Statistici Wikisource oriya

Monthly counts & Quarterly rankings / Editor activity levels / Distribution of article edits / Most prolific active and inactive registered contributors, anonymous contributors and bots / Records per namespace / Most edited articles / Zeitgeist
Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here


Metrics have been collected from a partial dump (aka stub dump), which contains all revisions of every article, meta data, but no page content.
Note that article and editor counts for all months are a few percent higher than when a full archive dump had been processed.
This is because no page content was available to check for internal or category links.
See also metrics definitions

Monthly counts & Quarterly rankings: Decemberie 2018
DataWikipedieniArticoleBaza de dateLegaturi
pe zi
> 5> 100edităriocteţi
Dec 20180%   0%   -43%    () 0%
Nov 20180%   +1%   +5%    () 0%
Oct 2018+1%   +1%   +614%    () 0%
Sep 20180%   0%   -95%    () 0%
Aug 20180%   0%   +1693%    () +1%
Iul 20180%   0%   +47%    () 0%
Dec 201896 737.9 K14 932    ( ) 357
Nov 201896 627.8 K23.9 1.6 K    ( ) 357
Oct 2018961537.8 K33.7 1.6 K    ( ) 357
Sep 201895 317.7 K13.6 220    ( ) 357
Aug 201895 5 7.6 K 3.6 4.2 K    ( ) 357
Iul 201895 417.6 K13 232    ( ) 355
Iun 201895 417.6 K 3 158    ( ) 355
Mai 2018951417.6 K 3 186    ( ) 355
Apr 201894 317.6 K13 177    ( ) 355
Mar 201894 5 7.6 K22.9 156    ( ) 355
Feb 201894 417.5 K22.9 265    ( ) 355
Ian 201894 3 7.4 K22.9 133    ( ) 355
Dec 20179429 7.4 K32.9 273    ( ) 355
Nov 201792 4 7.3 K32.9 176    ( ) 355
Oct 201792 317.2 K43 184    ( ) 354
Sep 201792 417.1 K73 397    ( ) 354
Aug 20179214 6.9 K23 390    ( ) 354
Iul 201791 4 6.8 K 3 130    ( ) 354
Iun 201791 3 6.8 K 3 50    ( ) 354
Mai 20179115 6.8 K13 131    ( ) 354
Apr 201790 516.8 K43 499    ( ) 352
Mar 201790 626.6 K52.9 512    ( ) 338
Feb 201790 926.5 K82.9 576    ( ) 334
Ian 2017901726.3 K72.9 709    ( ) 330
Dec 201689 826.0 K142.9 615    ( ) 330
Nov 20168916 5.6 K23 134    ( ) 329
Oct 2016881815.6 K33 209    ( ) 329
Sep 2016872725.5 K43.1 354    ( ) 329
Aug 2016851515.3 K103.1 573    ( ) 324
Iul 201684 515.1 K43.1 347    ( ) 324
Iun 201684 514.9 K83.1 345    ( ) 324
Mai 2016841724.7 K73.2 611    ( ) 324
Apr 2016831824.5 K123.2 619    ( ) 324
Mar 2016821914.1 K103.4 586    ( ) 324
Feb 20168121323.8 K193.5 839    ( ) 321
Ian 20167941333.3 K73.8 886    ( ) 320
Dec 20157521323.0 K123.8 644    ( ) 308
Nov 201573 7 2.7 K34.1 224    ( ) 303
Oct 2015731812.6 K24.1 318    ( ) 299
Sep 20157231032.5 K164.1 1.1 K    ( ) 295
Aug 2015696932.0 K104.5 820    ( ) 292
Iul 201563 311.7 K34.8 231    ( ) 275
Iun 201563 4 1.7 K 4.9 155    ( ) 275
Mai 201563 4 1.6 K 4.9 188    ( ) 274
Apr 201563 5 1.6 K24.8 166    ( ) 273
Mar 2015631511.6 K34.8 167    ( ) 273
Feb 201562 8 1.5 K25.1 244    ( ) 273
Ian 20156231321.4 K35.1 766    ( ) 271
Dec 20145963431.3 K74.8 1.1 K    ( ) 250
Nov 201453315141.1 K204.8 2.7 K    ( ) 236
Oct 201422615 53035.1 524    ( ) 1
Sep 2014161117242245.2 606    ( )  
Aug 20145 4129725.3 258    ( )  
Iul 2014525122725.8 242    ( )  
Iun 20143 2217836 539    ( )  
Mai 201431229835.4 477    ( )  
Apr 2014211 10 5.6 50    ( )  
Mar 20141   4 1.5      ( )  
Feb 20141   4 1.5      ( )  
Ian 20141   4 1.5      ( )  
Dec 20131   4 1.5 1    ( )  
Nov 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Oct 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Sep 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Aug 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Iul 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Iun 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Mai 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Apr 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Mar 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Feb 20131   4 1.2      ( )  
Ian 201311  4 1.2 5    ( )  
pe zi

> 5> 100edităriocteţi
The following table ranks this project in relation to projects in other languages with 1000+ articles
Oct 201834303419462822 17      62
Iul 201834 3434463533 33      62
Apr 201833 3633464029 35      62
Ian 201833 36 463432 40      62
Oct 201732 3837452730 36      62
Iul 201732 34 45 31 40      62
Apr 201731 2533442831 28      62
Ian 201731252121442031 21      62
Oct 201631292038452931 35      62
Iul 201631 3034462731 30      62
Apr 201631251924482030 26      62
Ian 201632121521492621 27      62
Oct 201533251633513213 34      62
Iul 201536 352954279 31      62
Apr 201534 25 543210 33      62
Ian 20153516152155329 23      62
Oct 201451412 5824  20      62
Iul 2014621425316229  29      62
Apr 2014623149 62   46      62
Ian 201462   62          62
Oct 201362   62          62
Iul 201362   62          62
Apr 201362   62          62
Ian 20136234  62   56      62
pe zi
> 5> 100edităriocteţi
 WikipedieniArticoleBaza de dateLegaturi

Counts for image links are based on keyword(s) found in the message file for this language: .
Note that image links based on default keyword 'Image' and/or 'File' have been missed. This will be repaired on the next run.

x < 0%    0% < x < 25%    25% < x < 75%    75% < x

See also Metrics definitions

Wikipedieni (utilizatori înregistrati)
A = Wikipedieni care au editat cel putin de 10 ori de când au venit
B = Creştere în Wikipedieni care au editat cel putin de 10 ori de când au venit
C = Wikipedieni care au contribuit de 5 ori sau mai mult în luna asta
D = Wikipedieni care au contribuit de 100 de ori sau mai mult în luna asta

Articole (nu incluzând pagini de redirectare)
E = Articole care conţin cel puţin o legătură internă
F = Articole noi pe zi în luna aceasta
G = Numărul mediu de reviziuni pe articol
H = Mărimea medie a articolelor (în octeţi)

Baza de date
I = Editări în ultima lună, incluzând redirectări şi editări de utilizatori neînregistraţi
J = Mărimea combinată a tuturor alticolelor, incluzând redirectari
K = Numărul total de cuvinte (excluzând redirectări, cod HTML şi wiki, şi legături ascunse)

L = Numărul total de legături interne, excluzând redirectări, cioturi şi liste de legături
M = Numărul total de legături la Wikimedia sites în alte limbi
N = Numărul total de imagini prezentate
O = Numărul total a legăturilor externe
P = Numărul total de redirectări

Edit activity levels of registered users and bots per group of namespaces

Articles = namespace 0 - Talk pages = namespaces 1 3 5 7 etc - Other pages = namespaces 2 4 6 8 etc.

  Articles  Talk  Other 
  Users   Bots   Users   Bots   Users   Bots  
Edits ≥ 1  3  5  10  25  100  250  1000  5  10  100  1000  1  3  5  10  25  100  250  1  3  5  10  25  100  5 
Dec 20188776532     1       31111  
Nov 201897665211    111     872    
Oct 2018955443  111         9532   
Sep 2018433331              1      
Aug 201875543  1111        211    
Iul 2018764221      1       221    
Iun 2018654221      2       1      
Mai 2018644411      2       2      
Apr 2018633221      1       2      
Mar 201855532                     
Feb 2018974331      2       2      
Ian 201854333              1      
Dec 2017119984              52111  
Nov 201764443      1       83321  
Oct 2017833311              4      
Sep 20175443211     1       2      
Aug 201764444  111         2      
Iul 201755431              2      
Iun 20173333       1       1      
Mai 201797531      1       2221   
Apr 201710854311     1       82211  
Mar 20179665421     4211    332222 
Feb 201711109862              943    
Ian 20171587752      4       187511  
Oct 2018955443  111         9532   
Iul 2018764221      1       221    
Apr 2018633221      1       2      
Ian 201854333              1      
Oct 2017833311              4      
Iul 201755431              2      
Apr 201710854311     1       82211  
Ian 20171587752      4       187511  
Oct 2016998611      1       33221  
Iul 20161175521      1       111    
Apr 201610886521     2       5111   
Ian 20161815131153      411     1252111 
Oct 20151498621      7321111 8443311
Iul 2015433221      4       9221   
Apr 201566533              41     
Ian 20151814137521     51      8532   
Oct 2014281815118      51      225221  
Iul 2014555331              5221   
Apr 201421111              4211   
Ian 2014                  41     
Oct 2013                  2      
Iul 2013                  111    
Apr 2013                  3      
Ian 20133                 5      


Distribution of article edits over wikilibrarians
only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc

1 : 3 : 10 : 32 : 100 : 316 : 1000 ... = 1 : √10 : 10 : 10√10 : 100 : 100√10 : 1000 ...

Editări >=WikilibrariansEditări total


8 Wikipedieni recent activi, ordonaţi după numărul de contribuţii:
rank: only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc
Δ = change in rank in 30 days

 rankArticoleOtherPrimul editArticoleOther
30 days
30 days
dataacu câte
30 days
30 days
PmsarangiUC1 08,30628231-Apr 28, 201417073,85120--
Chinmayee MishraUC2+12,137425221Dec 27, 20151099479--
Ssgapu22UC3-12,0274928-Dec 18, 20141473195---
Subas Chandra RoutUC4 01,5231100-Iul 09, 20141635253---
RadhadwibediUC7 01,077109111Feb 21, 20161043507---
Jnanaranjan sahuUC14 0273612576Dec 09, 2015111722--
HpsatapathyUC22+31372035-Dec 26, 2014146513---
ପ୍ରଶାନ୍ତUC26+811637--Apr 29, 2016975103--


20 Wikipedieni recent absenţi, ordonaţi după numărul de contribuţii:
only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc

 CountsPrimul editUltimul edit
ranktotaldataacu câte
dataacu câte
Prateek PattanaikUC51,251Aug 02, 20151246Aug 19, 2018133
MKarUC61,189Mai 03, 20141702Oct 07, 201884
BanojmahalaUC8734Sep 06, 20151211Mai 31, 2016943
PsubhashishUC9696Ian 16, 20132174Oct 24, 201867
Odisha1UC10515Ian 09, 20132181Ian 21, 20151439
TripathysusamaUC11468Aug 22, 20151226Oct 11, 20151176
AshusarangiUC12439Feb 21, 20161043Aug 26, 2017491
Sitikantha RoutUC13351Dec 10, 20141481Oct 01, 2016820
Aliva SahooUC15244Ian 29, 2017700Iul 02, 2018181
R.akrurabarihaUC16212Oct 22, 20141530Dec 03, 20141488
PktripathyUC17188Dec 28, 20151098Apr 29, 2016975
Jaisingh9UC18172Nov 04, 20141517Ian 19, 20151441
Shisir 1945UC19162Iul 02, 20141642Ian 12, 2017717
DoctorsahuUC20156Aug 21, 20151227Oct 07, 20151180
123sarangiUC21152Dec 13, 20141478Mai 22, 20151318
SailenroutrayUC23133Feb 05, 20151424Mai 18, 2017591
SagarikamamaliUC24130Sep 17, 20141565Dec 03, 20141488
Sitikantha KUC25119Sep 26, 20141556Oct 03, 20141549
Sanjay2002UC27110Nov 04, 20141517Dec 24, 20141467
JayantanthUC28108Oct 21, 20141531Oct 24, 201867


Anonymous users

No detailed statistics for anonymous users are available for this wiki (performance reasons)

Alltogether 490 edits were made by anonymous users, out of a total of 31517 edits (2%)

3 bots, ordered by number of contributions
only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc

 ranktotalPrimul editUltimul edittotallast
30 days
dataacu câte
dataacu câte
Wikisource-botUC13,979Aug 10, 2018142Aug 10, 2018142--
JoyBotUC2956Oct 13, 201878Oct 13, 201878--
タチコマ robotUC37Iul 28, 20151251Apr 02, 2017637--


Database records per namespace / Categorised articles / Binaries (=namespace 6: images, sound files, etc)

1) Categories that are inserted via a template are not detected.

articles 1
Dec 2018780146831386542280            1
Nov 2018774141831386542280            1
Oct 2018774139811386542280            1
Sep 2018771135811386512280            1
Aug 2018771135811386512280            1
Iul 2018769134811386512272            1
Iun 2018769134811386512271            1
Mai 2018769134811386512271            1
Apr 2018767133811386512271            1
Mar 2018767133811386512271            1
Feb 2018766133811386512271            1
Ian 2018761131811386512271            1
Dec 2017761130811386512271            1
Nov 2017761130801386512271            1
Oct 2017760127751386512271            1
Sep 2017758126741386512270            1
Aug 2017756125741386512270            1
Iul 2017738124741386512270            1
Iun 2017738124741386512270            1
Mai 2017737123741386512270            1
Apr 2017721123741386452270            1
Mar 2017634117721386082262            1
Feb 2017607115691385932125            1
Ian 2017565113691385912024            1
Dec 2016561109581385852022            1
Nov 2016548109581385822022            1
Oct 201654110858 385822022             
Sep 201652410758 385802022             
Aug 201646610156 335792022             
Iul 20164519956 335792021             
Iun 20164499956 335792020             
Mai 20164499756 335782020             
Apr 20164469656 335762015             
Mar 20164379456 335742015             
Feb 20163959356 335742014             
Ian 20163868251 325651914             
Dec 20153548148 285601913             
Nov 20153197543 275441813             
Oct 20152967242 255301812             
Sep 20152756931 224321512             
Aug 20152536831 224221212             
Iul 20151926424 20406412             
Iun 20151916022 19401412             
Mai 20151875622 18400412             
Apr 20151855522 18397412             
Mar 20151835422 18394412             
Feb 20151785022 17390412             
Ian 20151734321 15389312             
Dec 20141223721 15368111             
Nov 2014632816 1531917             
Oct 201413144 14189 2             
Sep 20148   7163 2             
Aug 2014    7162 1             
Iul 2014    6161 1             
Iun 2014    6155 1             
Mai 2014    6152 1             
Apr 2014    6150 1             
Mar 2014    6147 1             
Feb 2014    6145 1             
Ian 2014    6142 1             
Dec 2013    5138 1             
Nov 2013    5137 1             
Oct 2013    5133 1             
Sep 2013    5130 1             
Aug 2013    5128 1             
Iul 2013    5124 1             
Iun 2013    5121 1             
Mai 2013    5121 1             
Apr 2013    5119 1             
Mar 2013    5116 1             
Feb 2013    4107 1             
Ian 2013    4104 1             


Most edited articles

Table out of order. Data collection needs to be revised.
For some projects up to date and much more extensive database reports are published from the toolserver, e.g. for English Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons



For each month articles with most contributors in that month are shown.
x y z    ⇐    x = rank, y = contributors in that month, z = article title

Ian 2013: 1 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୧ , 2 1 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୨

Dec 2013: 1 1 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf

Apr 2014: 1 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୫ , 2 1 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୮

Mai 2014: 1 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୬୬ , 2 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୫୯ , 3 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୫୧ , 4 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୪୪ , 5 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୪୩ , 6 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୪୨ , 7 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୪୧ , 8 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୪୦ , 9 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୩୪ , 10 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୩୩ , 11 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୩୨ , 12 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୩୧ , 13 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୩୦ , 14 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୨୯

Iun 2014: 1 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୧୬୨ , 2 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୧୨୨ , 3 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/9 , 4 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/8 , 5 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/7 , 6 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/6 , 7 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/5 , 8 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/4 , 9 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/3 , 10 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/2

Iul 2014: 1 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/34 , 2 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/33 , 3 1 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/109

Aug 2014: 1 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/46 , 2 1 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf

Sep 2014: 1 4 ପ୍ରଧାନ ପୃଷ୍ଠା , 2 3 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/8 , 3 2 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/33 , 4 2 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/26 , 5 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/69 , 6 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/78 , 7 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/77 , 8 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/76 , 9 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/75 , 10 2 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/74 , 11 1 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/95

Oct 2014: 1 5 ପ୍ରଧାନ ପୃଷ୍ଠା , 2 4 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf , 3 3 Krutrima upagrahara jayajatra.pdf , 4 3 ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଗବତ/୩ , 5 3 ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଗବତ/୨ , 6 2 ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଗବତ/୧୨ , 7 2 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/92 , 8 2 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/68 , 9 2 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf/14 , 10 2 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf/10 , 11 2 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf/9 , 12 2 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf/୭ , 13 2 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf/୫ , 14 2 Kaunri Kamachandira dese.pdf/35 , 15 2 Kaunri Kamachandira dese.pdf/13 , 16 2 Chha mana atha guntha.pdf/୨୫ , 17 1 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf/52

Nov 2014: 1 5 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/10 , 2 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୨୬୦ , 3 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧୦୫ , 4 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧୦୦ , 5 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧୩୦ , 6 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧୨୯ , 7 3 Matir chasi jatir padmashri.pdf/୧୯ , 8 3 Amari jatir agua neta.pdf/୫ , 9 3 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf/୨୩ , 10 3 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf/୨୪ , 11 3 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf/୬୪ , 12 3 Amari matir amar shaheed.pdf/୧୮ , 13 3 ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଗବତ/୧୨ , 14 3 Krutrima upagrahara jayajatra.pdf , 15 3 ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଗବତ/୧୧ , 16 3 ପ୍ରଧାନ ପୃଷ୍ଠା , 17 2 ଅବକାଶଚିନ୍ତା/ପ୍ରାର୍ଥନା , 18 2 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧ , 19 2 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୨୮୪ , 20 2 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୨୦୩ , 21 2 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧୯୧ , 22 2 ବନ୍ଦୀର ଆତ୍ମକଥା , 23 2 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୨୫୯ , 24 2 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf/130 , 25 2 Jati, Jagruti o Pragati.pdf/124

Dec 2014: 1 4 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୨୬ , 2 4 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯ , 3 4 ପ୍ରଧାନ ପୃଷ୍ଠା , 4 3 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୨୧ , 5 3 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୨୭ , 6 3 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୨୧ , 7 3 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୩ , 8 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୨୧୭ , 9 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୪୧୧ , 10 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୨୧୨ , 11 3 Odishar smaraniya sikshak brund - Jagannath Mohanty.pdf/୧୨୨ , 12 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୩୪ , 13 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୩୩ , 14 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୩୨ , 15 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୩୧ , 16 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୨୦ , 17 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୯ , 18 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୮ , 19 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୭ , 20 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୬ , 21 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୫ , 22 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୪ , 23 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୩ , 24 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୨ , 25 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୧୧

Ian 2015: 1 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୫୯ , 2 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୬୦ , 3 2 ବୈଦେହୀଶ ବିଳାସ/ବୋଇଲେ ସୀତା ଶୀତାଂଶୁ ମୁଖୀ ଏକଦିନେ , 4 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୬୩ , 5 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୬୨ , 6 2 ବୈଦେହୀଶ ବିଳାସ/ବଲ୍ଲଭ ଦୁର୍ଲ୍ଲଭ ସନ୍ଦେଶ ଲଭନ୍ତେ ସୀତା , 7 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୬୧ , 8 2 କବିତାବଳୀ/ଉଷା , 9 2 କବିତାବଳୀ/ପବନ , 10 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୬୦ , 11 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୯ , 12 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୮ , 13 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୭ , 14 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୬ , 15 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୫ , 16 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୪ , 17 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୫୩ , 18 2 ଅବକାଶଚିନ୍ତା/ଗିରି ଶିଖେ ଲୟ ରଖି ଚାଲିବି ମୁକର , 19 2 ଅବକାଶଚିନ୍ତା/ପଥିକ , 20 1 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୧୫୮

Feb 2015: 1 2 Panchati Prabandha.pdf/୫ , 2 1 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୭୨

Mar 2015: 1 2 ଗଳ୍ପସ୍ଵଳ୍ପ/ଅଧର୍ମ ବିତ୍ତ , 2 2 ଗଳ୍ପସ୍ଵଳ୍ପ/ଗାରୁଡ଼ି ମନ୍ତ୍ର , 3 2 Krutrima upagrahara jayajatra.pdf/୧୮ , 4 1 Typical selections from Oriya literature.pdf/୭୨

Apr 2015: 1 2 ଚିଲିକା , 2 2 ମାଣବସା ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ ପୁରାଣ , 3 1 Typical selections from Oriya literature.pdf/୩୬୭

Mai 2015: 1 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୮୫ , 2 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୮୪ , 3 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୮୩ , 4 1 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୮୭

Iun 2015: 1 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯୪ , 2 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯୩ , 3 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯୨ , 4 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯୧ , 5 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯୦ , 6 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୮୯ , 7 1 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୯୬

Iul 2015: 1 1 Typical selections from Oriya literature.pdf/୪୫୧

Aug 2015: 1 3 ଲେଖକ:ମଧୁସୂଦନ ରାଓ , 2 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୬୨ , 3 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୫୬ , 4 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୫୫ , 5 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୫୪ , 6 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୫୩ , 7 2 ଅଚ୍ୟୁତାନନ୍ଦ ପଦାବଳୀ/ଆରେ ଭଜ ମନ , 8 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୪୬ , 9 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୩୨ , 10 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୩୧ , 11 2 WS:HELP , 12 2 ସଂଧ୍ୟା , 13 2 ପ୍ରଭାତ , 14 1 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୬୬

Sep 2015: 1 3 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୧୬ , 2 3 ଅଖିଳ ବ୍ରହ୍ମାଣ୍ଡପତି ମୋ ଜୀବନ ସ୍ୱାମୀ , 3 3 ଭଜନ ମାଳା/ବୃନ୍ଦାବନେ ବଂଶୀ କେ ବଜାଇଲା , 4 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୧୮ , 5 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୧୭ , 6 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୧୫ , 7 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୧୧ , 8 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୧୦ , 9 2 ସମର୍ପି ଦେଲି ପାଇଲ ସର୍ବ , 10 2 ଭାଗ୍ୟ ଥିଲେ ଧର ଧର , 11 2 ଦେଖ ମୁଁ ଯାଉଛି ସରି , 12 2 ରୂପରେଖ ନାହିଁ ହେ ଶୂନ୍ୟଦେହୀ , 13 2 ତାତ ମାତ କରୁଛନ୍ତି ରୋଦନ , 14 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୦୭ , 15 2 Barnabodha (1901).pdf/୪୨ , 16 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୦୪ , 17 2 ଶିବ ତାଣ୍ଡବ , 18 2 Hada bagicha.pdf/୧୨ , 19 2 କାହିଁ ଗଲେ ମୁରଲୀ ଫୁଙ୍କା , 20 1 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୨୫

Oct 2015: 1 3 ଲେଖକ:ଅଭିମନ୍ୟୁ ସାମନ୍ତସିଂହାର , 2 3 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୫୧ , 3 2 କବିତା କଲ୍ଲୋଳିନୀ/ସର୍ପ ଜଣାଣ , 4 2 ଶ୍ରୀ ଦୁର୍ଗା ଅଷ୍ଟୋତ୍ତର ଶତ ନାମ ସ୍ତୋତ୍ରମ୍ , 5 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୭୨ , 6 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୭୧ , 7 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୭୦ , 8 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୬୯ , 9 2 Galpa swalpa.djvu/୧୬୮ , 10 1 ଜୟ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ ହେ ଯଶୋଦା କୁମର

Nov 2015: 1 2 ଆ' ଜହ୍ନମାମୁଁ , 2 2 ଟୁକୁ ମୂଷି , 3 2 ଲେଖକ:ଗୋପାଳ ଚନ୍ଦ୍ର ପ୍ରହରାଜ , 4 2 ବୈଦେହୀଶ ବିଳାସ/ବିଶ୍ରବା ନନ୍ଦନ ତପ ଉଦିତ ପର୍ବତ ରୂପ , 5 2 ଝୁଲ୍ ହାତୀ ଝୁଲ୍ , 6 2 ଆଶା ତମସା/ନିରୀହ , 7 2 ତୋ ଲାଗି ଗୋପଦାଣ୍ଡ ମନା , 8 2 ଆକାଶ ଦିଶେ କି ସୁନ୍ଦର , 9 2 ଜନ୍ମଭୂମି , 10 2 କବିତା କଲ୍ଲୋଳିନୀ/ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ ଜଣାଣ , 11 1 CAT:CSD

Dec 2015: 1 3 Indradhanu, Akhi O Kabitar Dirgha JIban.pdf/୮ , 2 3 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୭୭ , 3 3 Anabana.pdf/୮ , 4 3 Anabana.pdf/୬ , 5 3 Anabana.pdf/୫ , 6 3 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୬୪ , 7 2 ମାନ ଉଦ୍ଧାରଣ କର ହେ ତାରଣ , 8 2 Anabana.pdf/୨୩ , 9 2 ବର୍ଣ୍ଣଶିକ୍ଷା ଚଉତିଶା , 10 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୮୦ , 11 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୭୯ , 12 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୭୮ , 13 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୭୬ , 14 2 Anabana.pdf/୧୨ , 15 2 Anabana.pdf/୧୧ , 16 2 Anabana.pdf/୧୦ , 17 2 Anabana.pdf/୯ , 18 2 Anabana.pdf/୭

Ian 2016: 1 3 Indradhanu, Akhi O Kabitar Dirgha JIban.pdf/୯ , 2 2 ଭଜନ ମାଳା/ଆହେ ନୀଳ ଶଇଳ , 3 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୮୫ , 4 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୨୫ , 5 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୨୩ , 6 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୨୧ , 7 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୯ , 8 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୮ , 9 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୭ , 10 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୬ , 11 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୫ , 12 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୪ , 13 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୩ , 14 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୨ , 15 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୧ , 16 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୦ , 17 1 Author:ଗୋଦାବରୀଶ ମିଶ୍ର

Feb 2016: 1 3 Saikelara Kahani.pdf/୬ , 2 3 Saikelara Kahani.pdf/୫ , 3 3 Saikelara Kahani.pdf/୩ , 4 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୧୬ , 5 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୩୫ , 6 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୪ , 7 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୩୪ , 8 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧ , 9 2 Aama Parala Gajapati.pdf/୭ , 10 2 Aama Parala Gajapati.pdf/୬ , 11 2 Aama Parala Gajapati.pdf/୪ , 12 2 Aama Parala Gajapati.pdf/୩ , 13 1 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୩୫

Mar 2016: 1 2 ତୁମ୍ଭ ଶୁଣିବାକୁ ମୋହ କହିବାକୁ , 2 2 ତୁମ୍ଭ ପରା ପ୍ରଭୁ , 3 2 ମଣିମା ଶୁଣିମା ହେଉ ଗରିବ ଡାକ , 4 2 ପତିତ ଜନଙ୍କୁ ଉଦ୍ଧାରିବା ପାଇଁ , 5 2 କେଣେ ଘେନି ଯାଉଛ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥଙ୍କୁ , 6 2 ଜଗବନ୍ଧୁ ପରି ଜଣେ ସାମନ୍ତ , 7 2 ଭୁଜତଳେ ମୋତେ ରଖ ମହାବାହୁ , 8 2 ମେଘ ମାଳାକୁ ନିନ୍ଦେ କଳାକୁ , 9 2 ନ ଗଲୁ ମନ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରସ୍ଥଳକୁ , 10 2 ଜଗବନ୍ଧୁ ଅଙ୍କେ ରତନ ପଲଙ୍କେ , 11 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୧୩ , 12 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୧୧ , 13 2 କାହିଁପାଇଁ ଚକାଡୋଳା , 14 2 କାଳିଆ କାହ୍ନୁ ଆଉ ବିଳମ୍ବ କର କାହିଁକି , 15 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୦୩ , 16 2 କଳାକୃଷ୍ଣ କମଳ ଆଖି , 17 2 Asha Tara Dekhiba.pdf/୧୦୪ , 18 2 ଆହେ ରାମହରି , 19 2 ମୋତେ ସେହି ରୂପ ଦେଖାଅ ହରି , 20 2 ନମସ୍ତେ ପ୍ରଭୁ ଜଗନ୍ନାଥ , 21 2 ଆହେ ପ୍ରଭୁ କଳା ଶ୍ରୀମୁଖ (ବନମାଳୀ ଦାସ) , 22 2 ମଣି ବିମାନେ ଗୋବିନ୍ଦ , 23 1 ଲେଖକ:ନିତ୍ୟାନନ୍ଦ ଦାସ

Apr 2016: 1 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୭ , 2 2 ବୈଦେହୀଶ ବିଳାସ/ବିଚାରଇ ମାଳ ଯମକରେ କବି ମନେ , 3 2 Aama Madhusudan.pdf/୧୨୪ , 4 2 Aama Madhusudan.pdf/୧୨୩ , 5 2 Aama Madhusudan.pdf/୧୨୨ , 6 1 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୯

Mai 2016: 1 2 Apabhramsabodhini (1892).pdf/୧୫ , 2 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୧ , 3 2 Apabhramsabodhini (1892).pdf/୧୪ , 4 2 Apabhramsabodhini (1892).pdf/୪ , 5 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୯୪ , 6 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୯୩ , 7 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୯୨ , 8 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୯୧ , 9 2 Malunira Fula O Anyanya Galpa.pdf/୯୦ , 10 1 Aama Madhusudan.pdf/୨୯୪

Iun 2016: 1 3 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୨୩ , 2 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୫୮ , 3 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୫୭ , 4 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୫୬ , 5 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୫୫ , 6 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୧୫୪ , 7 1 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୩୭

Iul 2016: 1 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୨୪୪ , 2 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧୧୨ , 3 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧୧୫ , 4 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧୧୪ , 5 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୨୧୮ , 6 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୨୦୦ , 7 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୧୮୮

Aug 2016: 1 3 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୮ , 2 2 ବାଲି ତୃତୀୟା ବା ତୀଜ ବ୍ରତ କଥା , 3 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୮୬ , 4 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୧୦୧ , 5 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୯ , 6 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୨୦ , 7 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧୧୯ , 8 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୦ , 9 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୨୯୧ , 10 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୨୮୯ , 11 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୨୮୮ , 12 2 ShreeJagannath.pdf/୨୮୭ , 13 1 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୧୭୦

Sep 2016: 1 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୦୪ , 2 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୦୩ , 3 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୦୨ , 4 2 ଖୁଦୁରୁକୁଣୀ ଗୀତ ଓ ତଅପୋଇ ଉପାଖ୍ୟାନ , 5 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧୪୦ , 6 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୧୯୭ , 7 2 Prabodha Chandrika (1856).pdf/୧୩୨ , 8 1 ରାଧାଷ୍ଟମୀ ବ୍ରତ

Oct 2016: 1 1 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩

Nov 2016: 1 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୪୦ , 2 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୩୭ , 3 1 ରସକଲ୍ଲୋଳ

Dec 2016: 1 3 Bikalpa Biswa.pdf/୧୫ , 2 3 Bikalpa Biswa.pdf/୧୪ , 3 2 Bikalpa Biswa.pdf/୧୦୪ , 4 2 Bikalpa Biswa.pdf/୬୯ , 5 2 Bikalpa Biswa.pdf/୬୮ , 6 1 Biplaba Suare Padartha Bigyan.pdf/୪୮

Ian 2017: 1 4 Abakash chinta.pdf/୧୨ , 2 2 Abakash chinta.pdf/୧୪ , 3 2 Abakash chinta.pdf/୧୩ , 4 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୪୪ , 5 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୪୫ , 6 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୪୬ , 7 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୪୭ , 8 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୪୮ , 9 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୪୯ , 10 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୫୦ , 11 2 Semananka piladina.pdf/୫୧ , 12 1 Abakash chinta.pdf/୧୦୧

Feb 2017: 1 3 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୭ , 2 3 Abakash chinta.pdf/୨୬ , 3 3 Kapata Pasha.pdf , 4 2 ଜଗବନ୍ଧୁ ହେ ଗୋସାଇଁ , 5 2 Shri Sarala Stuti.pdf , 6 2 ଭାଇ ତମେ କେତେ ଜଣ , 7 2 ବିନା ଭକତିରେ ହେ , 8 2 ଦିଅ ପରିତ୍ରାଣ ଦାନ ସମ୍ଭାଳ ଶରଣ , 9 2 ଡାକ ନ ଶୁଣ କିମ୍ପାଇଁ , 10 2 ଚିହ୍ନି ଭଜିଲେ ଜାଣି ପ୍ରସନ୍ନ ହେବେ , 11 2 କେହୁ ଦେଖିଛ କି ବେନି ନେତ୍ରରେ , 12 2 ନିର୍ବେଦେ ରହିଛି ଅଣଅକ୍ଷର ହେ , 13 2 Bali Trutiya Brata.pdf/୧ , 14 2 Bali Trutiya Brata.pdf/୧୨ , 15 2 Bali Trutiya Brata.pdf/୧୧ , 16 2 First Printing Press of Baleswar.pdf/୭ , 17 2 First Printing Press of Baleswar.pdf/୪ , 18 2 First Printing Press of Baleswar.pdf/୩ , 19 1 ଶିବ ଅ୍ଷ୍ଟୋତର ଶତ ନାମ

Mar 2017: 1 3 Sashi Sena.pdf/୪୨ , 2 2 Bidagdha Chintamani (Abhimanyu Samanta Singhara).pdf/୨୯ , 3 2 Gita Gobinda 1921.pdf/୧୩ , 4 2 Gita Gobinda 1921.pdf/୧୦ , 5 2 Bidagdha Chintamani (Abhimanyu Samanta Singhara).pdf/୧ , 6 2 Brahmanda Bhugola (Balarama Dasa).pdf/୧ , 7 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୭୫ , 8 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୪୪ , 9 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୪୩ , 10 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୩୯ , 11 2 Janana Chayana.pdf/୧୬ , 12 1 Gauracharana Gitabali.pdf/୧୩୦

Apr 2017: 1 3 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୯ , 2 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୧୭ , 3 2 Gauracharana Gitabali.pdf/୪୧ , 4 2 ବୈଦେହୀଶ ବିଳାସ/ବସି ବଶିଷ୍ଠ ଜାବାଳି ବାମଦେବ , 5 1 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୨୪୬

Mai 2017: 1 3 ଅଣହିଂସା ଧର୍ମ ଏହି , 2 1 ଶୂନ୍ୟ ବ୍ରହ୍ମକୁ ହେ

Iun 2017: 1 1 Kapata Pasha.pdf/୧୫

Iul 2017: 1 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୨୬ , 2 2 Kapata Pasha.pdf/୧୭ , 3 1 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୨୭୫

Aug 2017: 1 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୪୦ , 2 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୩୪ , 3 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୨ , 4 1 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୬୭

Sep 2017: 1 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୪୧ , 2 1 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୨୬୭

Oct 2017: 1 1 Alankara Bodhodaya.pdf/୩୭

Nov 2017: 1 1 Sashi Sena.pdf/୧୭

Dec 2017: 1 3 Kathalahari (RN Das, 1927) opt.pdf/୧୧ , 2 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୨୫ , 3 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୧୯ , 4 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୧୮ , 5 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୧୫ , 6 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୧୪ , 7 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୧୧ , 8 2 Kathalahari (RN Das, 1927) opt.pdf/୧୬ , 9 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୯ , 10 2 Ama Deha (BB Patnaik 1940) o.pdf/୭ , 11 2 Piyusa Prabah (RC Acharya, 1935) opt.pdf/୬ , 12 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୩ , 13 2 Ama Deha (BB Patnaik 1940) o.pdf , 14 1 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୩୧

Ian 2018: 1 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୪୯ , 2 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୪୮ , 3 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୪୭ , 4 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୪୬ , 5 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୪୬ , 6 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୪୫ , 7 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୪୪ , 8 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୪୨ , 9 1 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୬୨

Feb 2018: 1 2 Akashare Luchakali.pdf/୧୭ , 2 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୮୭ , 3 2 Akashare Luchakali.pdf/୧୪ , 4 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୮୬ , 5 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୮୩ , 6 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୮୨ , 7 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୮୧ , 8 2 Akashare Luchakali.pdf/୭ , 9 2 Akashare Luchakali.pdf/୬ , 10 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୭୬ , 11 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୭୫ , 12 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୭୩ , 13 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୭୨ , 14 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୭୧ , 15 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୭୦ , 16 2 Padartha Bidya Sara v.03 (A Sutton, 1858) opt.pdf/୬୧ , 17 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୨୦ , 18 1 Akashare Luchakali.pdf/୧୮

Mar 2018: 1 1 Bidagdha Chintamani (Abhimanyu Samanta Singhara).pdf/୫୭

Apr 2018: 1 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୧୨୯ , 2 2 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୧୨୮ , 3 1 Gobar Gotei (C Mohapatra, 1930).pdf/୧୩୭

Mai 2018: 1 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୫୨ , 2 1 Sashi Sena.pdf/୨୫

Iun 2018: 1 1 Sashi Sena.pdf/୨୭

Iul 2018: 1 2 Kaunri Kamachandira dese.pdf/1 , 2 1 Gita Gobinda 1921.pdf/୩୨

Aug 2018: 1 1 Sashi Sena.pdf/୩୦

Sep 2018: 1 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୫୪ , 2 2 Gita Gobinda 1921.pdf/୪୯ , 3 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୪୫ , 4 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୧ , 5 1 Bichitra Ramayana or Bisi Ramalila (Biswanath Khuntia).pdf/୬୫

Oct 2018: 1 2 Apabhramsabodhini (1892).pdf/୩ , 2 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୬୨ , 3 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୫୫ , 4 2 Bichitra Ramayana or Bisi Ramalila (Biswanath Khuntia).pdf/୬୫ , 5 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୧ , 6 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୦୫ , 7 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୧୪ , 8 2 Apabhramsabodhini (1892).pdf/୧୪ , 9 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୩୩୯ , 10 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୯୯ , 11 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୭୦ , 12 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୬୮ , 13 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୧୬୬ , 14 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୧୬୪ , 15 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୬୬ , 16 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୬୦ , 17 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୨ , 18 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୫୮ , 19 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୫୫ , 20 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୫୪ , 21 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୫୦ , 22 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୪୬ , 23 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୪୫ , 24 2 Odisha Itihasa.pdf/୪୧ , 25 1 Sashi Sena.pdf/୧୧୫

Nov 2018: 1 4 Sarala Bhashatattwa.pdf/୭୦ , 2 3 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୪୯ , 3 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୪ , 4 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୩ , 5 2 Netrutya O Netrutwa.pdf/୨ , 6 2 ArataDhwansanaNityananda.djvu , 7 2 Gauracharana Gitabali.pdf/୪୭ , 8 2 Gauracharana Gitabali.pdf/୪୬ , 9 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୧୪୧ , 10 2 Sashi Sena.pdf/୧୨୪ , 11 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୫ , 12 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୪ , 13 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୩ , 14 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୨ , 15 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୧ , 16 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୬୦ , 17 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୯ , 18 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୮ , 19 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୭ , 20 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୬ , 21 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୫ , 22 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୪ , 23 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୩ , 24 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୧ , 25 2 Chata Ichhabati.pdf/୫୦

Dec 2018: 1 3 Saptascharya.pdf/୪୬ , 2 3 Saptascharya.pdf/୩୮ , 3 3 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୩୦ , 4 3 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୨୯୧ , 5 2 Alankara Bodhodaya.pdf/୭୫ , 6 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୪୫ , 7 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୪୪ , 8 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୪୧ , 9 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୪୦ , 10 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୩୯ , 11 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୪୬ , 12 2 Saptascharya.pdf/୭ , 13 2 Saptascharya.pdf/୫ , 14 2 Odisha Rajanitira Itihasa.pdf/୩୪୭ , 15 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୩୩୫ , 16 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୮୬ , 17 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୭୭ , 18 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୭୬ , 19 2 Prachina Odia Kabita.pdf/୭୪ , 20 1 ବୈଦେହୀଶ ବିଳାସ/ବିରୋଧାଭାଷ ପ୍ରକଟାଇ କବିରେ

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