Wikipedia Statistics


Database size

Combined size of all articles (incl. redirects)

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top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  
top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  
top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  
top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  
top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  
top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  
top 1: en - ms (..17500 M) 2: hi - sh (..225 M) 3: sh - bs (..150 M) 4: bs - kn (..100 M) 5: kn - oc (..80 M) 6: oc - gu (..50 M) 7: gu - zh_yue (..45 M)  

Speakers: Number of speakers of a language is the estimated total of primary and secondary speakers, is in many cases a very rough estimation (based on the page on the English Wikipedia about that language)
Regions are parts of the world where the language is spoken in substantial amounts (compared to total number of speakers). Regions where a language gained presence only by a recent diaspora are generally not included.
Region codes: AF:Africa, AS:Asia, EU:Europe, NA:North America, OC:Oceania, SA:South America, W:World Wide, CL:Constructed Language

Generated on Friday April 9, 2010 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Sunday February 28, 2010
Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

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Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
For documentation see meta

Charts rendered with Ploticus

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.