Wikispecial Statistics Wikiversität



per day
> 5> 100editsbytes
Jul 20069   52 17.431218191 kB18 k278431939
Jun 20069   52 17.2311713191 kB18 k176431939
May 20069 1 52 17.0311518185 kB18 k176431939
Apr 20069 1 50 17.3271012185 kB14 k172431949
Mar 20069 1 49 17.4272536182 kB14 k171421949
Feb 20069 2148 17.02705263167 kB14 k170421939
Jan 2006923 46 12.02198196122 kB11 k171421779
Dec 20057   33 10.81996583 kB7.0 k155221638
Nov 2005711 33 10.719911183 kB7.0 k155221618
Oct 20056   32 10.72035382 kB7.0 k153221528
Sep 20056   32 10.62033682 kB7.0 k152221528
Aug 20056 1 31 10.720401180 kB6.8 k82121508
Jul 20056 2 28 11.522274278 kB6.7 k80121488
Jun 2005611 22 12.723236267 kB5.5 k69121418
May 2005511 20 10.817479661 kB3.5 k68121208
Apr 20054 4 12 10.116425020 kB1.8 k351 77 
Mar 2005445 9 7.918817117 kB1.6 k361 58 
per day
> 5> 100editsbytes

x < 0%    0% < x < 25%    25% < x < 75%    75% < x

Authors(registered users)
A = Authors who edited at least 10 times since they arrived (sep11: all)
B = Increase in authors who edited at least 10 times since they arrived
C = Authors who contributed 5 times or more in this month
D = Authors who contributed 100 times or more in this month

Articles(excl. redirects)
E = Articles that contain at least one internal link
F = New articles per day in this month
G = Mean number of revisions per article
H = Mean size of article in bytes

I = Edits in past month (incl. redirects, incl. unregistered contributors)
J = Combined size of all articles (incl. redirects)
K = Total number of words (excl. redirects, html/wiki codes and hidden links)

L = Total number of internal links (excl. redirects, stubs and link lists)
M = Total number of links to other Wikimedia sites
N = Total number of images presented
O = Total number of links to other sites
P = Total number of redirects

2 recently active authors, ordered by number of contributions
rank: only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc
Δ = change in rank in 30 days

UserEditsFirst edit
30 days
30 days
Papa_Thomas7 042262Mar 25, 2005492
Sarin16+61333Apr 17, 2006104


20 recently absent authors, ordered by number of contributions
only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc

UserEditsFirst editLast edit
Markusbaum1259Jan 06, 2006205Apr 02, 2006119
Kils272May 27, 2005429Jun 02, 2005423
MartinMai335Jan 06, 2006205Feb 26, 2006154
WiseWoman433Mar 02, 2005515May 30, 200661
RonaldoDerErste533Mar 14, 2005503Apr 17, 2005469
Tomen628Nov 21, 2005251May 02, 200689
PatrickD816Mar 26, 2005491Apr 20, 2005466
Normanvoss911Jun 09, 2005416Jun 09, 2005416
Dirkpetsch109Mar 26, 2005491Jun 10, 2005415
Gneer117Apr 15, 2005471Apr 15, 2005471
Wowo125Mar 16, 2005501Apr 28, 2005458
Conny135Jul 15, 2005380Jul 15, 2005380
TobiasBusse144Jul 05, 2005390Jul 06, 2005389
Lukas_Holzer153Jun 09, 2005416Jun 09, 2005416
Joystick173May 02, 200689May 02, 200689
Kurt_Jansson182Mar 02, 2005515Mar 16, 2005501
Westernsoft192May 19, 2005437May 19, 2005437
Trublu202Jul 12, 2005383Jul 12, 2005383
Hardern212Jul 22, 2005373Aug 01, 2005363
Karl.Kirst222Aug 09, 2005355Aug 09, 2005355


6 anonymous users, ordered by number of contributions
only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc


Alltogether 337 edits were made by anonymous users, out of a total of 903 edits (37%)

Database records per namespace / Categorised articles / Binaries (=namespace 6: images, sound files, etc)

1) Categories that are inserted via a template are not detected.

articles 1
Jul 2006102324 1.6 k7   
Jun 2006102304 1.5 k7   
May 2006101304 1.5 k7   
Apr 2006100283 1.5 k4   
Mar 200696273 1.5 k3   
Feb 200694263 1.5 k3   
Jan 200688263 1.5 k3   
Dec 200567221 1.5 k1   
Nov 20056721  1.4 k1   
Oct 20056619  1.4 k1   
Sep 20056619  1.4 k1   
Aug 20056519  1.4 k1   
Jul 20056117  1.4 k1   
Jun 20055414  1.3 k1   
May 20055012  11   
Apr 2005239  11   
Mar 2005117  1    

Binaries were not counted for the following (suspect) extension(s): ".Jpg/agreement", ".Jpg/gu", ".Ogg/readme", ".Ogg/source", ".Png/source", ".Svg/permission", ".Svg/png"".Jpg¬copie", ".Png¬(large)" (¬ = space) (¬ = space) (¬ = space) (¬ = space) (¬ = space) (¬ = space) (¬ = space)

10 most edited articles (> 25 edits)

EditsUnique usersArticlesArchived
18863%510Kurs:Wikis und ihre Nutzung3.8 MB  
15672%2329Diskussion:Hauptseite3.8 MB  
9549%1835Hauptseite< 1 MB  
9468%32Übungen:Wikis und ihre Nutzung1.6 MB  
8065%32Kurs:W A:Übungen Wiki< 1 MB  
7949%33Kurs:Erstellen eines Kurses1.1 MB  
3272%23Politikwissenschaft< 1 MB  
2868%45Bibliotheks- Informations- und Dokumentationswissenschaften< 1 MB  
2688%12Ozeanographie/kurse/Biologie der Antarktis< 1 MB  
2544%23Physik< 1 MB  



Separate stats may be added later for registered + anonymous editors, but some filtering will be needed: there is no one to one relationship between IP address and unique user.
Shown are rank, number of registered users and article title.

Mar 2005

1: 6 reg. users edited Hauptseite
2: 3 reg. users edited Bibliotheks- Informations- und Dokumentationswissenschaften
3: 2 reg. users edited BID:Wikipedistik
4: 2 reg. users edited Politikwissenschaft

Apr 2005

1: 3 reg. users edited Hauptseite
2: 2 reg. users edited Bibliotheks- Informations- und Dokumentationswissenschaften
3: 1 reg. users edited Rechtswissenschaft

May 2005

1: 2 reg. users edited Kurs:Wikis und ihre Nutzung
2: 2 reg. users edited Hauptseite
3: 1 reg. users edited Ozeanographie

Jun 2005

1: 3 reg. users edited Hauptseite
2: 2 reg. users edited Physik
3: 1 reg. users edited Mathematische Grundlagen

Jul 2005

1: 2 reg. users edited Programmierunterricht
2: 1 reg. users edited PolWiss:Teil:Politische Ökologie

Aug 2005

1: 2 reg. users edited Hauptseite
2: 1 reg. users edited Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften

Sep 2005

1: 1 reg. users edited Geographie

Oct 2005

1: 1 reg. users edited Hauptseite

Nov 2005

1: 2 reg. users edited Hauptseite
2: 1 reg. users edited Kurs:W A:Übungen Wiki

Dec 2005

1: 1 reg. users edited Kurs:Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

Jan 2006

1: 2 reg. users edited Übungen:Wikis und ihre Nutzung
2: 2 reg. users edited Kurs:W A:Übungen Wiki
3: 1 reg. users edited Inf:hypermedia:teege

Feb 2006

1: 1 reg. users edited 7

Mar 2006

1: 1 reg. users edited Geschichte

Apr 2006

1: 1 reg. users edited Lehrbuchsammlung

May 2006

1: 2 reg. users edited Kurs:Erstellen eines Kurses
2: 1 reg. users edited Wiederverwendung

Jun 2006

1: 1 reg. users edited Sportwissenschaften

Jul 2006

1: 1 reg. users edited Geschichte

Generated on Friday February 16, 2007 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Saturday January 20, 2007
Script version:2.3b
Author:Erik Zachte (Web site) (<nospam> ### = infodisiac </nospam>)
For documentation see meta

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.