Tagalog Wikipedia at a glance December 2018
Data |
Yearly change |
Monthly change |
Page Views per Month |
3,739,403 |
-- |
-- |
Article Count |
78,368 |
+4% |
+0% |
New Articles per Day |
5 |
-- |
-- |
Edits per Month |
3,637 |
+53% |
+11% |
Active Editors |
25 |
-11% |
+14% |
Very Active Editors |
7 |
+250% |
-12% |
New Editors |
5 |
+25% |
+67% |
Speakers |
70,000,000 |
-- |
-- |
Editors per Million Speakers |
0.4 |
-- |
-- |
Page views: 3.7 million per month = 125 thousand per day = 5.2 thousand per hour = 87 per minute = 1.4 per second
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc
Metrics are about proper articles only (aka 'real' content or namespace 0 pages), not discussion/help/project pages, etc.
- Page Views 1
- Article Count 1
- An article is defined as any 'real' content page which contains at least one link to any other page
- New Articles per Day
- Edits per Month
- Edits per Month
- Active Editors
- Registered (and signed in) users who made 5 or more edits in a month
- Very Active Editors
- Registered (and signed in) users who made 100 or more edits in a month
- New Editors
- Registered (and signed in) users who completed their all time 10th edit in this month
- Speakers 1
- Includes secondary language speakers. Data are from the English Wikipedia page on Tagalog.
- Editors per Million Speakers 1
- aka Participation Rate.
1 For language/project comparisons see also Wikipedia sitemap and Wikistats 2.