Wikimedia Report Card January 2011


Detailed version     ⇒ Summary, 1 column     ⇒ Summary, 2 columns     ⇒ Errata
 Metric  Now 
 Yearly change 
01/10 ⇒ 01/11
 Monthly change 
12/10 ⇒ 01/11
Site Rank All5th    +0 +0 1
Reach All31.1    +1.7% +1.2%2
Unique Visitors All414 M+13.5% +4.7%3,4,5
Page Requests All15.2 B+..% +8.8%6,7,8,9
Binary Files Commons 8.0 M+43.1% +3.0% 
Article Count Wp ... M +...% +...% 
New Articles Per Day Wp 0.0 k +...% +...% 
Edits Wp ... M +...% +...% 
New Editors Wp 0.0 k +...% +...% 
Active Editors Wp 0.0 k +...% +...% 
Very Active Editors Wp 0.0 k +...% +...% 
Repeated observations below are grayed
Some overall totals and trends can not be established till data for English Wikipedia are available.
Site Rank
1: 5th position will be stable for long time: differences with those ranked 4th and 6th are considerable.
2: Highest reach in Europe (46%) and North America (43%). Both ± 1/4 higher than 3 years ago.
Unique Visitors
3: Average for last 12 months 385M.
4: Growth in UV count in last 12 / 36 months 14% / 71% (for whole internet 8% / 62%).=>
    Wikimedia audience grew slightly faster than total internet audience in last 3 years.
5: India, Latin America, Miiddle East consistenly show fastest growth
Page Requests
6: Page requests to mobile Wikipedia site in Jan: 4.8% of total Wikipedia requests (670M/14083M)
7: Total file requests from mobile devices for all Wikimedia projects in Jan: 6.8%
    See also Plot for both metrics.
8: Page requests counts presented here does now include traffic to mobile site
9: Page requests have been normalized to 30 days (Jan*30/31, Feb*30/28, Mar*30/31, etc)
All = All projects, Wp = Wikipedia project   /   B = billion, M = million, k = thousand

Author Erik Zachte - mail: (nospam: ###=wikimedia)