Wikinews Statistics - Edit and Revert Trends: Italian

Saturday December 31, 2016

  May 2016: The major overhaul of Wikistats reports has entered a new phase.  

  First phase focused on migrating the traffic analysis reports to our new infrastructure. Those are operational now.  
  The Analytics Team will now proceed to also migrate data collection and reporting about wiki content and contributors.  
  First results are expected later this year.  

  More info at this announcement
  You can still tell us which reports you want to see preserved, in this survey.

Edit history charts for top 50 Wikinews sites / ... for all Wikinews sites / Edit and revert counts for all Wikinews sites

Projects indexed by language / language code / edit countToggle index
Albanian, All languages, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sindhi, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian

Monthly trend in number of edits

Also shown is monthly trend for total reverts, for scale comparison

Chart shows absolute numbers (y axis scale shows number of edits relative (%) to busiest month)

Plot Edits   Plot Edits

Monthly trend in revert activity, relative to edit volume

Per x edits, were anonymous edits reverted more often than edits by bots or by registered users?

Chart shows ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Note: often peaks in revert ratio in early years are not so significant as in later years:
low absolute edit counts easily led to high fluctuations in revert ratio.

Plot Reverts   Plot Reverts

Revert ratio is ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Only reverts detected by sha1 matching are considered here, not (partial) manual reverts only detectable by edit comment.

Reverts is less than reverted edits! Sometimes several edits are undone with one revert.
Reverts broken down by number of reverted edits: 1 edit:44%, 2 edits:14%, 3 edits:10%, 4 edits:7%, 5 edits:5%, >5 edits:20%

When several revisions were reverted in one action, the oldest reverted revision determines editor class (and coloring):
is this a reverted user edit (reg/anon) or a reverted bot edit?

Distribution of reverts

Breakdown per namespace, type of reverted editor (registered or anonymous user or bot), type of reverter (same), was it a self revert or not, per time period.
Note: a high percentage in any segment can relate to a high absolute number of edits for that segment, or a high revert ratio, or both (please consult charts above for context)
.Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

 Distribution of reverts, each subdivision adds up to 100%
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles56.4%Reg user70.6%Reg user92.1%Self11.0%
Anon user5.3%
Anon user23.8%Reg user85.9%
Anon user13.2%Self34.6%
Bot3.7%Reg user77.0%
Anon user3.1%
Unknown1.8%Reg User88.8%
Anon User6.2%
43.6%Reg user51.3%
Anon user10.4%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, each percentage is share of total reverts
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles56.4%Reg user39.8%Reg user36.7%Self4.0%
Anon user2.1%
Anon user13.4%Reg user11.5%
Anon user1.8%Self0.6%
Bot2.1%Reg user1.6%
Anon user0.1%
Unknown1.0%Reg User0.9%
Anon User0.1%
43.6%Reg user22.4%
Anon user4.5%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, per year and type
 totals reverts per year
1 k2592823523883965334891 k2 k8291462

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are share
 of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
 Reg user71.9%Reg user66.3%Self7.3%
Anon user3.8%
Anon user24.3%Reg user20.9%
Anon user3.2%Self1.1%
Bot3.8%Reg user2.9%
Anon user0.1%
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are
 share of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
 totals reverts per year
263561022032682353242897471 k49770 

Top Rankings

 Most Active Reverters  Most Reverted Editors  Most Reverted Articles  Most Reverted Other Non-Project Pages 
# Rv User/Bot # Rv User/Bot # Rv Article # RvPage
684Darth Kule413Tooby27Pagina principale80:Codicorumus
569Tooby275Wappi7616Calcio Italia campionato nazionale Serie C1 girone B 2005-200645:Recentchangestext
383Osk202Renato Caniatti~itwikinews14Calcio Italia campionato nazionale Serie A 2005-200637:Umberto NURS
325Stef Mec183Stef Mec13Speciale Elezioni politiche italiane 2008/Camera31:Articolo principale
295Codicorumus151Osk13Iran: infuria la polemica sui risultati elettorali31:Ferdi2005
130Wappi76141Codicorumus11L'Italia blocca The Pirate Bay30:Tooby
129Olando141Darth Kule10Giochi Olimpici Invernali 2006 sci alpino26:Uso della firma
112Renato Caniatti~itwikinews84Leoman30009Papa Benedetto XVI: «Basta guerre nel mondo»21:Luca Polpettini
78Trek0078Marcozampini9Speciale Elezioni politiche italiane 2008/Senato21:Donmatteomane
60Blackcat71Olando9Querelle tra Il Giornale e Vittorio Feltri21:Filnik
49AnyFile59Fringio92 giugno%2C festa della Repubblica italiana: celebrazioni a Roma19:Pagina principale
46St. Alex58Blackcat9Naufragio della Costa Concordia18:Discussioni aperte
37Marcozampini50Jethro858Rubygate17:Lavori in corso
36Ferdi200547Trek008Elezioni amministrative italiane 200616:Tooby
35Elitre44AnyFile8No RBM vivisezione16:Source
34DarkAp8937AmbraBot8Devoluzione e riforma Costituzionale15:Calcio Lazio
33Neq0033Elitre7Condannata per aver falsamente denunciato il vicino di averla accoltellata15:Titolo errato
31AmbraBot30Ferdi20057Bufera nel mondo del calcio italiano15:Pagina principale/Primo piano/Prima Pagina
26Jethro852562.10.226.967La RAI vandalizza Wikiquote14:Ultime notizie
25Andyrom7525Airon907Usura: due donne ai domiciliari e due uomini in carcere14:Vedi anche
23Vituzzu25Patty7Italia: riforma costituzionale delle Camere%2C riduzione dei parlamentari e istituzione del Senato federale14:Fringio
23BimBot23Mizardellorsa7Viaggio umanitario del CIS in Costa d'Avorio14:Navbox/Wikipedia
23Valepert23St. Alex7Pallanuoto: Lazio e Padova retrocesse in A214:Alexmar983
22Airon9022Rosa nero7Gianluca Pessotto tenta il suicidio gettandosi da un abbaino13:Renato Caniatti~itwikinews
22BetaBot22BimBot7Calcio%2C Coppe europee: il percorso delle squadre inglesi13:Darth Kule
21Leoman300022Lord Hidelan7Calcio Coppa Italia 2006 1° turno anticipi12:Codicorumus
19Ilaria20FrescoBot7Roma: oggi si svolge il Family Day12:Gatto Nero
15Basilicofresco20DarkAp897Eurogruppo%2C Juncker promuove il piano del ministro dell'economia Tremonti12:Tooby/monobook.js
15.jhc.20Valepert7Calcio Italia campionato nazionale Serie A 2007-200812:Unverified
14Betau19ZampoBot6Italia: proteste contro il decreto Gelmini11:Vituzzu
14Umberto NURS19Umberto NURS6FA Premier League 2010-2011 1° giornata d'andata11:Calcio Roma
14Rosa nero19Davy15096Haiti: sisma di magnitudo 7%2C migliaia di vittime10:Stefanomencarelli
13Lord Hidelan18Yuma6Presunte molestie a Rignano Flaminio: i bambini suggestionati dagli adulti10:
13MarcoAurelio17Stefanomencarelli6Calcio Italia campionato nazionale femminile Serie A 2006-2007 3° giornata ritorno10:Aleksander Sestak/Sandbox2
13Mizardellorsa16CommonsDelinker6Campionato europeo di calcio 2008 - Qualificazioni10:Giro d'Italia 2007: settima tappa
12Fringio15Aleksander Sestak6Andreotti condannato per diffamazione%2C imminenti le motivazioni10:Calcio Palermo
12Rael1462.10.239.726Speciale Campionato del mondo di calcio 2006/Calendario10:Stef Mec/monobook.js
11Beard13Andyrom756USA Uragano Katrina 20059:Data
11Patty13Jacopo Werther6Cesena: sesso nel confessionale della Cattedrale9:Pagina principale/Titolo
11P tasso11P tasso6Calcio%2C Serie A 2010-2011: 1ª giornata9:Calcio Catania
10Wim b10Omarbest6Tragedia a Lampedusa: centinaia di vittime9:Utente/Link
1087.8.86.11410Misterjumble6Francia%2C 26 pellegrini polacchi morti in incidente stradale9:Aleksander Sestak/Sandbox
9DorganBot10Beard6Genova: inserviente accusata di omicidio in casa di riposo%2C per il gip non vi sono gravi indizi9:Fringio/Sandbox
9Aleksander Sestak10Amtitti6Nicole Minetti non lascia il Pirellone: «Ammiro troppo le idee di Silvio Berlusconi»8:Dirette calcio
9Ermanon10Jaqen6Viaggio umanitario del CIS in Senegal e Mali8:Edittools
9Simone Ashvanataji9Betau6Calcio%2C Serie A 2010-2011: 10ª giornata8:Cividino2016
9Stefanomencarelli962.10.209.1436Calcio Italia campionato nazionale Serie C1 girone A 2005-20068:Murales29
8Jaqen9Simone Ashvanataji6Iraq%2C Al Zarqawi è stato ucciso7:Primopiano
778.15.208.236962.10.242.1506L'Abruzzo sconvolto da un sisma di magnitudo 6%2C centinaia di vittime7:Tooby/Sandbox4
7DerHexer8Cooperazione6Ciclismo: Simon Gerrans vince la Milano-Sanremo 20127:Cancella
Bot names are in dark red 
#Rv is revert actions, not reverted revisions (sometimes a revert action undoes several revisions).
Only reverts detected by sha1 match are considered here, not (partial) reverts only detectable via comments.
Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

Wikinews sites are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Friday January 13, 2017 17:28 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Saturday December 31, 2016

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
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