Wiktionary Charts French


Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here

  Wiktionarians - Articles - Database - Links

 Wiktionarians - Contributors 
Wiktionarians who edited at least 10 times since they arrived

 Wiktionarians - New wiktionarians 
Increase in wiktionarians who edited at least 10 times since they arrived

 Wiktionarians - Active wiktionarians 
Wiktionarians who contributed 5 times or more in this month

 Wiktionarians - Very active wiktionarians 
Wiktionarians who contributed 100 times or more in this month

Wiktionarians - Articles - Database - Links

 Articles - Article count (official) 
Articles that contain at least one internal link

 Articles - New articles per day 
New articles per day in this month

 Articles - Edits per article 
Mean number of revisions per article

 Articles - Bytes per article 
Mean size of article in bytes

Wiktionarians - Articles - Database - Links

 Database - Edits per month 
Edits in past month (incl. redirects, incl. unregistered contributors, incl. bots)

 Database - Database size 
Combined size of all articles (incl. redirects)

 Database - Words 
Total number of words (excl. redirects, html/wiki codes and hidden links)

Wiktionarians - Articles - Database - Links

 Links - Internal links 
Total number of internal links (excl. redirects, stubs and link lists)

 Links - Links to other Wikimedia sites 
Total number of links to other Wikimedia sites

 Links - Binaries 
Total number of images presented

 Links - External links 
Total number of links to other sites

 Links - Redirects 
Total number of redirects

Wiktionaries are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Thursday January 31, 2019 21:43 (final run) from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Monday December 31, 2018

Author:Erik Zachte (2002-Jan 2019) (Web site)
Mail:erikzachte@### (no spam: ### = infodisiac.com)
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

You can download the English version of these reports here (also download common_files.zip)
You can download aggregated data here

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.