Page views in category Bookshelf_Project on

year 2013 month 05 

Some top ranking titles in this list may seem out of place.
Please note that any Wikipedia article can have tens of categories assigned to it.
A popular article will rank high in any list where it's featured, regardless of the category under review.
Thus a well-known singer may be top ranking in a list about politicians, because he/she also played a minor or brief role in politics.

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On huge tables sort will take a while, please be patient.

Please be aware that pageviews per article are not yet captured for Wikipedia's mobile site. Average underreporting will be 15-20%,
but may be much higher for languages mostly spoken in the Global South, where a larger share of web access happens via mobile phones.

Categories included / Other reports: start / wm-outreach / 2013-05 / Other version: older / newer (published after month is complete)
Views     Page titleCategory     
1911 Bookshelf Bookshelf Project
354 Bookshelf Project Bookshelf Project
302 Anatomy of an Article Poster (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
267 Welcome to Wikipedia (Bookshelf)/fr Bookshelf Project
206 Bookshelf/Wikipedia Bookshelf Project
158 Welcome to Wikipedia (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
95 Wikipedia for Marketing Communications Professionals (Booksh.. Bookshelf Project
94 Evaluating Wikipedia article quality (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
89 Evolution of an article (Celilo Falls) Bookshelf Project
85 Bookshelf/Three Wikipedia films Bookshelf Project
81 Production Survey (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
78 Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (Book.. Bookshelf Project, Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (Bookshelf)
71 Media Bookshelf Project
66 Other Wikimedia Projects Bookshelf Project
60 Localization guidelines (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
51 Life of an Article Bookshelf Project
51 Companies Companies
51 Wikipedia Cheat Sheet (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
47 Meeting: Using Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool Bookshelf Project
46 Welcome to Wikipedia (Bookshelf)/de Bookshelf Project
45 Instructional videos Bookshelf Project
45 Using Wikipedia (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
44 Wikipedia for Journalists (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
43 Evolution of an article (Muhammad al-Durrah incident) Bookshelf Project
43 Overview of Deliverables (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
42 Wikipedians Bookshelf Project
40 Verifiability and Neutral point of view (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
40 The State of Wikipedia Finalized Bookshelf Materials
40 Ideas for Reorganizing Materials Bookshelf Project
34 Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (Book.. Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (Bookshelf)
34 Additional Ideas for Bookshelf Materials Bookshelf Project
33 Ten reasons to contribute to Wikipedia (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
33 Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (Book.. Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education (Bookshelf)
33 Bookshelf content review Bookshelf Project
32 Bookshelf project process Bookshelf Project
32 Welcome to Wikipedia (Bookshelf)/ar Bookshelf Project
31 Target audiences (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
31 Secondary School Materials (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
28 Evaluating Wikipedia article quality (Bookshelf)/ar Bookshelf Project
28 Resources for the Bookshelf Project Bookshelf Project
27 Introduction to free licenses (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
27 Welcome to Wikipedia (Bookshelf)/Development Bookshelf Project
27 Welcome to Wikipedia (Bookshelf)/el Bookshelf Project
26 Ten ways to contribute to Wikipedia (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
26 Life of an Article (Celilo Falls) Bookshelf Project
26 Easy tasks for aspiring Wikimedians Bookshelf Project
25 Evaluating Wikipedia article quality (Bookshelf)/sv Bookshelf Project
24 Wikipedia as a Teaching Tool: Case Studies (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
24 Translations and Localization (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
23 Wikimedia Volunteer Roles Bookshelf Project
23 Editorial guidelines (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
23 Category:Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher educat.. Bookshelf Project
23 Wikipedia for Teachers - School (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
22 Evaluating Wikipedia article quality (Bookshelf)/es Bookshelf Project
21 Interviewee from ta-Wikipedia Bookshelf Project
21 Interviewee from fr-Wikipedia Bookshelf Project
21 Interviewee from hk-Wikipedia Bookshelf Project
20 Bookshelf Project/Scribus success story Bookshelf Project
20 Requirement Gathering: Interviews with Wikipedians (Bookshel.. Bookshelf Project
20 Interviewee from he-Wikipedia Bookshelf Project
20 Positioning messages (Bookshelf) Bookshelf Project
61 pages found

Views are number of times the article has been requested in the given month.
This includes a small amount (+/-10?) requests by search engines (crawlers).
Articles with less than 20 requests have been omitted.

Author:Erik Zachte (web site, twitter)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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Data used: monthly page view archive
See also Blog on Wikimedia Statistics and Wikistats portal

Page generated: 12-09-2013 23:35 GMT (server time) (dd-mm-yyyy)