In order of popularity | Operating System | Requests | Percentage |
Windows | 3,743,852 | 88.68% |
Mac | 272,173 | 6.45% |
Linux | 63,773 | 1.51% |
iPhone | 38,769 | 0.92% |
BlackBerry | 8,957 | 0.21% |
SymbianOS | 4,991 | 0.12% |
DoCoMo | 724 | 0.02% |
SunOS | 429 | 0.01% |
FreeBSD | 393 | 0.01% |
OpenBSD | 36 | 0.00% |
Total | 4,221,852 | 100% |
Breakdown per platform for Mac and Linux |
Mac Intel | 230,774 | 5.47% |
Mac PowerPC | 41,137 | 0.97% |
Linux Ubuntu | 28,300 | 0.67% |
Linux Debian | 4,397 | 0.10% |
Linux Fedora | 3,334 | 0.08% |
Linux SUSE | 2,750 | 0.07% |
Linux Android | 1,269 | 0.03% |
Linux Gentoo | 994 | 0.02% |
Linux Red Hat | 642 | 0.02% |
Linux CentOS | 463 | 0.01% |
Linux Motor | 42 | 0.00% |
Breakdown per OS version, non mobile |
Windows NT 5.1 | 2,494,478 | 59.08% |
Windows NT 6.0 | 1,097,744 | 26.00% |
Mac Intel OS X 10.5 | 149,920 | 3.55% |
Windows NT 6.1 | 59,463 | 1.41% |
Other | 55,214 | 1.31% |
Windows NT 5.0 | 41,797 | 0.99% |
Mac Intel OS X 10.4 | 36,340 | 0.86% |
Mac Intel OS X 10.6 | 34,194 | 0.81% |
Windows NT 5.2 | 30,289 | 0.72% |
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.4 | 22,000 | 0.52% |
Linux | 19,977 | 0.47% |
Linux Ubuntu 9.04 | 18,809 | 0.45% |
Mac Intel OS X | 10,319 | 0.24% |
Windows 98 | 9,951 | 0.24% |
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.5 | 8,432 | 0.20% |
Linux Ubuntu 8.04 | 4,884 | 0.12% |
Mac PowerPC OS X Mach-O | 4,821 | 0.11% |
Mac PowerPC OS X | 4,704 | 0.11% |
Linux Ubuntu 8.10 | 2,789 | 0.07% |
Windows | 2,734 | 0.06% |
Linux Debian 3.0 | 2,501 | 0.06% |
Windows 32 | 1,468 | 0.03% |
Linux SUSE 3.0 | 1,332 | 0.03% |
Windows XP | 1,308 | 0.03% |
Linux Fedora 3.5 | 1,234 | 0.03% |
Mac PowerPC | 1,166 | 0.03% |
Linux Debian 2.0 | 1,130 | 0.03% |
Linux Gentoo | 987 | 0.02% |
Linux Fedora 2.0 | 929 | 0.02% |
Linux Fedora 3.0 | 841 | 0.02% |
Windows NT 4.0 | 702 | 0.02% |
Windows 9x | 638 | 0.02% |
Total | 4,131,968 | 97.9% |
Breakdown per OS version, mobile |
iPhone OS 3.0 | 20,148 | 0.48% |
Java ME | 17,203 | 0.41% |
iPhone OS 3.1 | 7,709 | 0.18% |
iPhone OS 2.2 | 7,445 | 0.18% |
PlayStation | 7,233 | 0.17% |
BlackBerry 4.5 | 3,056 | 0.07% |
Mobile other | 2,951 | 0.07% |
SymbianOS 9.2 | 2,651 | 0.06% |
BlackBerry 4.6 | 2,355 | 0.06% |
Windows CE | 2,261 | 0.05% |
iPhone | 1,929 | 0.05% |
BlackBerry 4.7 | 1,824 | 0.04% |
Danger | 1,380 | 0.03% |
Wii | 1,238 | 0.03% |
Linux Android 1.5 | 1,235 | 0.03% |
SymbianOS 9.4 | 1,180 | 0.03% |
Samsung | 1,114 | 0.03% |
BlackBerry 4.2 | 873 | 0.02% |
BlackBerry 4.3 | 734 | 0.02% |
DoCoMo | 724 | 0.02% |
iPhone OS 1.X | 696 | 0.02% |
SonyEricsson | 686 | 0.02% |
SymbianOS 9.3 | 640 | 0.02% |
Total | 89,884 | 2.1% |
In alphabetical order | Operating System | Requests | Percentage |
BlackBerry | 8,957 | 0.21% |
DoCoMo | 724 | 0.02% |
FreeBSD | 393 | 0.01% |
iPhone | 38,769 | 0.92% |
Linux | 63,773 | 1.51% |
Mac | 272,173 | 6.45% |
OpenBSD | 36 | 0.00% |
SunOS | 429 | 0.01% |
SymbianOS | 4,991 | 0.12% |
Windows | 3,743,852 | 88.68% |
Total | 4,221,852 | 100% |
Breakdown per platform for Mac and Linux |
Linux Android | 1,269 | 0.03% |
Linux CentOS | 463 | 0.01% |
Linux Debian | 4,397 | 0.10% |
Linux Fedora | 3,334 | 0.08% |
Linux Gentoo | 994 | 0.02% |
Linux Motor | 42 | 0.00% |
Linux Red Hat | 642 | 0.02% |
Linux SUSE | 2,750 | 0.07% |
Linux Ubuntu | 28,300 | 0.67% |
Mac Intel | 230,774 | 5.47% |
Mac PowerPC | 41,137 | 0.97% |
Breakdown per OS version, non mobile |
Linux | 19,977 | 0.47% |
Linux Debian 2.0 | 1,130 | 0.03% |
Linux Debian 3.0 | 2,501 | 0.06% |
Linux Fedora 2.0 | 929 | 0.02% |
Linux Fedora 3.0 | 841 | 0.02% |
Linux Fedora 3.5 | 1,234 | 0.03% |
Linux Gentoo | 987 | 0.02% |
Linux SUSE 3.0 | 1,332 | 0.03% |
Linux Ubuntu 8.04 | 4,884 | 0.12% |
Linux Ubuntu 8.10 | 2,789 | 0.07% |
Linux Ubuntu 9.04 | 18,809 | 0.45% |
Mac Intel OS X | 10,319 | 0.24% |
Mac Intel OS X 10.4 | 36,340 | 0.86% |
Mac Intel OS X 10.5 | 149,920 | 3.55% |
Mac Intel OS X 10.6 | 34,194 | 0.81% |
Mac PowerPC | 1,166 | 0.03% |
Mac PowerPC OS X | 4,704 | 0.11% |
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.4 | 22,000 | 0.52% |
Mac PowerPC OS X 10.5 | 8,432 | 0.20% |
Mac PowerPC OS X Mach-O | 4,821 | 0.11% |
Other | 55,214 | 1.31% |
Windows | 2,734 | 0.06% |
Windows 32 | 1,468 | 0.03% |
Windows 98 | 9,951 | 0.24% |
Windows 9x | 638 | 0.02% |
Windows NT 4.0 | 702 | 0.02% |
Windows NT 5.0 | 41,797 | 0.99% |
Windows NT 5.1 | 2,494,478 | 59.08% |
Windows NT 5.2 | 30,289 | 0.72% |
Windows NT 6.0 | 1,097,744 | 26.00% |
Windows NT 6.1 | 59,463 | 1.41% |
Windows XP | 1,308 | 0.03% |
Total | 4,131,968 | 97.9% |
Breakdown per OS version, mobile |
BlackBerry 4.2 | 873 | 0.02% |
BlackBerry 4.3 | 734 | 0.02% |
BlackBerry 4.5 | 3,056 | 0.07% |
BlackBerry 4.6 | 2,355 | 0.06% |
BlackBerry 4.7 | 1,824 | 0.04% |
Danger | 1,380 | 0.03% |
DoCoMo | 724 | 0.02% |
iPhone | 1,929 | 0.05% |
iPhone OS 1.X | 696 | 0.02% |
iPhone OS 2.2 | 7,445 | 0.18% |
iPhone OS 3.0 | 20,148 | 0.48% |
iPhone OS 3.1 | 7,709 | 0.18% |
Java ME | 17,203 | 0.41% |
Linux Android 1.5 | 1,235 | 0.03% |
Mobile other | 2,951 | 0.07% |
PlayStation | 7,233 | 0.17% |
Samsung | 1,114 | 0.03% |
SonyEricsson | 686 | 0.02% |
SymbianOS 9.2 | 2,651 | 0.06% |
SymbianOS 9.3 | 640 | 0.02% |
SymbianOS 9.4 | 1,180 | 0.03% |
Wii | 1,238 | 0.03% |
Windows CE | 2,261 | 0.05% |
Total | 89,884 | 2.1% |
Requests from mobile devices are recognized as follows: Agent string contains any of the following terms (last upd: June 2009
): Android, BlackBerry, Windows CE, DoCoMo, iPod, iPhone, HipTop, LGE, Linux arm, Mobile, MIDP, NetFront, Nintendo, Nokia, Obigo, Opera Mini, Palm Pre, Playstation, Samsung, SoftBank, SonyEricsson, SymbianOS, UP.Browser, Vodafone, WAP, webOS, Wikiamo, Wikipanion