Wikimedia Traffic Analysis Report - Operating Systems

Monthly requests or daily averages, for period: 1 Feb 2013 - 28 Feb 2013 (last 12 months)
000 ⇒ k

 This analysis is based on a 1:1000 sampled server log (squids)

 See also: Requests by destination or by origin / Methods / Scripts / User agents / Skins / Crawlers / Op.Sys. / Mobile devices / Browsers / Google / Country data / Traffic trends, and notes about reliability of these data

The following overview of page requests by operating system is based on the user agent information that accompanies most server requests.
Please note that agent information does not follow strict guidelines and some programs may provide wrong information on purpose.
This report ignores all requests where agent information is missing, or contains any of the following: bot, crawl(er) or spider.

Wikipedia: NT 5.0 = Windows 2000, NT 5.1/5.2 = XP + Server 2003, NT 6.0 = VISTA + Server 2008, NT 6.1 = Windows 7.
Wikipedia: OS X 10.4 = Tiger, 10.5 = Leopard, 10.6 = Snow Leopard.
Wikipedia: Ubuntu 7.10 = Gutsy Gibbon, 8.04 = Hardy Heron, 8.10 = Intrepid Ibex, 9.04 = Jaunty Jackalope, 9.10 = Karma Koala.

In order of popularity

Operating SystemRequestsPercentage
Breakdown per platform for Mac and Linux
Mac Intel6.89%
Linux Android6.03%
Linux Other0.88%
Linux Ubuntu0.50%
Mac PowerPC0.09%
Linux SUSE0.01%
Linux Fedora0.01%
Linux Mint0.01%
Linux Debian0.00%
Linux Mandriva0.00%
Linux CentOS0.00%
Linux Red Hat0.00%
Linux Mips0.00%
Linux Epiphany0.00%
Linux Kubuntu0.00%
Linux Gentoo0.00%
Linux Arch0.00%
Linux Oracle0.00%
Linux PCLinuxOS0.00%
Linux Motor0.00%
Linux Slackware0.00%
Linux openSUSE0.00%
Linux Xubuntu0.00%
Breakdown per OS version, non mobile
Windows NT 6.134.72%
Windows NT 5.114.95%
iPhone OS 1.X6.01%
Windows NT 6.04.30%
iPad OS 1.X3.35%
Windows NT 6.22.23%
Mac Intel OS X 10.82.18%
Mac Intel OS X 10.62.12%
Mac Intel OS X 10.71.95%
Mac Intel OS X 10.50.51%
Linux x86.64 Other0.46%
Linux i686 Other0.30%
Linux i686 Ubuntu0.24%
Windows NT 5.20.20%
Linux x86.64 Ubuntu0.20%
Windows NT 5.00.10%
Mac Intel OS X 10.40.06%
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.40.05%
Linux Other0.04%
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.50.03%
Breakdown per OS version, mobile
iPhone OS 1.X8.31%
iPad OS 1.X4.88%
Linux Android 2.32.21%
Linux Android 4.01.94%
Linux Android 4.11.22%
iPhone OS 6.10.72%
Java ME0.56%
Mobile other0.50%
Linux Android 2.20.33%
iPhone OS 6.00.31%
Windows NT 6.10.29%
BlackBerry 534.110.23%
iOS OS X0.21%
Linux Android 4.20.16%
BlackBerry 534.80.13%
iPhone OS 5.10.11%
BlackBerry 5.00.10%
Linux Other0.08%
Linux Android 2.10.06%
Linux Android 3.20.05%
Mac Intel OS X 10.60.04%
SymbianOS 9.40.04%
iPhone OS 4.30.02%
SymbianOS 9.30.02%
iPhone OS 5.00.02%
BlackBerry 7.10.02%
Windows CE0.02%
Linux Android 3.10.02%
BlackBerry 534.10.02%
SymbianOS 9.20.02%

In alphabetical order

Operating SystemRequestsPercentage
Breakdown per platform for Mac and Linux
Linux Android6.03%
Linux Arch0.00%
Linux CentOS0.00%
Linux Debian0.00%
Linux Epiphany0.00%
Linux Fedora0.01%
Linux Gentoo0.00%
Linux Kubuntu0.00%
Linux Mandriva0.00%
Linux Mint0.01%
Linux Mips0.00%
Linux Motor0.00%
Linux openSUSE0.00%
Linux Oracle0.00%
Linux Other0.88%
Linux PCLinuxOS0.00%
Linux Red Hat0.00%
Linux Slackware0.00%
Linux SUSE0.01%
Linux Ubuntu0.50%
Linux Xubuntu0.00%
Mac Intel6.89%
Mac PowerPC0.09%
Breakdown per OS version, non mobile
iPad OS 1.X3.35%
iPhone OS 1.X6.01%
Linux i686 Other0.30%
Linux i686 Ubuntu0.24%
Linux Other0.04%
Linux x86.64 Other0.46%
Linux x86.64 Ubuntu0.20%
Mac Intel OS X 10.40.06%
Mac Intel OS X 10.50.51%
Mac Intel OS X 10.62.12%
Mac Intel OS X 10.71.95%
Mac Intel OS X 10.82.18%
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.40.05%
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.50.03%
Windows NT 5.00.10%
Windows NT 5.114.95%
Windows NT 5.20.20%
Windows NT 6.04.30%
Windows NT 6.134.72%
Windows NT 6.22.23%
Breakdown per OS version, mobile
BlackBerry 5.00.10%
BlackBerry 534.10.02%
BlackBerry 534.110.23%
BlackBerry 534.80.13%
BlackBerry 7.10.02%
iOS OS X0.21%
iPad OS 1.X4.88%
iPhone OS 1.X8.31%
iPhone OS 4.30.02%
iPhone OS 5.00.02%
iPhone OS 5.10.11%
iPhone OS 6.00.31%
iPhone OS 6.10.72%
Java ME0.56%
Linux Android 2.10.06%
Linux Android 2.20.33%
Linux Android 2.32.21%
Linux Android 3.10.02%
Linux Android 3.20.05%
Linux Android 4.01.94%
Linux Android 4.11.22%
Linux Android 4.20.16%
Linux Other0.08%
Mac Intel OS X 10.60.04%
Mobile other0.50%
SymbianOS 9.20.02%
SymbianOS 9.30.02%
SymbianOS 9.40.04%
Windows CE0.02%
Windows NT 6.10.29%
Requests from mobile devices are recognized as follows:
Agent string contains any of the following terms (last upd: March 2012 ):
CFNetwork, Dalvik, WikipediaMobile, Appcelerator, WiktionaryMobile, Wikipedia Mobile, Android, BlackBerry, Windows CE, DoCoMo,
iPad, iPod, iPhone, HipTop, Kindle, LGE, Linux arm, MIDP, NetFront, Nintendo,
Nokia, Obigo, Opera Mini, Opera Mobi, Palm, Playstation, Samsung, SoftBank, SonyEricsson, Symbian,
UP.Browser, Vodafone, WAP, webOS, HTC[^P], KDDI, FOMA, Polaris, Teleca, Silk,
ZuneWP, HUAwei, Sunrise XP, Sunrise/, AUDIOVOX, LG/U, AU-MIC, Motorola, portalmmm, Amoi,
GINGERBREAD, Spice, lgtelecom, PlayBook, KYOCERA, Opera Tablet, Windows Phone, UNTRUSTED, Sensation, UCWEB,
Nook, XV6975, EBRD1, Rhodium, UPG, Symbian, Pantech, MeeGo, Tizen

Errata: WMF traffic logging service suffered from server capacity problems in Aug/Sep/Oct 2011.
Absolute traffic counts for October 2011 are approximatly 7% too low.
Data loss only occurred during peak hours. It therefore may have had somewhat different impact for traffic from different parts of the world.
and may have also skewed relative figures like share of traffic per browser or operating system.

From mid September till late November squid log records for mobile traffic were in invalid format.
Data could be repaired for logs from mid October onwards. Older logs were no longer available.

In a an unrelated server outage precisely half of traffic to WMF mobile sites was not counted from Oct 16 - Nov 29 (one of two load-balanced servers did not report traffic).
WMF has since improved server monitoring, so that similar outages should be detected and fixed much faster from now on.

Generated on Mon, Mar 11, 2013 15:49
Author:Erik Zachte (
Web site)
Mail: ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.

Note: page may load slower on Microsoft Internet explorer than on other major browsers