Tagalog wikisource, most requested pages in Dec 2012

Home | All wikis | Jan 2013 (published few days after end of month) Jump to more popular missing articles

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Most requested pages

Counts include bot/spider/crawler requests.
Requests for not existing pages are shown in red.
Requests for main and mobile site are reported in separate reports.
Redirects and upper/lower case differences are counted separately.

Based on highly consolidated archives of hourly page request files
This archive only contains articles with 5 or more requests per month

310Author:Frederick Waddy
410Author:Robert Gates
59Category:Living authors
68Constitution of Egypt
78Joseph and Zuleika
88Philippine Declaration of Independence
108Special:Search/Lalawigan ng North West Frontier
148Transactions & Proceedings of the Botanical Societ [..]
158Treaty on the Creation of the USSR
168Verbatim Transcript of Combatant Status Review Tri [..]
178en:Constitution of the Philippines (1987)
187Pelosi: In Recognition of the 25th Anniversary of [..]
197Special:Search/Ban Ki-moon
226Ebionites according to the Church Fathers
236Special:Search/Computer and video games
246Special:Search/Pamamahayag ng Karapatan ng Tao at ng Mamamayan
256Special:Search/Robert Mugabe
266The Gift of the Magi
2751897 Constitution of Biak-na-Bato (Philippines)
285Author:Kate Chopin
295Bible (King James)/John
325Special:Search/Cold War
335Special:Search/Henry van Dyke
345Special:Search/Kofi Annan
365Special:Search/Soviet Union
375Special:Search/Tao Te Ching

No missing articles encountered for main namespace in top 3000 requests.

No missing articles encountered for other namespaces in top 3000 requests.

No missing image files encountered in top 3000 requests.

Total page requests for full month for pages with 5+ requests: 270
Total cache requests for full month: 0

Generated on Sunday January 6, 2013 01:21

Author:Erik Zachte
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### = wikimedia.org)

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.