Wikimedia Traffic Analysis Report - User Agent Overview

Monthly requests or daily averages, for period: 1 Jan 2015 - 1 Jan 2015
000 ⇒ k
Show percentages

 This analysis is based on a 1:1000 sampled server log (squids)

 Other reports:
 Requests: Destination/Mime - Origin - Methods - Scripts - User Agents - Skins - Crawlers - Op.Sys. - Browsers - Google - Country data

 Notes on reliability of these data

  Page views All requests
TotalTo mobileTo main siteSearch-based estimate[1]TotalTo mobileTo main siteTo other servers[2]
From all sources 
  From mobile devices11.41%
  From mobile browsers6.82%
  From tablet browsers1.36%
From other mobile browsers5.46%
Through WAP access----
From mobile apps4.59%
  Wikimedia Android apps-0.51%
Other Android apps0.82%
Wikimedia iOS apps-0.36%
Other iOS apps2.89%
Unspecified apps------
From non-mobile devices88.59%


Breakdown of traffic from mobile devicesPage viewsTotal requestsSearch-based estimate[1]
From mobile browsers93.82%98.07%59.81%
  From tablet browsers14.20%15.05%11.92%
From other mobile browsers79.61%83.01%47.89%
Through WAP access0.00%0.00%-
From mobile apps6.18%1.93%40.19%
  Wikimedia Android apps0.01%0.07%4.49%
Other Android apps4.06%1.14%7.21%
Wikimedia iOS apps0.00%0.03%3.12%
Other iOS apps2.11%0.70%25.37%
Unspecified apps-0.00%-

[1]: Various mobile apps use the user's browser to show most Wikipedia pages. This includes Wikimedia's own iOS app upto early April 2012. Thus, in the data here they are underrepresented. The percentages in the 'estimate' column are based on the search-related api which is visible, at least for the iOS app. Thus they give a more reliable estimate of the actual use of applications on Wikipedia.

[2]: The great majority of the traffic to 'other' servers is images from

Errata: No data loss or anomalies reported

Generated on Wed, Apr 8, 2015 16:28
Author:André Engels
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.

Note: page may load slower on Microsoft Internet explorer than on other major browsers