Wikibook Statistics - Edit and Revert Trends: Portuguese

Tuesday January 31, 2017

  May 2016: The major overhaul of Wikistats reports has entered a new phase.  

  First phase focused on migrating the traffic analysis reports to our new infrastructure. Those are operational now.  
  The Analytics Team will now proceed to also migrate data collection and reporting about wiki content and contributors.  
  First results are expected later this year.  

  More info at this announcement
  You can see the first wireframes for Wikistats 2.0 and comment on the design here.

Edit history charts for top 50 Wikibooks / ... for all Wikibooks / Edit and revert counts for all Wikibooks

Projects indexed by language / language code / edit countToggle index
Afar, Afrikaans, Akan, Albanian, Alemannic, All languages, Anglo-Saxon, Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Asturian, Aymara, Azeri, Bambara, Basque, Belarusian, Bengali, Bislama, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chamorro, Chinese, Chuvash, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, Georgian, German, Gothic, Greek, Guarani, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Interlingua, Interlingue, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Kashmiri, Kazakh, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish, Kyrghyz, Latin, Latvian, Lingala, Lithuanian, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Marathi, Min Nan, Mongolian, Nahuatl, Nauruan, Nepali, Northern Sami, Norwegian, Occitan, Pashto, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbian, Simple English, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Volapük, Walloon, Welsh, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zhuang, Zulu

Monthly trend in number of edits

Also shown is monthly trend for total reverts, for scale comparison

Chart shows absolute numbers (y axis scale shows number of edits relative (%) to busiest month)

Plot Edits   Plot Edits

Monthly trend in revert activity, relative to edit volume

Per x edits, were anonymous edits reverted more often than edits by bots or by registered users?

Chart shows ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Note: often peaks in revert ratio in early years are not so significant as in later years:
low absolute edit counts easily led to high fluctuations in revert ratio.

Plot Reverts   Plot Reverts

Revert ratio is ratio reverts:edits per class of editors (registered or anonymous users or bots).
Only reverts detected by sha1 matching are considered here, not (partial) manual reverts only detectable by edit comment.

Reverts is less than reverted edits! Sometimes several edits are undone with one revert.
Reverts broken down by number of reverted edits: 1 edit:60%, 2 edits:22%, 3 edits:3%, 4 edits:1%, 5 edits:1%, >5 edits:13%

When several revisions were reverted in one action, the oldest reverted revision determines editor class (and coloring):
is this a reverted user edit (reg/anon) or a reverted bot edit?

Distribution of reverts

Breakdown per namespace, type of reverted editor (registered or anonymous user or bot), type of reverter (same), was it a self revert or not, per time period.
Note: a high percentage in any segment can relate to a high absolute number of edits for that segment, or a high revert ratio, or both (please consult charts above for context)
.Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

 Distribution of reverts, each subdivision adds up to 100%
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles30.9%Reg user15.6%Reg user92.3%Self55.3%
Anon user4.5%
Anon user76.8%Reg user89.0%
Anon user8.5%Self71.6%
Bot2.3%Reg user25.6%
Anon user2.3%
Unknown5.2%Reg User81.9%
Anon User16.0%
69.1%Reg user6.2%
Anon user1.7%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, each percentage is share of total reverts
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
Articles30.9%Reg user4.8%Reg user4.5%Self2.5%
Anon user0.2%
Anon user23.7%Reg user21.1%
Anon user2.0%Self1.4%
Bot0.7%Reg user0.2%
Anon user0.0%
Unknown1.6%Reg User1.3%
Anon User0.3%
69.1%Reg user4.3%
Anon user1.2%
Unknown = comments mentions (partial) revert, but no sha1 match
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous
 Distribution of reverts, per year and type
 totals reverts per year
3513 k8 k7527176251 k2 k1 k8852 k66310419

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are share
 of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
Namespace(s)Reverted editorRevert bySelf revert
 Reg user16.5%Reg user15.2%Self8.4%
Anon user0.7%
Anon user81.0%Reg user72.1%
Anon user6.9%Self4.9%
Bot2.5%Reg user0.6%
Anon user0.1%
Reg = registered, Anon = anonymous

 Distribution of reverts, like table above, but percentages are
 share of sha1 detected reverts only, for article namespace only
 totals reverts per year
238028416775934828881 k1 k6421 k4726813

Top Rankings

 Most Active Reverters  Most Reverted Editors  Most Reverted Articles  Most Reverted Other Non-Project Pages 
# Rv User/Bot # Rv User/Bot # Rv Article # RvPage
1874Marcos Antônio Nunes de Moura190He7d3r.bot97Matemática elementar/Expressões algébricas66User talk:He7d3r/Arquivo LQT 1
1076Jorge Morais179Raylton P. Sousa82Matemática para concursos/Regra de três simples e regra de três composta30Template:Tnavbar
988He7d3r168He7d3r78Matemática elementar/Fatoração de um polinômio29Template:Referências
588Defender82Rotlimena78MS-DOS/Lista de comandos29Template:Manutenção do Wikilivros/Navegação
345He7d3r.bot43Abacaxi75Português/Classificação das palavras/Verbos/Modo Indicativo26Template:Ref-section
323MGFE Júnior43Marcos Antônio Nunes de Moura70Português/Verbos Irregulares/Conjugação de verbos irregulares (terminação ER)25Template:Desambiguação
276Abacaxi38Guiwp61Introdução à Química/Características dos átomos23Template:Referência/core
274Raylton P. Sousa28Jorge Morais58Introdução à Química/Evolução do modelo atô
140Albmont22Alguém57Português/Classificação das palavras/Pronomes18Template:AutoNav/Moderna
133SallesNeto BR21MGFE Júnior53Português/Classificação das palavras/Advérbios18Template:Sim
132Dante Cardoso Pinto de Almeida19CommonsDelinker51Português/Classificação das palavras/Verbos/Modo Imperativo18MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition
99Matiia17GArantes51Português/Semântica/Sinónimos e Antónimos17Help:Como iniciar uma página
95RadiX16Liquiron51Português/Classificação das palavras/Substantivos/Classificação dos substantivos16Template:Não
95Syum9016Dante Cardoso Pinto de Almeida50Matemática elementar/Conjuntos/Números racionais16User:Raylton P. Sousa
91Wutsje16Alustriel47Matemática elementar/Geometria plana/Polígonos15:Book
58Sir Lestaty de Lioncourt15Pedro Rito44Matemática elementar/Geometria plana/Triângulos15Template:Referência a livro
56Guiwp13Lightningspirit42Português/Período composto/Orações subordinadas/Substantivas15MediaWiki:Sitenotice
48Luckas Blade13Mariana Zef41Introdução à Química/Ácidos e bases15Help:Como editar uma página
46PatríciaR13Master37Matemática elementar/Conjuntos15User:Raylton P. Sousa/common.css
44Savh13Ribafs36Como fazer um currículo13Template:Correlatos
40Rotlimena12Treas2535Inglês/Gramática/Verbos/Simple present11User:Raylton P. Sousa/common.js
36Érico11Albmont35Estado moderno10Template:FPM
35Alguém11Benjamin Elielson Oliveira Santos35Matemática elementar/Polinômios10Template:AutoCat
33Edudobay11Thiago Marcel34Bichos da mata/Onça-pintada9Template:Referência
27Tegel10MaskedAce34Matemática elementar/Matrizes9User:Dante Cardoso Pinto de Almeida
27Teles10SallesNeto BR33Português/Período composto/Orações subordinadas/Adverbiais9User talk:Albmont/Arquivo LQT 1
26Frigotoni10177.200.211.6831Livro de receitas8Help:Como iniciar um livro
25Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton9Waltter Manoel da Silva wkli31Introdução à física/Fenômenos ondulatórios8User:Jorge Morais
24OS2Warp9João Paulo Santos31Português/Semântica/Palavras Homónimas8Template:NumBlk
21Master9Faduart29Geografia do Brasil/Capa8User talk:Marcos Antônio Nunes de Moura/Arquivo LQT 1
21Faduart9Ligia29Matemática elementar/Conjuntos/Números naturais8User:Vapmachado
20Voz da Verdade8Daniel Souza27Inglês/Gramática/Verbos/Passado simples8Template:Navegação/Simples e dinâmica
18Analfabeta7ACSiravenha27Biologia celular/O que é uma célula7Help:Validação de páginas
17Mathonius7Erico26Introdução à Química/Aplicações de ácidos%2C bases%2C sais e óxidos7Template:Abas
17Ks-M97189.99.126.11526Truques de cartas/Truques básicos7Help:Conteúdos
15Ozymandias7200.216.236.226Matemática elementar/Exponenciais7MediaWiki:Sidebar
15Codeks7Andrerjorge25Inglês/Gramática/Pronomes7Template:Ligação para predefinição
14Alan7201.8.222.21424Português/Termos essenciais/Predicado7MediaWiki:Common.js
14Pedro Rito7JoaoRGouveia24Português/Classificação das palavras/Conjunções6Template:Referência/doc
13Mariana Zef741.78.18.13824Introdução à física/Conceitos introdutórios6Template:Índice
13Alustriel6Rogeriofox23Introdução à Biologia/Ecologia/Principais ecossistemas do Brasil6MediaWiki:Edittools2
13Daniel Souza6Thiago Albernaz23Java/Criando e executando o primeiro programa6:Usuário Discussã Profissões pelo mundo'.
13Felipearaldi6José Marcelo Kliemann22Curso de PHP/Exercícios6Template:Cifra/Core
12LlamaAl6189.8.69.3922Matemática elementar/Estatística6Help:Livros
12Igna6201.58.136.1022Matemática elementar/Conjuntos/Números reais6Template:Etapa
12Lightningspirit6201.1.68.20821Livro de acordes/Piano e teclado6User talk:Marcelo Reis~ptwikibooks/Arquivo LQT 1
11MaskedAce6200.198.42.17021Português/Classificação das palavras/Pronomes/Pessoais6Template:Descrição
11Ribafs6Sonicant21Introdução à Química/Combustíveis fósseis6Template:Ombox
11Benjamin Elielson Oliveira Santos6Marciomr21Livro de receitas/Sabão em barra caseiro5Template:Projetos irmãos
11Ajraddatz5Altadeu20Introdução à física/Cinemática/Movimento5User:João R/Rascunhos
Bot names are in dark red 
#Rv is revert actions, not reverted revisions (sometimes a revert action undoes several revisions).
Only reverts detected by sha1 match are considered here, not (partial) reverts only detectable via comments.
Projects pages are excluded due to enormous amount of false positives: some status pages are cleared often as normal process

Wikibooks are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Generated on Tuesday February 14, 2017 12:39 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Tuesday January 31, 2017

Please note that the lengthy dump process (many weeks) means a delay in publishing these statistics is always to be expected.

Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)
Mail:ezachte@### (no spam: ### =
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

Charts rendered with R

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