Some top ranking titles in this list may seem out of place.
Please note that any Wikipedia article can have tens of categories assigned to it.
A popular article will rank high in any list where it's featured, regardless of the category under review.
Thus a well-known singer may be top ranking in a list about politicians, because he/she also played a minor or brief role in politics.
Click arrow in header to sort on that column. Shift+click to add column as secondary sort order. E.g. first on category, secondary on views.
On huge tables sort will take a while, please be patient.
Categories included / Other reports: start / wm-meta / 2013-02 / Other version: older / newer (published after month is complete)
Views | Page title | Category |
304 | GLAM | GLAM |
273 | GLAMcamp Amsterdam | GLAMcamp |
215 | GLAMcamp DC | GLAMcamp |
190 | GLAMcamp NYC | GLAMcamp |
43 | Open Wiki GLAM of Serbia | GLAM |
31 | Category:GLAMcamp | GLAM |
28 | GLAM/fr | GLAM |
28 | LibLabs | Libraries |
22 | Best practices in teaching library classes | Libraries |
Views are number of times the article has been requested in the given month.
This includes a small amount (+/-10?) requests by search engines (crawlers).
Articles with less than 20 requests have been omitted.
Author:Erik Zachte (web site, twitter)
Page generated: 23-04-2013 19:57
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Data used: monthly page view archive
See also Blog on Wikimedia Statistics and Wikistats portal