Wikiversities 多言語統計

記事数 (公式統計) 内部リンクをひとつ以上含む記事の数

Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here

These charts are no longer updated and are only kept for historic reference.

Since 2011 there is a summary page for every wiki, where core metrics are plotted.
For individual summaries follow links from project sitemap.
There are also collections of summaries per project.

For comparison between several languages see Wikistats 2.

WikipediaSitemapSummary collection
WikibooksSitemapSummary collection
WiktionarySitemapSummary collection
WikinewsSitemapSummary collection
WikiquoteSitemapSummary collection
WikisourceSitemapSummary collection
WikiversitySitemapSummary collection
Other projectsSitemapSummary collection
top 1: en - pt (..15000) 2: de - el (..2250) 3: ru - sl (..700) 4: ja - sl (..130)  

top 1: en - pt (..15000) 2: de - el (..2250) 3: ru - sl (..700) 4: ja - sl (..130)  

top 1: en - pt (..15000) 2: de - el (..2250) 3: ru - sl (..700) 4: ja - sl (..130)  

top 1: en - pt (..15000) 2: de - el (..2250) 3: ru - sl (..700) 4: ja - sl (..130)  

Note: Before the official launch of Wikiversity as a project, in August 2006,
some course materials were already produced on Wikibooks.
Wikistats pages that show monthly trends include that early history.

Wikipedias are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
生成月日金曜 2019年2月1日  04:44 (final run) SQLダンプファイル月曜 2018年12月31日 

作者:Erik Zachte (2002-Jan 2019) (ホームページ)
メール:erikzachte@### (no spam: ### =
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

訳 Tomos

Charts rendered with Ploticus

You can download the English version of these reports here (also download
You can download aggregated data here

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.