Page views on all articles listed as translated in WikiProject Medicine/Translations task force

year 2014 month 11 

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% Mobile     Views     
Est. Total     
Est. Average     
per Article
Articles    Wiki    Name    Regions    Speakers    
41 222300 373896 12893 29 it Italian EU 70 M
18 126914 154568 11041 14 pl Polish EU 43 M
54 111553 241197 9648 25 id Indonesian AS 250 M
41 90618 154051 9628 16 ar Arabic AF,AS 530 M
26 71958 96658 4833 20 fa Persian AS 107 M
34 58520 88254 22064 4 es Spanish EU,NA,SA,AS,AF 500 M
30 57115 81545 9061 9 pt Portuguese EU,SA,AF,AS 290 M
19 55865 69115 3291 21 cs Czech EU 12 M
24 54960 72325 3014 24 uk Ukrainian EU 45 M
37 54327 86672 5778 15 tr Turkish EU,AS 70 M
26 51379 69115 2880 24 ro Romanian EU 28 M
25 42263 56127 2673 21 hr Croatian EU 6 M
25 41862 55746 2934 19 el Greek EU 15 M
23 28839 37251 2328 16 bg Bulgarian EU 12 M
30 28717 41208 5887 7 nl Dutch EU,SA 27 M
34 26281 39994 2857 14 sv Swedish EU 10 M
23 21067 27251 1946 14 hu Hungarian EU 15 M
14 114 132 33 4 yo Yoruba AF 25 M
34 17565 26502 1019 26 hi Hindi AS 550 M
24 13828 18144 1296 14 tl Tagalog AS 90 M
31 6640 9664 1074 9 da Danish EU 6 M
17 6597 7992 615 13 sl Slovene EU 2 M
18 5460 6662 256 26 sr Serbian EU 12 M
30 5121 7361 263 28 sw Swahili AF 50 M
38 4640 7459 1492 5 th Thai AS 73 M
6 2275 2427 270 9 mk Macedonian EU 3 M
21 1272 1607 268 6 hy Armenian AS 6 M
29 241 338 56 6 jv Javanese AS 80 M
16 141 168 42 4 qu Quechua SA 10 M
15 84 99 33 3 gn Guarani SA 7 M
20 52 65 65 1 ckb Sorani AS 4 M
46 45 83 21 4 ja Japanese AS 132 M
27 33 45 45 1 rw Kinyarwanda AF 12 M
Regions: AF=Africa, AS=Asia, CA=Central America, EU=Europe, NA=North America, OC=Oceania, SA=South America, W=World
Views     Wiki    Page titleEnglish
33090 ar فصام Schizophrenia
25220 pl Dna moczanowa Gout
23581 es Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis
19605 it Sclerosi multipla Multiple sclerosis
17972 es Gota (enfermedad) Gout
16583 it Sifilide Syphilis
16500 pt Hipertensão arterial Hypertension
15923 it AIDS HIV/AIDS
15144 id AIDS Migraine
15132 pl Astma oskrzelowa Asthma
13975 it Tubercolosi Tuberculosis
13796 pl Padaczka Epilepsy
12835 it Schizofrenia Schizophrenia
12486 it Emorroidi Hemorrhoid
12057 es Faringitis estreptocócica Streptococcal pharyngitis
11820 pl Zapalenie płuc Pneumonia
11364 pl Anafilaksja Anaphylaxis
10912 it Sindrome da deficit di attenzione e iperattività ADHD
10862 nl Schizofrenie Schizophrenia
10857 it Gotta Gout
10735 it Epatite C Hepatitis C
10505 ar سمنة Obesity
10484 id Tekanan darah tinggi Hypertension
9816 it Circoncisione Circumcision
9235 it Sindrome di Down Down syndrome
9219 id Demam berdarah Dengue Dengue fever
9125 pl Samobójstwo Suicide
9002 hr Shizofrenija Schizophrenia
8963 tr Frengi Syphilis
8920 pt Esclerose múltipla Multiple sclerosis
8003 uk Туберкульоз Tuberculosis
7905 id Tuberkulosis Tuberculosis
7881 fa اسکیزوفرنی Schizophrenia
7784 it Polmonite Pneumonia
7752 pl Guzki krwawnicze Hemorrhoid
7684 zh 梅毒 Syphilis
7618 it Ipotiroidismo Hypothyroidism
7401 cs Schizofrenie Schizophrenia
7347 hi एड्स HIV/AIDS
7292 ar سل Tuberculosis
7287 it Meningite Meningitis
7144 tr Gut hastalığı Gout
6958 id Radang paru-paru Pneumonia
6922 id Meningitis Meningitis
6881 pl Cukrzyca typu 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
6854 id Infeksi saluran kemih Urinary tract infection
6567 pt Gastroenterite Gastroenteritis
6555 cs Hemoroid Hemorrhoid
6496 nl Hersenvliesontsteking Meningitis
6473 it Diabete mellito di tipo 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
6377 tr İdrar yolu enfeksiyonu Urinary tract infection
6280 it Obesità Obesity
6254 pl Antykoncepcja Birth control
6236 fa فلج چندگانه Multiple sclerosis
6212 fa بواسیر Hemorrhoid
5951 zh 高血壓 Hypertension
5903 it Emicrania Migraine
5890 tr Zatürre Pneumonia
5886 id Kegemukan Obesity
5886 pt Doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica COPD
5773 id Skizofrenia Schizophrenia
5746 tr Basur Hemorrhoid
5598 fa سرطان ریه Lung cancer
5567 fa هپاتیت سی Hepatitis C
5549 ar التهاب السحايا Meningitis
5546 ro Schizofrenie Schizophrenia
5485 it Suicidio Suicide
5461 ar التهاب الكبد الفيروسي ج Hepatitis C
5348 ar زكام Common cold
5265 id Sifilis Syphilis
5197 tr Yüksek tansiyon Hypertension
5164 cs Zápal plic Pneumonia
5123 ar نقرس Gout
5099 tr Migren Migraine
5052 pt Câncer de pulmão Lung cancer
4972 uk Пневмонія Pneumonia
4969 ar ربو Asthma
4951 hu Sclerosis multiplex Multiple sclerosis
4931 cs Dna Gout
4910 es Laringotraqueobronquitis Croup
4855 pt Hepatite C Hepatitis C
4851 id Asma Asthma
4801 uk Епілепсія Epilepsy
4788 cs Syfilis Syphilis
4684 pt Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
4680 ro Tuberculoză Tuberculosis
4632 pt Constipação Common cold
4601 pl Wirusowe zapalenie wątroby typu C Hepatitis C
4595 el Αιμορροΐδες Hemorrhoid
4532 bg Шизофрения Schizophrenia
4504 fa فشار خون بالا Hypertension
4423 it Lombalgia Low back pain
4410 pl Zakażenie układu moczowego Urinary tract infection
4357 it Gastroenterite Gastroenteritis
4332 fa عفونت ادراری Urinary tract infection
4225 fa سل Tuberculosis
4213 pl Paciorkowcowe zapalenie gardła Streptococcal pharyngitis
4200 ar صداع نصفي Migraine
4186 el Φυματίωση Tuberculosis
4157 bg Захарен диабет тип 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
4134 pl Przeziębienie Common cold
4116 el Πολλαπλή σκλήρυνση Multiple sclerosis
4067 nl Dengue Dengue fever
4046 it Infezione delle vie urinarie Urinary tract infection
4016 bg Хемороиди Hemorrhoid
4007 ro Pneumonie Pneumonia
3956 uk Артеріальна гіпертензія Hypertension
3920 fa صرع Epilepsy
3887 cs Meningitida Meningitis
3848 ro Hepatită C Hepatitis C
3837 it Raffreddore comune Common cold
3676 id Wasir Hemorrhoid
3670 el Σύφιλη Syphilis
3661 it Dengue Dengue fever
3638 bg Подагра Gout
3636 fa مننژیت Meningitis
3621 id Kanker paru-paru Lung cancer
3620 fa میگرن Migraine
3604 ro Epilepsie Epilepsy
3508 nl Verkoudheid Common cold
3505 id Epilepsi Epilepsy
3489 uk Опік Burn
3476 ro Hipertensiune arterială Hypertension
3475 it Ustione Burn
3322 hr Bol u donjem dijelu leđa Low back pain
3291 sv Syfilis Syphilis
3252 hr Infekcija mokraćnog sustava Urinary tract infection
3235 fa نقرس Gout
3187 it Faringite streptococcica Streptococcal pharyngitis
3184 hr Pneumonija Pneumonia
3158 el Μηνιγγίτιδα Meningitis
3136 sv Lunginflammation Pneumonia
3130 uk Гепатит C Hepatitis C
3099 uk Сифіліс Syphilis
3023 uk Астма бронхіальна Asthma
2999 zh 2型糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus type 2
2951 el Γαστρεντερίτιδα Gastroenteritis
2923 el Αρτηριακή υπέρταση Hypertension
2862 ar فرط ضغط الدم Hypertension
2818 fa سینه‌پهلو Pneumonia
2806 ro Scleroză multiplă Multiple sclerosis
2789 cs Astma Asthma
2777 ro Meningită Meningitis
2729 ro Hemoroid Hemorrhoid
2688 sv Hypertoni Hypertension
2654 uk Геморой Hemorrhoid
2634 cs Antikoncepce Birth control
2626 uk Шизофренія Schizophrenia
2576 ro Cancer pulmonar Lung cancer
2537 it Anafilassi Anaphylaxis
2530 el Καρκίνος του πνεύμονα Lung cancer
2511 tr Hepatit C Hepatitis C
2464 th การติดเชื้อในระบบทาง.. Urinary tract infection
2439 hu Szifilisz Syphilis
2439 id Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis
2398 hr Hemoroidi Hemorrhoid
2390 fa گلودرد استرپتوکوکی Streptococcal pharyngitis
2386 bg Сифилис Syphilis
2385 id Luka bakar Burn
2327 ro Sifilis Syphilis
2320 hr Meningitis Meningitis
2292 uk Подагра Gout
2278 hu Öngyilkosság Suicide
2263 it Contraccezione Birth control
2240 ar سكري النمط الثاني Diabetes mellitus type 2
2222 cs Karcinom plic Lung cancer
2212 pl Podgłośniowe zapalenie krtani Croup
2204 bg Артериална хипертония Hypertension
2204 hr Giht Gout
2199 zh 普通感冒 Common cold
2193 sv Migrän Migraine
2186 cs Sebevražda Suicide
2182 cs Migréna Migraine
2173 el Επιληψία Epilepsy
2139 sv Hemorrojder Hemorrhoid
2128 nl Anafylaxie Anaphylaxis
2124 hr Hipertenzija Hypertension
2106 uk Менінгіт Meningitis
2058 el Παχυσαρκία Obesity
2049 sv Denguefeber Dengue fever
2044 hu Hepatitis C Hepatitis C
1952 id Diabetes melitus tipe 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
1931 sv Hjärnhinneinflammation Meningitis
1901 fa دیابت نوع ۲ Diabetes mellitus type 2
1900 tr Anafilaksi Anaphylaxis
1879 ro Faringită streptococică Streptococcal pharyngitis
1877 tl Pagpapatiwakal Suicide
1852 hr Rak pluća Lung cancer
1826 id Pilek Common cold
1822 el Στρεπτοκοκκική φαρυγγίτιδα Streptococcal pharyngitis
1809 tr Gastrit Gastroenteritis
1808 sv Urinvägsinfektion Urinary tract infection
1787 hi तपेदिक Tuberculosis
1736 id Hepatitis C Hepatitis C
1731 uk Гостра респіраторна вірусна Ð.. Common cold
1724 hr Šećerna bolest tip 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
1708 hr Hepatitis C Hepatitis C
1701 uk Самогубство Suicide
1651 ar عدوى الجهاز البولي Urinary tract infection
1645 tl Pulmonya Pneumonia
1642 cs Anafylaktický šok Anaphylaxis
1632 ar التهاب معدي معوي Gastroenteritis
1625 hi उच्च रक्तचाप Hypertension
1622 sv Typ 2-diabetes Diabetes mellitus type 2
1595 cs Streptokoková faryngitida Streptococcal pharyngitis
1592 ro Obezitate Obesity
1578 cs Nachlazení Common cold
1556 tl Impeksiyon sa daanan ng ihi Urinary tract infection
1523 tl Dengue Dengue fever
1523 hu Köszvény Gout
1500 id Bunuh diri Suicide
1497 hr Streptokokni faringitis Streptococcal pharyngitis
1493 sv Hepatit C Hepatitis C
1485 bg Стрептококов фарингит Streptococcal pharyngitis
1481 cs Popálenina Burn
1468 da Skizofreni Schizophrenia
1463 el Κοινό κρυολόγημα Common cold
1457 tl Tuberkulosis Tuberculosis
1450 hu Húgyúti fertőzés Urinary tract infection
1446 uk Ожиріння Obesity
1439 da Tuberkulose Tuberculosis
1413 uk Цукровий діабет тип 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
1404 fa سوختگی Burn
1401 el Ηπατίτιδα C Hepatitis C
1398 tl Almuranas Hemorrhoid
1367 tr Yanık Burn
1359 ro Viroză respiratorie Common cold
1358 th โรคเกาต์ Gout
1344 hr Kontracepcija Birth control
1327 hr Astma Asthma
1326 fa خروسک Croup
1304 hu Migrén Migraine
1301 fa آنافیلاکسی Anaphylaxis
1294 hr Obična prehlada Common cold
1286 cs Gastroenteritida Gastroenteritis
1277 bg Мигрена Migraine
1275 ro Sinucidere Suicide
1269 ro Astm bronșic Asthma
1261 fa گاستروآنتریت Gastroenteritis
1223 ro Diabet zaharat de tipul 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
1215 ro Migrenă Migraine
1204 sv Gastroenterit Gastroenteritis is redirected ⇦ source
1196 sv Anafylaxi Anaphylaxis
1139 uk Мігрень Migraine
1135 hr Samoubojstvo Suicide
1127 nl Streptokokkenfaryngitis Streptococcal pharyngitis
1115 hu Gasztroenteritisz Gastroenteritis is redirect ⇨ target
1111 hu Asztma Asthma
1083 cs Dengue Dengue fever
1062 hu Elhízás Obesity
1038 ro Infecție de tract urinar Urinary tract infection
1037 zh 全身型過敏性反應 Anaphylaxis
1029 el Σακχαρώδης διαβήτης τύπου 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
1026 sl Tuberkuloza Tuberculosis
1023 bg Самоубийство Suicide
1018 da Selvmord Suicide
1014 uk Розсіяний склероз Multiple sclerosis
1013 bg Изгаряне Burn
995 el Αυτοκτονία Suicide
959 id Pengaturan kelahiran Birth control
951 el Έγκαυμα Burn
926 id Faringitis streptokokus Streptococcal pharyngitis
910 tr Krup Croup
908 da Syfilis Syphilis
906 tl Altapresyon Hypertension
866 cs Diabetes mellitus 2. typu Diabetes mellitus type 2
865 tl Anapilaksis Anaphylaxis
846 hu Krupp (betegség) Croup
837 id Anafilaksis Anaphylaxis
829 id Pirai Gout
814 sw Maumivu ya sehemu ya chini ya mgongo Low back pain
798 tl Gastroenteraytis Gastroenteritis
780 tl Paringhitis na istreptokokal Streptococcal pharyngitis
766 sr Multipla skleroza Multiple sclerosis
762 uk Рак легенів Lung cancer
749 hr Opeklina Burn
747 sl Protin Gout
746 bg Гастроентерит Gastroenteritis
730 hr Migrena Migraine
729 el Αντισύλληψη Birth control
729 cs Infekce močových cest Urinary tract infection
722 da Lungebetændelse Pneumonia
720 sl Epilepsija Epilepsy
714 it Croup Croup
713 sv Streptokockfaryngit Streptococcal pharyngitis
691 sv Krupp (virusinfektion) Croup
681 cs Hepatitida C Hepatitis C
678 el Αναφυλαξία Anaphylaxis
672 sl Visok krvni tlak Hypertension
656 sl Pljučni rak Lung cancer
653 bg Анафилаксия Anaphylaxis
650 sl Hepatitis C Hepatitis C
637 hi दमा Asthma
632 tr Streptokok farenjiti Streptococcal pharyngitis
619 tl Hika Asthma
616 hu Dengue-láz Dengue fever
602 bg Контрацепция Birth control
592 sw Maambukizi ya virusi vya ukosefu wa kinga mwilini HIV/AIDS
591 fa تب دنگی Dengue fever
589 hi निमोनिया Pneumonia
587 sl Hemoroidi Hemorrhoid is redirected ⇦ source
578 ro Gastroenterită Gastroenteritis
535 uk Інфекція сечових шляхів Urinary tract infection
531 hi अपस्मार Epilepsy
529 nl Kroep (ziekte) Croup
525 hi मोटापा Obesity
520 mk Стрептококен фарингитис Streptococcal pharyngitis
514 ro Arsură Burn
512 hi मूत्र मार्ग संक्रमण Urinary tract infection
511 bg Лумбаго Low back pain
505 hr Anafilaksija Anaphylaxis
489 hy Գերճնշում Hypertension
485 hi माइग्रेन Migraine
483 mk Хипертензија Hypertension
480 sw Kaswende Syphilis
449 ro Durere lombară Low back pain
443 hi मधुमेह टाइप 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
434 el Δάγκειος πυρετός Dengue fever
432 ar فرط الحساسية الحاد Anaphylaxis is redirected ⇦ source
430 tr Deng humması Dengue fever
406 sl Streptokokni faringitis Streptococcal pharyngitis
406 sr Туберкулоза Tuberculosis
403 uk Стрептококовий фарингіт Streptococcal pharyngitis
400 th แอนาฟิแล็กซิส Anaphylaxis
397 da Astma Asthma
393 hi जुकाम Common cold
386 sl Prehlad Common cold
384 hi संततिनिरोध Birth control
373 sw Mafua ya kawaida Common cold
373 hi आत्महत्या Suicide
372 mk Настинка Common cold
366 hy Հեպատիտ C Hepatitis C
364 hi मनोविदलता Schizophrenia
362 sl Sladkorna bolezen tipa 1 Diabetes mellitus type 2
352 sr Упала плућа Pneumonia
352 tr Tip 2 diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus type 2
348 ro Anafilaxie Anaphylaxis
340 sw Kifua kikuu Tuberculosis
339 hr Denga groznica Dengue fever
332 uk Круп Croup
321 sw Maambukizi ya mfumo wa viungo vya mkojo Urinary tract infection
321 sw Shinikizo la juu la damu Hepatitis C
319 sr Схизофренија Schizophrenia
311 da Diabetes mellitus type 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
305 bg Денга Dengue fever
299 sr Епилепсија Epilepsy
296 mk Дебелина Obesity
294 sr Opekotina Burn
291 sr Менингитис Meningitis
291 bg Круп (медицина) Croup
287 th สเตรปโตค็อกคัส กลุ่ม9.. Streptococcal pharyngitis
286 sr Хипертензија Hypertension
272 zh 义膜性喉炎 Croup
269 sr Rak pluća Lung cancer
267 sr Самоубиство Suicide
267 sr Сифилис Syphilis
265 sw Uvimbe wa koromeo kistreptokokki Streptococcal pharyngitis
264 ro Crup Croup
263 da Urinvejsinfektion Urinary tract infection
253 hr Krup Croup
253 sr Гихт Gout
253 hu Tuberkulózis Tuberculosis is redirect ⇨ target
237 hi डेंगू बुख़ार Dengue fever
226 ar خانوق Croup is redirected ⇦ source
221 sr Астма Asthma
215 uk Контроль над народжуваністю Birth control
212 hi वात रोग Gout
204 hi फेफड़ों का कैंसर Lung cancer
202 sr Гојазност Obesity
189 sl Anafilaksija Anaphylaxis
185 cs Krup Croup
176 mk Денга Dengue fever
164 mk Гастроентеритис Gastroenteritis
163 sr Хепатитис Ц Hepatitis C
158 tl Hepataytis C Hepatitis C
157 sw Jiua Suicide
154 hi मस्तिष्क ज्वर Meningitis
152 hi हेपाटाइटिस सी Hepatitis C
151 hi सूजाक Syphilis
139 hy Կռուպ Croup
135 sw Bawasiri Hemorrhoid
135 tl Pagkasunog Burn
134 sl Krup Croup
133 sw Mmenyuko wa mzio Anaphylaxis
131 th ริดสีดวงทวารหรือ Hemorrhoid
131 sw Udhibiti wa uzazi Birth control
131 hy Հոդատապը Gout
130 hi जठरांत्र शोथ Anaphylaxis
128 mk Ангина Croup
124 mk Анафилакса Anaphylaxis
120 sr Хемороиди Hemorrhoid
118 uk Лихоманка денге Dengue fever
114 da Strubehoste Croup
114 hi कंठ-रोग Croup
114 sw Saratani ya mapafu Lung cancer
113 sr Прехлада Common cold
111 tl Krup Croup
109 sw Ugonjwa sugu wa njia za pumzi zilizofungana COPD
108 sv Mag-tarmkatarr Gastroenteritis is redirect ⇨ target
103 sr Мигрена Migraine
101 id Krup Croup
96 sw Nimonia Pneumonia
94 sr Dijabetes melitus tip 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
93 sr Гастроентеритис Gastroenteritis
91 hy Վիքիպեդիա:Ավազարկղ/Կոկորդի Õ.. Streptococcal pharyngitis
90 hi जलना या जल जाना Burn
85 sw Unene wa kupindukia Obesity
83 sr Krup Croup
82 sr Денга грозница Dengue fever
82 sw Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis
78 sw Skizofrenia Schizophrenia
76 sw Kipandauso Migraine
76 sw Ugonjwa wa mapafu Asthma
73 jv Demam berdarah dengue Dengue fever
57 sr Анафилакса Anaphylaxis
57 sw Tatizo la Kupepesuka lenye Ukosefu wa Umakinifu ADHD
57 hu Meningitis Meningitis is redirect ⇨ target
56 hy Անաֆիլաքսիա Anaphylaxis
54 sw Homa ya ndengi Dengue fever
52 ckb ئانافیلاکسی Anaphylaxis
51 sw Jeraha la moto Burn
50 hi स्ट्रेप्टोकॉकल ग्रसन%.. Streptococcal pharyngitis
48 jv Anafilaksis Anaphylaxis
48 sw Kifaduro Croup
46 jv Wasir Hemorrhoid
45 hi बहुसृत काठिन्य Multiple sclerosis
42 gn Crup Croup
39 yo Streptococcal pharyngitis Streptococcal pharyngitis
38 sl KOPB COPD is redirect ⇨ target
37 sw Sklerosisi ya sehemu nyingi Multiple sclerosis
36 qu Anaphilaksiya Anaphylaxis
35 sw Jongo Gout
35 qu Ch’uju unquy Common cold
34 qu Krup Croup is redirected ⇦ source
33 sw Kisukari aina ya 2 Diabetes mellitus type 2
33 yo Anafilasisi Anaphylaxis
33 rw Gapfura Streptococcal pharyngitis
32 jv Lara gorokan streptokokus Streptococcal pharyngitis
31 hi एनाफाइलैक्सिस Anaphylaxis
30 sr Стрептококни фарингитис Streptococcal pharyngitis
28 sw Meninjitisi Meningitis
28 qu Istriptukuku pharinhitis Streptococcal pharyngitis
26 gn Faringitis estreptocócica Streptococcal pharyngitis
24 ja デング熱 Dengue fever
24 sl Denga Dengue fever is redirect ⇨ target
24 yo Hepatitis C Hepatitis C
21 jv Gout Gout
21 jv Croup Croup
21 sr Инфекција уринарног тракта Urinary tract infection
19 sv Förkylning Common cold is redirected ⇦ source
18 yo Kúrùpù Croup
16 gn Tĩpa'ã Common cold
13 hu Agyhártyagyulladás Meningitis is redirected ⇦ source
13 ar التأق Anaphylaxis is redirect ⇨ target
12 ar الخانوق Croup is redirect ⇨ target
12 mk Хемороидите Hemorrhoid is redirect ⇨ target
9 sr Контрола зачећа Birth control
9 ja 髄膜炎 Meningitis
8 ar حرق(إصابة) Burn
8 qu Crup Croup is redirect ⇨ target
8 it Hypertension Hypertension
7 ja 胃腸炎 Gastroenteritis
5 ar خانوق Croup is redirected ⇦ source
5 ja クループ Croup
5 hu Gümőkór Tuberculosis is redirected ⇦ source
466 pages found (the table above shows about 10 less, to be investigated)

1,228,788 overall page views found for Wikipedia's non-mobile site

1,833,721 estimated overall page views for Wikipedia's mobile and non-mobile site combined

Views are number of times the article has been requested in the given month.
This includes a small amount (5?,10?,20? depending on the wiki) requests for each page by search engines (crawlers).

Author:Erik Zachte (web site, twitter)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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Page generated: 30-12-2014 11:00 GMT (server time) (dd-mm-yyyy)