Wikinews Statistics - Edit and Revert Trends: Spanish

Saturday December 31, 2016

  May 2016: The major overhaul of Wikistats reports has entered a new phase.  

  First phase focused on migrating the traffic analysis reports to our new infrastructure. Those are operational now.  
  The Analytics Team will now proceed to also migrate data collection and reporting about wiki content and contributors.  
  First results are expected later this year.  

  More info at this announcement
  You can still tell us which reports you want to see preserved, in this survey.

Edit history charts for top 50 Wikinews sites / ... for all Wikinews sites / Edit and revert counts for all Wikinews sites

Projects indexed by language / language code / edit countToggle index
Albanian, All languages, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sindhi, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian

Monthly trend in number of edits

Also shown is monthly trend for total reverts, for scale comparison

Chart shows absolute numbers (y axis scale shows number of edits relative (%) to busiest month)

Plot Edits   Plot Edits

Monthly trend in revert activity, relative to edit volume

Per x edits, were anonymous edits reverted more often than edits by bots or by registered users?

Chart shows ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Note: often peaks in revert ratio in early years are not so significant as in later years:
low absolute edit counts easily led to high fluctuations in revert ratio.

Plot Reverts   Plot Reverts

Revert ratio is ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Only reverts detected by sha1 matching are considered here, not (partial) manual reverts only detectable by edit comment.

Reverts is less than reverted edits! Sometimes several edits are undone with one revert.
Reverts broken down by number of reverted edits: 1 edit:52%, 2 edits:9%, 3 edits:6%, 4 edits:6%, 5 edits:6%, >5 edits:20%

When several revisions were reverted in one action, the oldest reverted revision determines editor class (and coloring):
is this a reverted user edit (reg/anon) or a reverted bot edit?

Distribution of reverts

Breakdown per namespace, type of reverted editor (registered or anonymous user or bot), type of reverter (same), was it a self revert or not, per time period.
Note: a high percentage in any segment can relate to a high absolute number of edits for that segment, or a high revert ratio, or both (please consult charts above for context)
.Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

 Distribution of reverts, each subdivision adds up to 100%
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles39.2%Reg user42.6%Reg user95.6%Self25.2%
Anon user3.0%
Anon user29.1%Reg user90.5%
Anon user9.5%Self47.9%
Bot5.5%Reg user89.7%
Anon user0.0%
Unknown22.9%Reg User72.5%
Anon User1.3%
60.8%Reg user25.2%
Anon user15.7%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, each percentage is share of total reverts
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles39.2%Reg user16.7%Reg user16.0%Self4.0%
Anon user0.5%
Anon user11.4%Reg user10.3%
Anon user1.1%Self0.5%
Bot2.2%Reg user1.9%
Anon user0.0%
Unknown9.0%Reg User6.5%
Anon User0.1%
60.8%Reg user15.3%
Anon user9.5%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, per year and type
 totals reverts per year
2 k167234522356523318941591426298260

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are share
 of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
 Reg user55.2%Reg user52.8%Self13.3%
Anon user1.7%
Anon user37.7%Reg user34.1%
Anon user3.6%Self1.7%
Bot7.1%Reg user6.4%
Anon user0.0%
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are
 share of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
 totals reverts per year

Top Rankings

 Most Active Reverters  Most Reverted Editors  Most Reverted Articles  Most Reverted Other Non-Project Pages 
# Rv User/Bot # Rv User/Bot # Rv Article # RvPage
166AlvaroMolina131AlvaroMolina16La NASA anuncia oficialmente la búsqueda de las cintas perdidas del Apollo347:Superzerocool/Test Lectoría/top
153Shooke124BOT-Superzerocool16China 'furiosa' por premio estadounidense al Dalai Lama53:Destacada
143XalD83Ezarate16Portada52:Últimas noticias
139Superzerocool61Edslov12Clientes de farmacias protestan con tomates y huevos por fraude de precios45:Resultados deportivos
125Julianortega56Shooke12Microsoft anunció el cierre de su enciclopedia en línea Encarta40:Portada
120Jurock51Fr20029Hamas condiciona el cese al fuego37:Noticia del día
105Allan Aguilar46Allan Aguilar8Policía dominicana reprime protesta agresivamente23:Allanbot/Listify
99Edslov39XalD8Informes periodísticos contradictorios llaman la atención sobre las cintas de los alunizajes del programa Apollo21:Contenidos
60MadriCR37MadriCR8El Vaticano prepara documento sobre el uso del preservativo por parte de personas con enfermedades graves19:Escribir un artículo
55Baiji3069.79.222.1538Las filmaciones originales de los alunizajes del programa Apollo están perdidas19:Introducción
51Ezarate29Jurock7Documental italiano afirma que Estados Unidos utilizó armas químicas en Iraq18:Jurock/monobook.js
47Spacebirdy23Tequendamia6Kerry conversa sobre terrorismo en Bangladés17:Cómo se edita un artículo
46Edub22IgnacioR966Se estrella un cohete que llevaría tres satélites rusos al espacio17:Portada:Resultados deportivos
35Tequendamia21190.51.109.1846Celebran en la Universidad de Colima simposio de telemática16:Sitenotice
29Belb21190.159.11.1766Neymar firma extensión de contrato con el Barça hasta el 202116:Indicadores económicos
23BOT-Superzerocool20GroundControl016Murió el rey del pop%2C Michael Jackson15:Caja de archivos
22Taichi17Thin Man6La Wikiquote en italiano vandalizada desde la RAI15:Destacada 4
22PetrohsW16Elreysintrono5Samsung suspende las ventas del Galaxy Note 712:Estructura básica de un artículo
20Magister Mathematicae15Razr Nation5Mar del Plata festejó su aniversario número 13611:Destacada 2
20Luckas Blade15Oscarín Orbitus5Al menos 30 muertos y 100 heridos por ataque terrorista en un centro comercial de Kenia10:Common.js
17RNL8913Superzerocool5La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México gana el premio Príncipe de Asturias10:Razr Nation
16RoyFocker12200.3.154.885Barra peruana asegura que Chile no tendrá un minuto de paz10:Superzerocool
16Fr200212Saskeh5Un sacerdote es asesinado en Francia por terroristas del Estado Islámico10:MadriCR
14Razr Nation1284.79.65.1705La FIFA recibió quejas por los arbitrajes10:Common.css
14Thin Man12Julianortega5La Top Model Jaslene Gonzalez habla sobre su carrera y sobre su rol de modelo latina9:Superzerocool
13ProtoplasmaKid11200.117.45.135Muere el “cazador de cocodrilos” en accidente laboral9:Julianortega
12DerHexer11190.136.209.525El Deportivo Cali gana ante Cúcuta Deportivo en Torneo Apertura 2012 de Colombia8:Copyvio
11Nico89abc10190.31.61.384Chris Froome gana por tercera vez el Tour de Francia8:Destacada/data
11Oscarín Orbitus10190.25.135.1224Fidel Castro cede temporalmente el poder a su hermano8:MadriCR
11Born2bgratis10190.146.180.1174Mueren 19 bomberos durante un voraz incendio en Arizona8:Norteamérica
11YourEyesOnly10RNL894El gobierno de Colombia y las FARC logran acuerdo sobre el fin del conflicto armado7:Baiji/2007
8Thogo1069.79.240.864España reconocerá la nacionalidad de los nietos de exiliados de la guerra y el franquismo7:Traducción
8Lcsrns9190.159.213.804Atentado suicida en Estambul deja 5 personas fallecidas7:Matiia
8Elreysintrono969.79.43.1094Renuncia el gobernador de Nueva York7:Noticias destacadas
8Petronas9Taichi4El Festival Utopía llega a Madrid7:España
8TheDarkFear9200.3.154.54\"Nipoweb\" deja de existir como página cultural de internet en España7:Noticias enviadas
7190.30.155.41965.167.94.1664La nueva ley orgánica de medios entra en vigencia en Ecuador7:BlueFen
7200.117.45.138190.68.197.1094Sismo de 8%2C8 grados sacude a Chile7:AlvaroMolina
7Alhen8Belb4El FIB 2014 se despide hasta el año que viene7:AlvaroMolina
7Sidcc~eswikinews875.127.68.984El exministro y diputado José Dirceu y más de siete personas son condenadas por su participación en la Operación Autolavado7:Jurock/monobook.css
7Diego Grez-Cañete8ANGwiki4Serie del Caribe 2006 se disputará en dos ciudades6:Keepscases~eswikinews
6MarcoAurelio8Sageo4La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México exige la liberación de su Torre de Rectoría6:ExportadorNoticias/Todas
6Carlosar~eswikinews7ProtoplasmaKid4Un centenar de muertos en una estampida humana en la India6:Taichi
6Ascánder7Sahaquiel91024Cientos de adolescentes debaten el problema del terrorismo%2C las armas nucleares y otros flagelos del mundo6:Jorge Abellán
6Loco0857190.158.20.634Noticias breves 20 de octubre 20076:Tegel
6190.31.61.387Born2bgratis4Garzón resuelve que es competente para investigar a los desaparecidos del franquismo6:Argentina
6190.31.233.1566Carlosar~eswikinews4Bernanke es partidario de nuevo plan de estímulo6:Jurock
6GroundControl016200.117.43.2254Un incendio en Valparaíso deja 11 víctimas fatales y 500 viviendas afectadas6:Jurock/Archivo/2010
5Robert Laymont6190.146.166.834Se conmemora el día del reciclador en varios países6:Oriente Medio
5171.159.64.106Sidcc~eswikinews4Corte Constitucional de Colombia despenaliza parcialmente el aborto6:Obituario
Bot names are in dark red 
#Rv is revert actions, not reverted revisions (sometimes a revert action undoes several revisions).
Only reverts detected by sha1 match are considered here, not (partial) reverts only detectable via comments.
Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

Wikinews sites are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Friday January 13, 2017 17:28 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Saturday December 31, 2016

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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