Wikibook Statistics - Edit and Revert Trends: Catalan

Tuesday January 31, 2017

  May 2016: The major overhaul of Wikistats reports has entered a new phase.  

  First phase focused on migrating the traffic analysis reports to our new infrastructure. Those are operational now.  
  The Analytics Team will now proceed to also migrate data collection and reporting about wiki content and contributors.  
  First results are expected later this year.  

  More info at this announcement
  You can see the first wireframes for Wikistats 2.0 and comment on the design here.

Edit history charts for top 50 Wikibooks / ... for all Wikibooks / Edit and revert counts for all Wikibooks

Projects indexed by language / language code / edit countToggle index
Afar, Afrikaans, Akan, Albanian, Alemannic, All languages, Anglo-Saxon, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Asturian, Aymara, Azeri, Bambara, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bislama, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chamorro, Chinese, Chuvash, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German, Gothic, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Interlingua, Interlingue, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Kyrghyz, Latin, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Marathi, Min Nan, Mongolian, Nahuatl, Nauruan, Nepali, Northern Sami, Norwegian, Occitan, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Simple English, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Volapük, Walloon, Welsh, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zhuang, Zulu

Monthly trend in number of edits

Also shown is monthly trend for total reverts, for scale comparison

Chart shows absolute numbers (y axis scale shows number of edits relative (%) to busiest month)

Plot Edits   Plot Edits

Monthly trend in revert activity, relative to edit volume

Per x edits, were anonymous edits reverted more often than edits by bots or by registered users?

Chart shows ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Note: often peaks in revert ratio in early years are not so significant as in later years:
low absolute edit counts easily led to high fluctuations in revert ratio.

Plot Reverts   Plot Reverts

Revert ratio is ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Only reverts detected by sha1 matching are considered here, not (partial) manual reverts only detectable by edit comment.

Reverts is less than reverted edits! Sometimes several edits are undone with one revert.
Reverts broken down by number of reverted edits: 1 edit:74%, 2 edits:13%, 3 edits:6%, 4 edits:2%, 5 edits:1%, >5 edits:3%

When several revisions were reverted in one action, the oldest reverted revision determines editor class (and coloring):
is this a reverted user edit (reg/anon) or a reverted bot edit?

Distribution of reverts

Breakdown per namespace, type of reverted editor (registered or anonymous user or bot), type of reverter (same), was it a self revert or not, per time period.
Note: a high percentage in any segment can relate to a high absolute number of edits for that segment, or a high revert ratio, or both (please consult charts above for context)
.Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

 Distribution of reverts, each subdivision adds up to 100%
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles64.2%Reg user39.7%Reg user88.4%Self72.8%
Anon user4.0%
Anon user51.4%Reg user66.8%
Anon user19.4%Self71.1%
Bot5.2%Reg user50.0%
Anon user45.0%
Unknown3.7%Reg User89.3%
Anon User10.7%
35.8%Reg user61.6%
Anon user24.5%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, each percentage is share of total reverts
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles64.2%Reg user25.5%Reg user22.6%Self16.4%
Anon user1.0%
Anon user33.0%Reg user22.1%
Anon user6.4%Self4.5%
Bot3.4%Reg user1.7%
Anon user1.5%
Unknown2.4%Reg User2.1%
Anon User0.3%
35.8%Reg user22.1%
Anon user8.8%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, per year and type
 totals reverts per year

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are share
 of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
 Reg user41.2%Reg user36.5%Self26.5%
Anon user1.6%
Anon user53.3%Reg user35.6%
Anon user10.3%Self7.3%
Bot5.4%Reg user2.7%
Anon user2.4%
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are
 share of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
 totals reverts per year

Top Rankings

 Most Active Reverters  Most Reverted Editors  Most Reverted Articles  Most Reverted Other Non-Project Pages 
# Rv User/Bot # Rv User/Bot # Rv Article # RvPage
84Xavier Dengra31Josep Xicota41Construcció d'Aplicacions de Programari Lliure en J2EE/HTTP%2C HTML%2C Servlets i Java Server Pages18User:Iradigalesc Bot/Estat
58Iradigalesc Bot29Xavier Dengra34Jocs tradicionals catalans18Talk:Portada
51BotReversor21Iradigalesc Bot28Portada9Template:Banner portada
42Loquetudigas12Miquel Adroer18El canvi de la matèria/Estats de la matèria8User:Gerardduenas/vector.js
22Unapersona12BotReversor12El Plàstic/elaboració7Template:Portada/Destacat
22Josep Xicota10Mohamad khouya12Matemàtiques (nivell ESO)/Mètode de reducció7Template:Infotaula recepta
18Syum9010Paucabot9Guia de plantes medicinals%2C usos i cultiu7User:RileyBot/Stop
12Miquel Adroer8158.109.199.328Exercicis de matemàtiques/Operacions amb fraccions6Template:Ciència i Tecnologia
10Aleator8Pep Roca7El canvi de la matèria/L'àtom5Template:Ref-publicació
10TronaBot8Jhernandezb7Metal·lúrgia i siderúrgia/Tractament tèrmic5Template:Ús de la plantilla/peu
9Álvaro M7213.176.161.2047El canvi de la matèria/Sistema Internacional d'unitats de mesura5Template:Es
9Profejmpc7Unapersona7Les matemàtiques de Numbers5User talk:Profejmpc
8Pep Roca6Molio4447Android/Arquitectura BD SQlite5Template:Tecnologia
8Airun796Profejmpc7Android/Tabbed ActionBar i Pager - Conversió pas a pas5MediaWiki:Sitenotice
8Savh583.46.253.1947Guia de Literatura/Els gèneres literaris5Template:Navegar
7Molio4445Gloriajove7Gastronomia de l'Alt Urgell5Template:Benvinguda
7Àlex5203.144.144.1647Matemàtiques (nivell ESO)/Mètode de substitució5User:Pableras
7Gerardduenas5Tamagotchi6Llengua Taxi/Diàleg 15Template:Tl
6IradiBot5Xavierserratm6Llibre de cuina5Template:Ús de la plantilla
5147.83.13.685Álvaro M6Android/CoordinatorLayout4User:Lluck11
5Frigotoni4JuanluisXarc6Android/Layouts predefinits pels adapters4MediaWiki:Common.css
5JuanluisXarc4EMurciano6Viquijúnior:Parlem de la mina de Naica/Portada4User talk:Álvaro M
5Tamagotchi4AlejandroCanoMillan6Matemàtiques (nivell ESO)/Naturals4Template:Arts
5CarlesMartin488.8.174.1716Futbol/Posicions defensives4Template:Caixa de navegació
5CommonsDelinker4AMotosGo5El canvi de la matèria/Classificació de la matèria4Template:Barra de fulleig
4Paputx4Thauks5Procediments de fabricació/Unió3Template:Ús de la plantilla/caixa
4Gomà489.140.136.755Guia Ubuntu3User:Gerardduenas/vector.css
4Morkai5483.43.128.1075El Plàstic/classificació3User:Xavier Dengra/Proves3/Encapçalament
4203.144.144.164485.192.78.855Procediments de fabricació/Tractament tèrmic3Help:Modificar una pàgina
4Riicardo4Paputx4Matemàtiques (nivell ESO)/Equacions de segon grau/Un examen resolt3User:Sergio~cawikibooks
483.43.128.1074Gerardduenas4Metal·lúrgia i siderúrgia/Propietats dels metalls3Template:Ciències Socials
4Antonioj482.151.198.2334Exercicis de matemàtiques/Operacions amb fraccions/solucions3Talk:Frases fetes en diferents llengües
4AMotosGo3Dvdgmz4Android/ViewPager i Tabbed ActionBar3Template:Contingut Llibre destacat
4Coet3Riicardo4Viquijúnior:Parlem de la cristal·lització a la mina de Naica/Portada3Template:Compte blocat
388.13.161.643194.158.78.1904Llengua Taxi/Diàleg 23Template:Final columnes
3Jhernandezb362.57.140.974Mites i falses creences de la pràctica física3Talk:Viquijúnior
383.46.253.194383.37.84.1954Viquijúnior:Sistema Solar/El Sol3User:Profejmpc
362.57.140.973147.83.13.684Operacions amb nombres naturals3Template:Avís d'esborrat
3AlejandroCanoMillan3Loquetudigas4La crisi de l'antic règim i el procés revolucionari liberal2Help:Ús d'imatges
3Xavierserratm3195.235.199.1014Zoologia2User:Adriano collantes/Proves
3Josep m batlle3Andrea daura4Matemàtiques (nivell ESO)/Llista de nombres primers de l'1 al 1000002Template:Ajuda
3Francdubtes~cawikibooks3Mikicat3Desenvolupament de fractals mitjançant el mètode de Mandelbrot2Template:Capitol destacat
3Pere prlpz385.119.199.13Apps educatives2Template:Requadre
3EMurciano3Apps educatives3El canvi de la matèria2Template:Portada2010a2015
3Gloriajove3Francdubtes~cawikibooks3Guia Jove/El diàleg amb la gent jove2Template:Millorar introducció
3Jordicollcosta385.192.72.2193Procediments de fabricació/Deformació2Template:Subpàgina d'ús
3Rogerborrell377.224.33.123Cinemàtica/Models cinemàtics2Template:Primers plats
3Mlopezpa3Morkai53Matemàtiques (nivell ESO)2Template:Contingut Projectes germans
Bot names are in dark red 
#Rv is revert actions, not reverted revisions (sometimes a revert action undoes several revisions).
Only reverts detected by sha1 match are considered here, not (partial) reverts only detectable via comments.
Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

Wikibooks are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Tuesday February 14, 2017 12:39 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Tuesday January 31, 2017

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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Charts rendered with R

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