
Montag 31 Dezember 2018
Asturianu | български | Brezhoneg | Català | čeština | Dansk | English | Esperanto | Español | Français | עברית | Magyar | Bahasa Indonesia
Italiano | 日本語 | Nederlands | Nynorsk | Polski | Português | Română | Русский | Slovenčina | Slovenščina | Српски | Svenska | Walon | 中文

Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here


Wikivoyage sites

Column added: 'Months since 3 or more active editors'. Sort by duration of inactivity
12 out of 19 listed wikis were active (3+ active editors) in last month, 16 in last 3 months, 16 in last 12 months. See also activity charts.

Views/hrArtikelLast activeΣAlle nWebsite  Tabellen Diagramme
?28,852Dec 2018enEnglishWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?16,545Dec 2018deDeutschWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?7,619Dec 2018itItalienischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?7,407Dec 2018frFranzösischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?5,438Dec 2018ruRussischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?6,946Dec 2018plPolnischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?2,524Dec 2018esSpanischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?2,972Dec 2018zhChinesischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?2,072Dec 2018heHebräischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?3,671Dec 2018nlNiederländischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?8,674Dec 2018faPersischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?3,624Nov 2018ptPortugiesischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?1,624Aug 2015viVietnamesischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?1,408Nov 2018elGriechischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?1,522Oct 2017svSchwedischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?779Dec 2018ukUkrainischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
?917Aug 2016roRumänischWebsite Summary Tabellen Diagramme
Views/hrArtikelLast activeΣAlle nWebsite  Tabellen Diagramme

Auch generiert

Combined activity on all projects
Activity = article edits + uploads to Commons
Statistics for WikibooksSummary
Statistics for WikiwörterbücherSummary
Statistics for WikinewsSummary
Statistics for WikipediasSummary
Statistics for WikiquotesSummary
Statistics for WikisourceSummary
Statistics for WikiversitiesSummary
Statistics for WikispecialSummary
Kategorienübersicht der Wikivoyages 
Top 100 articles ranked by archive size  by edit count 
Wikimedia growth 
Mailing list activity: All lists / Power posters 
Job progress: Database dumps / Data gathering 


ÜbersichtTabellen & Diagramme
Gegenwärtiger StatusTabellen
Bot activity article editingTabellen
Bot activity article creationTabellen
Neue WikivoyagersTabellen
Aktive WikivoyagersTabellen
Sehr aktive WikivoyagersTabellen
Anzahl Artikel (offiziell)Tabellen
Neue Artikel pro TagTabellen
Bearbeitungen pro ArtikelTabellen
Bytes pro ArtikelTabellen
Bearbeitungen pro Monat/TagTabellen
Gesamtgröße aller ArtikelTabellen
Interne LinksTabellen
Links zu anderen Wikimedia-SeitenTabellen

Wikivoyage sites are ordered by hourly page views in recent days
Erzeugt am Freitag 1 Februar 2019 00:34 (final run) aus dem SQL-Dump vom Montag 31 Dezember 2018

Autor:Erik Zachte (2002-Jan 2019) (Website)
Mail:erikzachte@### (no spam: ### =
Documentation / Scripts / CSV files: About WikiStats

You can download the English version of these reports here (also download
You can download aggregated data here

All data and images on this page are in the public domain.