Wikinews Statistics


Page requests per day

Page requests per day (definition, based on Webalizer output)

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Wikinews sites are ordered by number of internal links (excl. redirects)
This seems a fairer base for comparing the total effort than either number of articles or database size:
Number of articles is not so meaningful given the fact that some Wikinews sites contain mainly short articles,
or even many automatically generated articles, while other Wikinews sites contain less but much longer articles, all handwritten.
Database size depends on coding system (unicode characters take several bytes) and
on how much meaning can be conveyed by one character (e.g. Chinese characters are whole words).

Wikinews sites which contain 10 or more articles are included here

Generated on Friday December 23, 2005 from the SQL dump files of Sunday December 11, 2005
Script version:2.3
Author:Erik Zachte (Web site) (<nospam> ### = epzachte </nospam>)
For documentation see meta

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.