Hawai'ian wikiversity, most requested pages in Dec 2012

Home | All wikis | Jan 2013 (published few days after end of month) Jump to more popular missing articles

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Most requested pages

Counts include bot/spider/crawler requests.
Requests for not existing pages are shown in red.
Requests for main and mobile site are reported in separate reports.
Redirects and upper/lower case differences are counted separately.

Based on highly consolidated archives of hourly page request files
This archive only contains articles with 5 or more requests per month

15User:Marcin Łukasz Kiejzik

No missing articles encountered for main namespace in top 3000 requests.


Most requested missing articles, other namespaces

Caveat: a very simplistic language independent test is used to detect namespace 0 titles:
all missing article titles which contain a colon (and are not a file name) are shown here.
A few titles in namespace 0 do actually contain a colon. These titles will still show up here.

15User:Marcin Łukasz Kiejzik

No missing image files encountered in top 3000 requests.

Total page requests for full month for pages with 5+ requests: 4,505
Total cache requests for full month: 0

Generated on Sunday January 6, 2013 01:18

Author:Erik Zachte
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### = wikimedia.org)

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.