Telugu wikinews, most requested pages in Dec 2012

Home | All wikis | Jan 2013 (published few days after end of month) Jump to more popular missing articles

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Most requested pages

Counts include bot/spider/crawler requests.
Requests for not existing pages are shown in red.
Requests for main and mobile site are reported in separate reports.
Redirects and upper/lower case differences are counted separately.

Based on highly consolidated archives of hourly page request files
This archive only contains articles with 5 or more requests per month


No missing articles encountered for main namespace in top 3000 requests.

No missing articles encountered for other namespaces in top 3000 requests.

No missing image files encountered in top 3000 requests.

Total page requests for full month for pages with 5+ requests: 1,037
Total cache requests for full month: 0

Generated on Sunday January 6, 2013 01:21

Author:Erik Zachte
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.