Page views in category Wikipedia_games on

year 2014 month 10 

Some top ranking titles in this list may seem out of place.
Please note that any Wikipedia article can have tens of categories assigned to it.
A popular article will rank high in any list where it's featured, regardless of the category under review.
Thus a well-known singer may be top ranking in a list about politicians, because he/she also played a minor or brief role in politics.

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On huge tables sort will take a while, please be patient.

Please be aware that pageviews per article are not yet captured for Wikipedia's mobile site. Average underreporting will be 15-20%,
but may be much higher for languages mostly spoken in the Global South, where a larger share of web access happens via mobile phones.

Categories included / Other reports: start / wp-en / 2014-10 / Other version: older / newer (published after month is complete)
Views     Page titleCategory     
6454 Wikipedia:Wiki Game Wikipedia games
4153 Wikipedia:The Wikipedia Adventure Wikipedia games
2436 User:Godot13 Wikipedia WikiCup
1915 Wikipedia:WikiProject Good articles/GA Cup Wikipedia competitions
1369 Wikipedia:Wikirace Wikipedia games
1080 Wikipedia:Six degrees of Wikipedia Wikipedia games
1008 Portal:India/Quiz India quiz, Wikipedia competitions
964 Wikipedia:Wiki-Link Game Wikipedia games
828 Wikipedia:WikiCup Wikipedia WikiCup, Wikipedia competitions
424 Wikipedia:WikiCup/2015 signups Wikipedia WikiCup
393 Wikipedia:Department of Fun/Word Association Wikipedia games, Wikipedia Word Association
353 Wikipedia:Link surfing Wikipedia games
302 Wikipedia:Stub Contest Wikipedia competitions
299 Wikipedia:WikiProject Military history/Contest Wikipedia competitions
297 Wikipedia:Wikipedia games Wikipedia games
278 Wikipedia:Department of Fun/Word Association/Disassociation Wikipedia games, Wikipedia Word Association
247 Wikipedia:Trading card game Wikipedia games
180 Wikipedia:WikiCup/Newsletters Wikipedia WikiCup newsletters
179 Wikipedia:WikiCup/Newsletter/Send Wikipedia WikiCup newsletters
174 User:Newyorkadam Wikipedia WikiCup
169 Wikipedia:WikiQuizzes Wikipedia games
164 User:Caponer Wikipedia WikiCup
154 Wikipedia:Contests Wikipedia competitions
153 Wikipedia:The Core Contest Wikipedia competitions
148 Wikipedia:WikiCup/Scoring Wikipedia WikiCup
143 Wikipedia:Department of Fun/Word Association/Disassociation/.. Wikipedia Word Association
136 Wikipedia:Contribution Team/Backlogs Wikipedia competitions
124 Wikipedia:WikiCup/Reviews Wikipedia WikiCup
118 Wikipedia:WikiCup/2014 signups Wikipedia WikiCup
113 Wikipedia:WikiCup/History/2011/Contestants Wikipedia WikiCup
113 Wikipedia:Scavenger hunt Wikipedia games
110 Category:Wikipedia Word Association Wikipedia games
102 Wikipedia:Wiki Ladders Wikipedia games
101 Wikipedia:Wikifun Wikipedia games
95 User:Nascarking Wikipedia WikiCup
91 Wikipedia:WikiProject Cricket/Quiz/archive1 Wikipedia games
87 Wikipedia:Tyop Contest Wikipedia competitions
87 Portal:India/Quiz/Archive30 India quiz
86 User:DebashisM Wikipedia WikiCup
85 Wikipedia:International writing contest Wikipedia competitions
84 Wikipedia:Wikington Crescent Wikipedia games
81 Category:Wikipedia WikiCup Wikipedia games, Wikipedia competitions
78 Wikipedia:Danny's contest Wikipedia competitions
78 Wikipedia:WikiRPG Wikipedia games
76 Portal:India/Quiz/Archive23 India quiz
71 Category:Wikipedia competitions Wikipedia games
68 Wikipedia:Department of Fun/Word Association/Word before las.. Wikipedia games, Wikipedia Word Association
66 Portal:India/Quiz/Archive34 India quiz
57 Wikipedia:Admin backlog contest Wikipedia competitions
51 Wikipedia:WikiCup/History Wikipedia WikiCup history
50 pages found

29,490 overall page views found

Views are number of times the article has been requested in the given month.
This includes a small amount (+/-10?) requests by search engines (crawlers).
Articles with less than 50 requests have been omitted (but were counted for total page views).

Author:Erik Zachte (web site, twitter)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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Data used: monthly page view archive
See also Blog on Wikimedia Statistics and Wikistats portal

Page generated: 14-11-2014 15:17 GMT (server time) (dd-mm-yyyy)