Wikipedia Statistics

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  May 2016: The major overhaul of Wikistats reports has entered a new phase.  

  First phase focused on migrating the traffic analysis reports to our new infrastructure. Those are operational now.  
  The Analytics Team will now proceed to also migrate data collection and reporting about wiki content and contributors.  
  First results are expected later this year.  

  More info at this announcement
  You can see the first wireframes for Wikistats 2.0 and comment on the design here.

tdc(#658CFF,+2%,1,962 M);tdc(#658CFF,+2%,1,561 M);tdc(#658CFF,+2%,1,962 M); tdc(#656AFF,+3%,1,504 M);tdc(#656AFF,+3%,1,206 M);tdc(#656AFF,+3%,1,504 M); tdc(#7965FF,+4%,1,034 M);tdc(#7965FF,+4%,1,034 M);
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14  
May 2013  867 M27.8 M1.5 M858 k35 k73 k14 k25 k14 k21 k187 k65 k9.9 k
May 2012  749 M23.1 M1.2 M856 k34 k71 k14 k26 k13 k17 k187 k65 k8.6 k
May 2011  621 M18.6 M678 k801 k23 k64 k13 k21 k13 k25 k179 k64 k8.4 k
May 2010  497 M14.8 M503 k775 k20 k63 k11 k9.9 k12 k14 k170 k64 k6.9 k
May 2009389 M11.2 M264 k766 k18 k60 k6.8 k5.8 k11 k14 k169 k60 k6.6 k
May 2008289 M6.9 M38 k739 k13 k40 k5.1 k3.2 k9.2 k9.5 k160 k19 k3.9 k
May 2007838 M191 M3.5 M110 k11 k4.3 k2.4 k9945716.4 k113 k14 k3.7 k
May 2006 562 M460 M101 M1.6 M60 k10 k9954064006546191.1 k5.1 k3.4 k562 M
May 2005 229 M195 M33.3 M592 k29 k1.4 k9211608211211399984229 M
May 2004 92.2 M82.9 M9.1 M225 k5.6 k270114336 92.2 M
May 2003 40.2 M38.5 M1.6 M10 k5940.2 M
May 2002 8.2 M8.2 M88 k1.7 k8.2 M
May 2001 304 k304 k147304 k
Feb 2014
Jan 2014
Dec 2013
Nov 2013
Oct 2013
Sep 2013
Aug 2013
Jul 2013
Jun 2013
May 2013
Apr 2013
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Apr 2012
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Feb 2012
Jan 2012
Dec 2011
Nov 2011
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Sep 2011
Aug 2011
Jul 2011
Jun 2011
May 2011
Apr 2011
Mar 2011
Feb 2011
Jan 2011
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Nov 2010
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Aug 2010
Jul 2010
Jun 2010
May 2010
Apr 2010
Mar 2010
Feb 2010
Jan 2010
Dec 2009
Nov 2009
Oct 2009
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Aug 2009
Jul 2009
Jun 2009
May 2009
Apr 2009
Mar 2009
Feb 2009
Jan 2009
Dec 2008
Nov 2008
Oct 2008
Sep 2008
Aug 2008
Jul 2008
Jun 2008
May 2008
Apr 2008
Mar 2008
Feb 2008
Jan 2008
Dec 2007
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Aug 2007
Jul 2007
Jun 2007
May 2007
Apr 2007
Mar 2007
Feb 2007
Jan 2007
Dec 2006
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Feb 2006
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Mar 2001
Feb 2001
Jan 2001

Wikipedias are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Only wikis with at least 100 articles (A) are listed. Not listed: mh:Marshallese (9)

Speakers: Number of speakers of a language is the estimated total of primary and secondary speakers, is in many cases a very rough estimation (based on the page on the English Wikipedia about that language)
Regions are parts of the world where the language is spoken in substantial amounts (compared to total number of speakers). Regions where a language gained presence only by a recent diaspora are generally not included.
Region codes: AF:Africa, AS:Asia, EU:Europe, NA:North America, OC:Oceania, SA:South America, W:World Wide, CL:Constructed Language

Generated on Monday June 19, 2017 15:16 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Wednesday May 31, 2017

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.