937 text:"[[Sylvère Maes]]" color:BEL
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  from:1938 till:1939 text:"[[Gino Bartali]]" color:ITA
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  from:1952 till:1953 text:"Fausto Coppi 2" color:ITA
  from:1953 till:1954 text:"[[Louison Bobet]]" color:FRA
  from:1954 till:1955 text:"Louison Bobet 2" color:FRA
  from:1955 till:1956 text:"Louison Bobet 3" color:FRA
  from:1956 till:1957 text:"[[Roger Walkowiak]]" color:FRA
  from:1957 till:1958 text:"[[Jacques Anquetil]]" color:FRA
  from:1958 till:1959 text:"[[Charly Gaul]]" color:LUX
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  from:1960 till:1961 text:"[[Gastone Nencini]]" color:ITA
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  from:1962 till:1963 text:"Jacques Anquetil 3" color:FRA
  from:1963 till:1964 text:"Jacques Anquetil 4" color:FRA
  from:1964 till:1965 text:"Jacques Anquetil 5" color:FRA
  from:1965 till:1966 text:"[[Felice Gimondi]]" color:ITA
  from:1966 till:1967 text:"[[Lucien Aimar]]" color:FRA
  from:1967 till:1968 text:"[[Roger Pingeon]]" color:FRA
  from:1968 till:1969 text:"[[Jan Janssen]]" color:NED
  from:1969 till:1970 text:"[[Eddy Merckx]]" color:BEL
  from:1970 till:1971 text:"Eddy Merckx 2" color:BEL
  from:1971 till:1972 text:"Eddy Merckx 3" color:BEL
  from:1972 till:1973 text:"Eddy Merckx 4" color:BEL
  from:1973 till:1974 text:"[[Luis Ocaña]]" color:SPA
  from:1974 till:1975 text:"Eddy Merckx 5" color:BEL
  from:1975 till:1976 text:"[[Bernard Thévenet]]" color:FRA
  from:1976 till:1977 text:"[[Lucien van Impe]]" color:BEL
  from:1977 till:1978 text:"Bernard Thévenet 2" color:FRA
  from:1978 till:1979 text:"[[Bernard Hinault]]" color:FRA
  from:1979 till:1980 text:"Bernard Hinault 2" color:FRA
  from:1980 till:1981 text:"[[Joop Zoetemelk]]" color:NED
  from:1981 till:1982 text:"Bernard Hinault 3" color:FRA
  from:1982 till:1983 text:"Bernard Hinault 4" color:FRA
  from:1983 till:1984 text:"[[Laurent Fignon]]" color:FRA
  from:1984 till:1985 text:"Laurent Fignon 2" color:FRA
  from:1985 till:1986 text:"Bernard Hinault 5" color:FRA
  from:1986 till:1987 text:"[[Greg LeMond]]" color:USA
  from:1987 till:1988 text:"[[Stephen Roche]]" color:IRL
  from:1988 till:1989 text:"[[Pedro Delgado]]" color:SPA
  from:1989 till:1990 text:"Greg LeMond 2" color:USA
  from:1990 till:1991 text:"Greg LeMond 3" color:USA
  from:1991 till:1992 text:"[[Miguel Induráin]]" color:SPA
  from:1992 till:1993 text:"Miguel Induráin 2" color:SPA
  from:1993 till:1994 text:"Miguel Induráin 3" color:SPA
  from:1994 till:1995 text:"Miguel Induráin 4" color:SPA
  from:1995 till:1996 text:"Miguel Induráin 5" color:SPA
  from:1996 till:1997 text:"[[Bjarne Riis]]" color:DEN
  from:1997 till:1998 text:"[[Jan Ullrich]]" color:GER
  from:1998 till:1999 text:"[[Marco Pantani]]" color:ITA
  from:1999 till:2000 text:"[[Lance Armstrong]]" color:USA
  from:2000 till:2001 text:"Lance Armstrong 2" color:USA
  from:2001 till:2002 text:"Lance Armstrong 3" color:USA
  from:2002 till:2003 text:"Lance Armstrong 4" color:USA
  from:2003 till:2004 text:"Lance Armstrong 5" color:USA
  from:2004 till:2005 text:"Lance Armstrong 6" color:USA
  from:2005 till:2006 text:"Lance Armstrong 7" color:USA

Okresy rozwoju patrystyki top  next

Initial version by Stanp on Monday, March 20, 2006

ImageSize = width:590 height:auto barincrement:12
PlotArea  = top:10 bottom:30 right:130 left:20
AlignBars = early

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:325 till:451
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:25 start:325

Colors     =
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Backgroundcolors = canvas:canvas

BarData =

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  from: 329 till: 379 color:PA text:"[[Bazyli Wielki]]  ([[329]] - [[379]])"
  from: 330 till: 390 color:PA text:"[[Grzegorz z Nazjanzu]]  ([[330]] - [[390]])"
  from: 335 till: 394 color:PA text:"[[Grzegorz z Nyssy]]  ([[335]] - [[394]])"
  from: 339 till:397 color:PA text:"[[św. Ambroży]]  ([[339]] - [[397]])"
  from:347 till:419 color:PA text:"[[św. Hieronim]]  ([[347]] - [[419]])"
  from:350 till:407 color:PA text:"[[św. Jan Chryzostom]]  ([[350]] - [[407]])"
  from:353 till:430 color:PA text:"[[św. Augustyn]]  ([[353]] - [[430]])"
  from:360 till:435 color:PA text:"[[Jan Kasjan]]  ([[360]] - [[435]])"
  from:375 till:444 color:PA text:"[[Cyryl Aleksandryjski|Cyryl Aleks.]]  ([[375]] - [[444]])"

Wybory parlamentarne w Czechach, 2006 top  next

First version by Luděk on Saturday, June 3, 2006, last update on Thursday, July 13, 2006

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ImageSize  = width:600 height:373
PlotArea   = left:50 bottom:50 top:30 right:30
DateFormat = x.y
Period     = from:0 till:40
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
AlignBars  = justify
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:darkgrey increment:10 start:0
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BackgroundColors = canvas:aaa

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Trzeci Okres Przejściowy - linie czasu top  next

First version by NeferKaRe on Saturday, June 17, 2006, last update on Tuesday, July 11, 2006

ImageSize = width:1024 height:2000 
PlotArea  = top:10 bottom:10 right:50 left:50
Legend     = columns:4 left:120 top:60 columnwidth:200
AlignBars  = justify

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:-1110 till:-520
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical

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  from: -946 till: -925 color:DD text:"[[Szeszonk I]]"
  from: -925 till: -890 color:DD text:"[[Osorkon I]]"
  from: -890 till: -877 color:DD text:"[[Takelot I]]"
  from: -877 till: -875 color:DD shift:(0,8) text:"[[Szeszonk II]]"
  from: -875 till: -837 color:DD text:"[[Osorkon II]]"
  from: -870 till: -850 color:DD shift: (-62,0) text:"[[Harsiese]](I)"
  from: -841 till: -816 color:DD shift:(0,8) text:"[[Takelot II]]"
  from: -837 till: -785 color:DD text:"[[Szeszonk III]]"
  from: -785 till: -774 color:DD text:"[[Pimaj]]"
  from: -774 till: -736 color:DD text:"[[Szeszonk V]]"
  from: -732 till: -722 color:DD text:"[[Osorkon IV]]" #Koniec XXII dynastii.
  from: -944 till: -924 color:ARC text:"[[Juput]]"
  from: -924 till: -894 color:ARC shift:(0,8) text:"[[Szeszonk II]]"
  from: -894 till: -884 color:ARC text:"[[Juwlot]]"
  from: -884 till: -874 color:ARC text:"[[Smendes III]]"
  from: -874 till: -860 color:ARC text:"[[Harsiese]](I)"
  from: -860 till: -855 color:ARC text:"[[?]]"
  from: -855 till: -845 color:ARC text:"[[Nimlot]]"
  from: -840 till: -835 color:ARC text:"[[Osorkon]]"
  from: -835 till: -816 color:ARC text:"[[Harsiese II]]"
  from: -800 till: -775 color:ARC text:"[[Takelot]]"
  from: -830 till: -805 color:DT text:"[[Pedibastet]]"
  from: -816 till: -800 color:DT text:"[[Juput I]]"
  from: -805 till: -790 color:DT text:"[[Szeszonk IV]]"
  from: -790 till: -762 color:DT text:"[[Osorkon III]]"
  from: -767 till: -755 color:DT text:"[[Takelot III]]"
  from: -755 till: -735 color:DT text:"[[Rudżamon]]"
  from: -756 till: -725 color:DT text:"[[Juput II]]"
  from: -720 till: -715 color:DT shift:(0,2)text:"[[Szeszonk VI]]" #Koniec XXIII dynastii.
  from: -740 till: -719 color:DC shift:(0,2) text:"[[Tefnacht]]"
  from: -719 till: -714 color:DC shift:(-1,8) text:"[[Bokchoris]]" #Koniec XXIV dynastii.
  from: -746 till: -715 color:DP shift:(-52,-12) text:"[[Pianchi]]"
  from: -715 till: -700 color:DP text:"[[Szabaka]]"
  from: -700 till: -690 color:DP text:"[[Szabataka]]"
  from: -690 till: -664 color:DP text:"[[Taharka]]"
  from: -664 till: -655 color:DP text:"[[Tanutamon]]" #Koniec XXV dynastii.
  from: -672 till: -664 color:DS shift:(-52,-12) text:"[[Necho I]]"
  from: -664 till: -610 color:DS text:"[[Psametych I]]"
  from: -610 till: -595 color:DS text:"[[Necho II]]"
  from: -595 till: -589 color:DS text:"[[Psametych II]]"
  from: -589 till: -570 color:DS text:"[[Apries]]"
  from: -570 till: -526 color:DS shift:(2,-8) text:"[[Amasis]]"
  from: -526 till: -525 color:DS shift:(0,6) text:"[[Psametych III]]" #Koniec XXVI dynastii.


Tour de France 2006 top  next

First version by Bartekbas on Saturday, July 1, 2006, last update on Sunday, July 23, 2006

ImageSize  = width:600 height:600
PlotArea   = left:25 right:0 bottom:20 top:10
DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:0 till:21
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:white unit:year increment:1 start:0

Colors =
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  from:1  till:2  text:[[George Hincapie]]
  from:2  till:3  text:[[Thor Hushovd]]
  from:3  till:7  text:[[Tom Boonen]]
  from:7  till:10  text:[[Serhij Honczar]]
  from:10 till:11  text:[[Cyril Dessel]]
  from:11 till:13 text:[[Floyd Landis]]
  from:13 till:15 text:[[Oscar Pererio]]
  from:15 till:16 text:[[Floyd Landis]]
  from:16 till:19 text:[[Oscar Pereiro]]
  from:19 till:21 text:[[Floyd Landis]]

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  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
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  from:1  till:2  text: [[Jimmy Casper]]
  from:2  till:3  text: [[Thor Hushovd]]
  from:3  till:4  text: [[Tom Boonen]]
  from:4  till:21  text: [[Robbie McEwen]]

  bar:Górska color:bergrood 
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:1  text: -
  from:1  till:2  text: [[Fabian Wegmann]]
  from:2  till:3  text: [[David de la Fuente]]
  from:3  till:10  text: [[Jérôme Pineau]]
  from:10 till:11 text: [[Cyril Dessel]]
  from:11 till:16 text:[[David De La Fuente]]
  from:16 till:21 text:[[Michael Rasmussen]]

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  from:0  till:1  text: [[Joost Posthuma]]
  from:1  till:3  text: [[Benoît Vaugrenard]]
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  from:6  till:7  text: [[Benoît Vaugrenard]]
  from:7  till:17  text: [[Marcus Fothen]]
  from:17 till:21 text: [[Damiano Cunego]]

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  from:0  till:7  text: [[Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team|Discovery]] 
  from:7  till:10  text: [[Team T-Mobile]]
  from:10 till:11 text: [[AG2R Prévoyance]]
  from:11 till:13 text: [[Team T-Mobile]]
  from:13 till:17 text: [[Team CSC]]
  from:17 till:21 text: [[Team T-Mobile]]

Tour de France 2004 top  next

Initial version by Bartekbas on Sunday, July 2, 2006

ImageSize  = width:480 height:600
PlotArea   = left:25 right:0 bottom:20 top:10
DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:-1 till:20
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:white unit:year increment:1 start:0

Colors =
  id:alggeel    value:rgb(1,1,0.4) 
  id:bergrood   value:rgb(1,0.5,0.5) 
  id:puntgroen  value:rgb(0.7,1,0.5)
  id:lichtgrijs value:rgb(0.95,0.95,0.95)


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  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:-1  till:1  text:[[Fabian Cancellara]]
  from:1  till:2  text:[[Thor Hushovd]]
  from:2  till:3  text:[[Robbie McEwen]]
  from:3  till:4  text:[[Lance Armstrong]]
  from:4  till:14  text:[[Thomas Voeckler]]
  from:14  till:20 text:[[Lance Armstrong]]
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  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
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  from:3  till:4  text:[[Matthias Kessler]]
  from:4  till:18  text:[[Thomas Voeckler]]
  from:18  till:20  text:[[Władymir Karpiec]]

Tour de Pologne 2006 top  next

First version by Bartekbas on Monday, July 3, 2006, last update on Friday, July 14, 2006

ImageSize  = width:640 height:600
PlotArea   = left:25 right:0 bottom:20 top:10
DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:0 till:8
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical order:reverse
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:white unit:year increment:1 start:0

Colors =
  id:Lider    value:rgb(1,1,0.4) 
  id:gorska  value:rgb(0.7,1,0.5)
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  id:punktowa value:rgb(0,0,0.5)
  id:teams value:rgb(1,0.45,0)
  id:polak value:rgb(1,0,0)


  bar:Lidera color:Lider width:110 mark:(line,black) align:center fontsize:S shift:(0,2)
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:1  text: [[Klasyfikacja generalna na Tour de Pologne|Lidera]]

  bar:Górska color:gorska
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  from:0  till:1  text: Górska

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  bar:Drużynowa color:teams
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  from:0  till:1  text: Drużynowa]]

  bar:Najlepszy Polak color:polak
  # shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap
  from:0  till:1  text: Najlepszy Polak

Superligaen top  next

Initial version by ArturM on Friday, July 21, 2006

Preset     = TimeVertical_OneBar_UnitYear
ImageSize  = width:304 height:440
PlotArea   = bottom:100 left:40
Period     = from:1990 till:2006
ScaleMajor = start:1991 increment:2
ScaleMinor = start:1990 increment:1

Colors =
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  id:FCK         value:rgb(1,1,1)       legend:FC_Kopenhaga_(5)
  id:AaB         value:rgb(1,0,0.5)     legend:AaB_(2)
  id:Lyngby      value:rgb(0,0,1)       legend:Lyngby_(1)
  id:Silkeborg   value:rgb(1,0,0)       legend:Silkeborg_IF_(1)
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  from:1992 till:1993 text:"3. FC Kopenhaga 1" color:FCK
  from:1993 till:1994 text:"4. Silkeborg IF 1" color:Silkeborg
  from:1994 till:1995 text:"5. AaB 1" color:AaB
  from:1995 till:1996 text:"6. Brondby IF 2" color:Brondby
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Generated on Friday, August 11, 2006 from SQL dump files of Monday, July 31, 2006
Note: only timelines on article and template pages are shown. Timelines on discussion pages, user pages, etc are ignored. Top