Wikiquote Charts Simple English


Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here

  Wikiquoters - Articles - Database - Links

 Wikiquoters - Contributors 
Wikiquoters who edited at least 10 times since they arrived

 Wikiquoters - New wikiquoters 
Increase in wikiquoters who edited at least 10 times since they arrived

 Wikiquoters - Active wikiquoters 
Wikiquoters who contributed 5 times or more in this month

 Wikiquoters - Very active wikiquoters 
Wikiquoters who contributed 100 times or more in this month

Wikiquoters - Articles - Database - Links

 Articles - Article count (official) 
Articles that contain at least one internal link

 Articles - New articles per day 
New articles per day in this month

 Articles - Edits per article 
Mean number of revisions per article

 Articles - Bytes per article 
Mean size of article in bytes

Wikiquoters - Articles - Database - Links

 Database - Edits per month 
Edits in past month (incl. redirects, incl. unregistered contributors, incl. bots)

 Database - Database size 
Combined size of all articles (incl. redirects)

 Database - Words 
Total number of words (excl. redirects, html/wiki codes and hidden links)

Wikiquoters - Articles - Database - Links

 Links - Internal links 
Total number of internal links (excl. redirects, stubs and link lists)

 Links - Links to other Wikimedia sites 
Total number of links to other Wikimedia sites

 Links - Binaries 
Total number of images presented

 Links - External links 
Total number of links to other sites

 Links - Redirects 
Total number of redirects

Wikiquotes are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Friday February 1, 2019 01:38 (final run) from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Monday December 31, 2018

Author:Erik Zachte (2002-Jan 2019) (Web site)
Mail:erikzachte@### (no spam: ### =
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

You can download the English version of these reports here (also download
You can download aggregated data here

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.